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Lera Keng

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Posts posted by Lera Keng

  1. I posted on another thread about this same thing but I am glad several ppl have put screenshots to demonstrate. As result I have added ADblock to my browser (thanks to those who suggested it in both threads) but prior to that I did notice that the ads do not always show up!! The site does however have the placeholder spaces at the top and right side no matter what and that is a nuisance as well.  My main concern (as mentioned by others as well), is that it is only advertising within the dashboard (logged in area) of the SL website and not the public areas.  Just raised an alarm to me and I thought it might be hacked too or that it was my account or computer with trouble until I confirmed it through friends and forums posts (I checked the code too and saw it was legit later but it still looks crummy and hastily done). :/


  2. I couldn't agree more with what Madeliefeste said!

    I use the marketplace as a catalog to view and discover stores without the added hassle of  the in world search, grid travel and the issues therein from day to day. But once I find something on MP I go visit the store itself to purchase.  I also prefer to give the store 100% of its well deserved revenue. 

    But in my opinion the MP is much more convenient, typically faster than rezzing an entire store (and walking it) and for the most part  it is less difficult to find things via MP search than in world search.  If the store does not have an in world presence then 9 times out of 10 I will not buy from them. This is for several reasons including that I like to demo items first (if available or applicable), I like to see the place I am buying from to get a feel for the designer and their style and finally because I believe that every merchant in SL should maintain some physical presence in SL even if only 30 prims and the cheapest available. It tells me that they are not just here to make a quick buck and/or generally absent from SL and for service reasons that is important to me as well.  (I should also mention that I have come across several IP violators on the MP (IE. people selling copybot-ed or otherwise illegally obtained merchandise) and every one of them did not have a physical store in SL. I know this is not always the case and I am not presuming that everyone without an SL store is doing nefarious deeds but it does make one more cautious.)

    As far as I am concerned, as a customer and a store owner, the MP is a useful tool for business marketing and customer convenience.  But I would never rely solely on the marketplace and deny myself or the designer a visit to their store (bringing them traffic and 'tax' free money) .

  3. I agree - it slides my whole dashboard down about an inch and I don't like it. Not only that but I do not see it until I login to the website... this concerns me. If LL wants to plaster their public website with baloney ads then that is their business but from what I can tell they are not allowing these ads on their public website...just within the login area like the dashboard.  I do not like this and I would like to be able to OPT OUT.  While these ads may bring LL more change to juggle in their pockets I do not appreciate being marketed to while logged in to my dashboard.  And as one person mentioned - what is next? Non-SL related in world advertising? Are they selling our info to marketers?


    Honestly they can't be bothered to have an ALERTS area on the dashboard to tell everyone SL news (rather than us searching all over to find out what is going on) but they can add junk advertising. :/ Pathetic.

  4. Ok thanks for the info - I had never seen an obj file in its 'raw' format so I wasn't sure how it worked. I figured all those coordinates represented vertices but I was not sure how to use that (never occurred to me to right click and save it which what I usually do anyhow).

    As for the mtl files, I was simply pointing out that they looked the same - I have no need for mtl files. I stated before, I am looking for the improved objs but the mtls are listed in the same place as well and I thought worth mentioning since the OP brought it up.

    But the link there "Improved Second Life avatar meshes for 3D texture painting"  is still a broken/incorrect link that someone should correct/update for the wiki.

  5. Hello all, I know this is a late reply but I just went to the wiki ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials ) to download those cleaned up versions of the OBJ avatar models from Chosen Few and the link listed (Improved Second Life avatar meshes for 3D texture painting ) only sends me to a 'search'  with no files there to DL.

    I then tried clicking on the links below which are also on the wiki:

    These are just lists of coordinates/numbers and I have no idea how I am to use these as obj or mtl files!

    Would someone please direct me to the current location of the Improved SL AV meshes? I want to use a 3D painting program but I really need the best and current objs!

