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Emms Inglewood

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  1. I have just downloaded windows 10 onto my laptop ,and can no longer log into sl , can you give me any help to sort out the problem , thanks
  2. i am club events host for AfterShock ,and i am having problems getting the events to post ,i have been giving rights on the clubs land,,but none of the events i post appear in the listings or notices ,can you give me any infomation to help solve this problem .
  3. thanks so very much for your help , His avatar is back to normal again . Going to make a folder for myself now , before this happens to me .once again THANK YOU . Emms
  4. My friend  is having  problems  with his  avatar not rezzing  properly. when  he  trys to edit appearance  ,there is  no edit  appearance in the box ,he can not  change skin, shape , clothes , and his avatar is  the size  of a child. Can  anyone help  !!!
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