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Mio Vespucciano

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Everything posted by Mio Vespucciano

  1. I believe quite a few RP SIM's run a lot heavier than others. Especially if you factor in the avatars that are all RPing in which quite a few are equiping additional attachments that are usually scripted. It eventually adds up when you have lots of players on the SIM. The Freezes that you are experiencing may be a result of "lag spikes" generated on the SIM. (someone Tp's into the SIM or Tp's out of the SIM with high scripts) This has an impact on the server and the results are frequent pauses that everyone on that SIM experiences. You could check your script count and make sure that you are not running high scripts yourself. I think anything below 100 is pretty ideal. The client interuption as far as the white and black screens you're experience is more than likely because of excessive packet loss, which normally results in crashes shortly after. You can confirm all of this by enabling your Statistics Bar and analysis the performance of your computer as well as the performance of the Secondlife World. I would pay close attention to the following on this bar. To view the Statistics Bar, choose View > Statistics Bar. or Cntrl + Shift + 1 Basics FPS - The number of times per second your computer is redrawing(or refreshing) what's on the screen. Higher numbers are better. A framerate between 15-30 frames per second (FPS) is about as smooth as broadcast television. Packet Loss - The amount of data being lost as it travels between your computer and the server. Any nonzero packet loss is bad; packetloss above 10% is very bad. Packet loss might be caused by a dying server (in which case everyone in the region would be experiencing it), a bad connection between you and Second Life (possibly a bad router between your ISP and Second Life, or congestion at your ISP), or problems on your local network (wireless networking, or internet security or firewall software on your computer). Ping SIM - How long it takes data to go from your computer to the region you're currently in. This is largely dependent on your connection to the Internet. If Ping Sim is high but Ping User is not, the server might be having problems. SIMULATOR Time Dialation - The physics simulation rate relative to realtime. 1.0 means that the simulator is running at full speed; 0.5 means that physics are running at half-speed. SIM FPS - The simulator frame rate. This should now always be the same as the physics frame rate -- 45.0 when things are running well. ACTIVE SCRIPTS - The number of running scripts that are currently on the simulator, including scripts attached to agents and objects. PACKETS IN - UDP packets being received by the simulator. Perhaps this should give you some pretty good ideals. Good luck ^.^
  2. You can also try setting a home location. This way, you will always be sure that you will TP back to the same location on some missdirects. If you do not currently own your own land then you can set your home the following 2 ways: Set home to a land owned by a group you're in. You may have to activate the group tag to set Home there. The land can be set or deeded to the group. Set home to any official Mainland or Infohubs/welcome area owned by Linden Lab. To set your Home: Move your avatar to the chosen location. Use World > Set Home To Here. A message appears confirming if your home is set successfully.
  3. Seems like an issue with port forwarding. Are you able to get voice with no problem using your new router? I would suggest trying a standalone connection first and bypass the router to be certain of isolating the problem directly to the router or perhaps if it's a firewall problem on your OS. If all goes well there, then see if you need to open an outbound UDP port for 5062 as D-link may have Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) preset to default standards which would interupt outgoing UDP traffic. Keep in mind that Second Life servers do not establish inbound TCP connections to client systems running the Second Life Viewer software. Instead, they use the "request / response" message pattern. So it may resolve if you try opening UDP outbound access ports and activate outbound UDP for ports 53, 3478, 3479, 5060, 5062, and 12000-29999. See if that helps, good luck. ^.^
  4. It would probably help a little more if we could see the exact error message that you are receiving. This way some sort of resolution could be given more easily. You could also make sure that all of your OS updates are current.
  5. INSILICO CLICK HERE TO VISIT INSILICO. Insilico is a sci-fi cyberpunk dystopia floating metropolis in the sky. A massive 5 connecting SIM's that will blow your mind. This SIM is geared toward a very active RP environment set in the 25th century. Many say the SIM is akin to Blade Runner. Visit Insilico and you will not be disappointed in this amazing multi-regional futuristic environment.
  6. Thank you for this great explanation Suella. Your thread is highly informative. :smileyhappy: <(^.^<)
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