    Also, if you do know the current location then you might want to update the wiki as well! :)

    Thank you!


  6. Here is the info I got when I reported this same inaccuracy a few weeks ago (on this subject and some of the other filters).

    "Thank you for contacting Customer Support regarding an issue on the Second Life Marketplace.

    Search and sorting issues are known problems on the Second Life Marketplace web site.

    For additional information, please see the Second Life Jira Tickets, located here:




    You may add your comments to those existing Jira Tickets.

    You may also Watch the Jira Tickets to be notified of updates to the issue."

    Hope these JIRAs help you out!

  7. In short the review I believe you are referring to violates TOS. By reviewing the following Second Life documents (as show below), I believe you can flag that negative review as it is libelous by throwing a slanderous accusation at you with zero proof.

    And I would definately add to your comment on the review as well - quite simply it violates TOS and is harrassing, misleading, libelous and defamatory without proof (if there had been proof then it should be been addressed appropriately through the proper channels and not in a marketplace review).  BTW, I went ahead and added my comments to the item as well!

    According to Writing item reviews on the Marketplace

    "Anyone can flag a review if it violates the TOS or Listing Guidelines. Marketplace support staff will investigate and take necessary action. See Flagging an Item on the Marketplace for specific instructions."

    Most importantly one should note:

    "3. Reviews must not violate the Second Life Terms of Service or Marketplace Listing Guidelines in any way."

    Now accord to TOS, Section 8 Conduct by Users of Second Life:


    "8.1 You agree to abide by certain rules of conduct, including the Community Standards and other rules prohibiting illegal and other practices that Linden Lab deems harmful.

    You agree to read and comply with the Community Standards posted on the applicable areas of the Websites.

    8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

    ...  (v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy; "

  8. Darrius,

    I think many people agree that DD is an ambitious project - and if DD worked (or will eventually work) as it was reportedly designed it would be far superior to magic boxes. There is no doubt that it will solve many problems that have existed for some time.

    But the reality of DD right now is a serious marketplace problem far worse than what was happening prior to this date with magic boxes.  It appears untested and rushed (even though we all know it was beta tested).  And now merchants are faced with even more nightmarish headaches rather than a functioning system with some bugs (some bugs are bound to pop-up afterall).

    DD as it was advertised to us is still a pipedream at this point.

  9. I am with Josh on this one - not surprised by this massive implementation failure.  Look at the LL track record on implementation and it speaks for itself. They must have the absolute poorest testing environment then allow changes on the fly without testing approvals or checks THEN all this crap manages to slip through beta?!  Seriously piss poor testing.  Tends to point towards them not actually testing anything they implement - it is like beta testing is a workshop for what works then they implement that along with a crap-load more code that is untested.

    IMO Second Life IS the test enviroment.  They call themselves a research company afterall - gotta wonder why.

  10. Thanks Tatiana for the JIRA link - it is strange though that my relevance seemed to be pertinent until recently (at least when I looked at my own store - I can't say for the rest of marketplace except that is never seemed to fucntion correctly and I had heard that it was wrong but I had no way to compare results without knowing other merchants sales data).

    There is still remains filtering inaccuracies with the other filters that I had not seen happen before - and I had used these filters before with correct results particularly the pricing (on all kinds of marketplace searches) and alphabetizing.

    Since I have applied these filters to general searches on marketplace several times in the past several days, I see many inaccurate returns for the filters that I did not see before. And I believe that if my own store data is returning incorrect information for best selling filtering that it is also reporting it incorrectly on the marketplace as a whole. This affects all sales data and searches - not just my own.

    I have submitted a report ticket but I posted in this thread because I wanted to know if other people were inexperiencing the same difficulties with filtering of all kinds.


  11. Hi Zanara,

    If what you say is true now then default relevance in my store is STILL inaccurate as the items that are showing up first are definitely NOT the ones I sold today or yesterday or even the days before or during last week.

    According to LL this is relevance:

    "We keep our search relevancy formula private to prevent people from gaming the system. However, we can tell you that the formula includes:

    • Average rating
    • Past sales over a chosen time period
    • Sales rank
    • Search term matching"

    True or not that is what they say about it in the knowledge base (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-market-your-products/ta-p/700181#Section_.2.4).

    And up until last week, when I looked at my store default filter relevance - it was in order by best selling + highest reviewed. When looking at ones own store with zero search parameters that made sense to me. Now it is just willy nilly with seemingly no basis for any of the reported data.

    I am just trying to figure out why all of a sudden everything with the filters seems to have gone goofy when they were working appropriately just weeks before.



  12. Hello,

    I have noticed in past week that search filters have gone crazy and are not reporting things accurately! Is anyone else noticing what I describe below:

    When I look at my store with the default relevance even that is not correct as my highest reviewed items and best sellers are placed randomly in the list.  When I sort my own store by best selling it is showing my best sellers on the last pages! Try price sorting - I have price numbers jumping from 75 to 55 to 65 to 55 to 45 to 55 to 40.... highly illogical number sorting and the same holds true if you reverse the sort. I tried this with general searches on the marketplace and in other merchant stores too.  This inaccurate sorting happens all over MP -  mixed up numbers and if alphabetized it is not reporting letters in proper order (and I am talk things like alphabetize A to Z with Black coming before Basic no strange characters or symbols involved at all). With thorough searching and filtering checks you can find things going sideways with all of the aforementioned filters. It may not be apparent from page one in some cases but flip a few pages and keep looking - eventually you will see what I am talking about.

    Namely, my concern is because my marketplace sales have dropped considerably and now when I do searches I have to dig to find my most relevant, highly reviewed and best selling items. And they are showing up after other items of mine that should be in lower places on a default relevance search. These same items used to show up within the top 5 pages of certain searches and have for some time until last week.  It seems that the order of my items in a relevance search on MP are showing up in the order they appear on my store page with the same search (which again is completely inaccurate to the reported data).

    Has anyone else noticed some of what I am describing or do you see it now that I have pointed it out??

  13. Thank you for the info, replies and links!

    I followed those links to the wiki (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Dash_Deal_Test_Program) which is what told me that the application program closed March 28th anyhow.  Gee they can send us fashion show event junk mail, advertising for DashDeals but not email us to let us know that something has been flagged and de-listed, or reviewed or any number of important things.  I read this as well:

    "We will be considering various factors when selecting the items to feature, including popularity of the product and brand on Marketplace and the potential to appeal to a wide audience. We will be focusing on a diverse set of products for the purposes of this test."

    Who makes this junk up? 

    Sorry small or unknown business owners who possibly haven't sold too much on Marketplace and those who sell things under a certain price-mark $L - I guess we are again excluded. Heck even if I wanted to sell in the Dash Deal my bestseller is 60L then with the 50% off sale for 24hrs and the 50% commission from LL, I would make a cool 15L per unit sold!  Yay :P

    I am going filter that DashDeal email to spam.

  14. I have just read about this DashDeal through the email that was sent out.  I took a look at the blog posted about it which has very little information for merchants about how the dash deal is operated other than:

    "Hand-picked by the Linden team from Merchant submissions"

    Exactly how/where are merchants submitting their products??  Is there a place in Marketplace to sumit because I cannot locate any information within Marketplace about DashDeals - or is it a separate place entirely?

    It is very discriminatory of them to not give EVERY merchant on the Marketplace an opportunity to submit a product on this test program.  This could be an excellent opportunity for small businesses to get good exposure for their items (granted all the posts above about the reported email delays and other caveats). 

    My two cents - It seems the only thing that gets added to Marketplace is more ways for them to make money and not actual fixes to the inherent problems therein that cause sales to plummet and deliveries to fail thereby pissing off the very consumers they want to attract to the Marketplace.  All those things that have little to do with merchants but hurt our reputations/sales nonetheless.

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