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Opensource Obscure

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Everything posted by Opensource Obscure

  1. Acheron Gloom wrote: Don't like something Firestorm does >> get mad at linden labs >> never comes back ((say thanks for the replies? admit error?? no way!))
  2. the bug fix for this problem is ready, and will be released in these days or next week. More details: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7169 (look for Stone Linden's reply)
  3. FWIW I agree - Wifi seems to be the cause of such issues.
  4. Luschious Nightfire wrote: Sometimes I feel like I am the only person that actually likes V2 and the sidebar. I honestly cannot fathom why all the hate for v2? As a software developer I understand that adopting a new interface is a challenge for users, that is why I took the time and forced myself to use V2 for at least 2 weeks, and after that I'm affraid I was hooked. You're not the only one to like it: I had always hated multiple floaters all around the screen in Viewer 1.x. Maybe as a software developer you're more aware -with respect to normal users- that interfaces can be worked on improved (eg by adding optional different behaviour). The V2/3 haters often claimed the whole viewer should be abandoned just because "it has the sidebar". Constructive feedback can instead lead to new features (sidebar tabs were not detacheable in V2.0, that happened later) and/or patches (as shown here), which again lead to noticeable improvements.
  5. (tratto dal mio blog) Entro alcuni mesi, gli utenti di Second Life che usano il Marketplace per vendere e acquistare oggetti potranno usare un nuovo sistema di distribuzione, che gradualmente rimpiazzerà le attuali "Magic Box". Si tratta della Direct Delivery, o "consegna diretta". Nell'inventario degli utenti di Second Life sarà creata una nuova, apposita cartella di sistema per gli oggetti in arrivo. In questa cartella principale verranno recapitati gli oggetti acquistati sul Marketplace. Non sarà necessario che i clienti siano in-world per ricevere gli articoli, e non dovrebbero esserci problemi in caso di Rolling Restart in corso. Dal punto di vista dei clienti, il nuovo sistema Direct Delivery promette di essere più semplice: non sarà più necessario rezzare la scatola e copiarne i contenuti nell'inventario prima di poter accedere ai prodotti acquistati veri e propri. Questa procedura, a cui molti utenti di Second Life sono abituati, è macchinosa e può mettere in difficoltà i nuovi utenti. Analogamente i venditori non dovranno più usare le Magic Box, bensì copieranno la cartella del prodotto da vendere dentro la cartella Outgoing Items. Questa è una seconda nuova cartella di sistema che apparirà nell'inventario di Second Life con l'introduzione del sistema Direct Delivery. La copia sarà effettuata una sola volta. Nella fase iniziale, la cui durata non è ancora stata definita, si potranno continuare a usare le Magic Box e il sistema Direct Delivery sarà disponibile in modo parallelo e opzionalmente. Maggiori informazioni (in inglese) nella pagina delle FAQ. In futuro verra probabilmente anche aggiornata la pagina nella documentazione ufficiale di Second Life, la Knowledge Base. Quest'ultima comprende anche diverse pagine in italiano su vari argomenti di Second Life, ma attualmente nessuna di esse riguarda il Marketplace. Dal 26 agosto 2011 è disponibile un viewer di test, da usare su Aditi, la Beta Grid di Second Life. Gli installer possono essere scaricati dalla pagina dei viewer alternativi di Linden Lab. I negozianti che usano il Marketplace e intendono adottare velocemente il nuovo sistema Direct Delivery possono iniziare fin d'ora a darci un'occhiata installando questo programma e loggandosi su Aditi. La grid di Second Life in cui entrare viene specificata al momento del login. È necessario che il proprio viewer sia in modalità Advanced e non Basic; tramite Preferenze > Avanzate si abilita l'opzione per mostrare alla schermata di login il menu di scelta della grid. Fare login su "Agni" per la Main Grid ovvero la normale Second Life e su "Aditi" per la Preview o Beta Grid.
  6. mmm, should I have placed this into http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/bd-p/LSLScriptingLibrary instead of here? to those who can move posts...feel free to move this to the most appropriate section.
  7. I'm happy to share that the experiment is going well. I added many users to my friendlist and had good conversations with them on my.secondlife.com. Overall, after a few weeks, I see definitively more activity on my.secondlife.com. Also good - new features have been added: for example now you can set your Feed so that everybody can read it, but only your Friends (or nobody at all apart you) can post or comment over it: https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy -> Post on your Feed
  8. Kelly Linden recently shared with Second Life users a new script that demoes potential of HTML on a HUD, with some advanced features, and use of the new llSetContentType() LSL function. Here is it: wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HTML_HUD_Demo Kelly presented this script during latest Server Beta User group, so for some more details you can dig that meeting transcript (CTRL-F, search for 'kelly'): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-08-25
  9. RedEagle87 wrote: I am developing a HUD (head up display) using Media on prim.  Not directly related to your requests, but I think you want to see this anyway - Kelly Linden recently shared with Second Life users a new script that demoes HTML on a HUD: wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HTML_HUD_Demo
  10. non so dove avevo la testa - il fatto è anche che io uso intenzionalmente my.secondlife.com in Inglese - in ogni caso...la traduzione italiana c'è già, e se non appare automaticamente basta scegliere la lingua desiderata (in basso, in ogni pagina di my.secondlife.com). =)
  11. Ry0ta Exonar wrote: Purtroppo non esiste un tutoriale italiano su knowledge base qui. Ma non ti serve la traduzione al di sotto? http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=auto&tl=it&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.secondlife.com%2Ft5%2FEnglish-Knowledge-Base%2FSelling-in-the-Marketplace%2Fta-p%2F700193 Automated translators don't always work well with Italian (I guess you're not Italian). Result is often hilarious, but not always helpful. Worst, in this specific case some Second Life terms are translated which shouldn't actually be translated ("Magic Box", "Marketplace Team"...), and that can create confusion in new, non-expert users. Immagino che a Callzona possa andar bene anche un tutorial anche non ufficiale...ed è possibile che ne esistano, al di fuori del Knowledge Base.
  12. my.secondlife.com, la parte web di Second Life che ospita i nostri profili utente e il Feed, non è ancora stato tradotto in Italiano. Il sito include diverse opzioni, tra cui un'apposita sezione dedicata alla privacy del nostro profilo. Si tratta di un argomento delicato e importante, e di conseguenza è particolarmente urgente che i contenuti siano comprensibili anche a chi non conosce l'inglese. Irene Muni ha creato su JIRA, il bug tracker di Second Life, una richiesta ufficiale per tradurre il sito my.secondlife.com. Potete supportare questa richiesta facendo login su JIRA (usate il vostro account SL), andando su https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4088 e poi cliccando "Watch" (è un link sulla destra). Ricordate che il numero di persone che seguono ("Watch") uno specifico bug report su JIRA non determina direttamente se e quando il bug report verrà risolto o la richiesta verrà accolta. Linden Lab prende in considerazione il numero di persone interessate, ma ci sono altri fattori importanti - quante risorse sono necessarie, se e quanto la richiesta è coerente con i piani in atto per Second Life, eventuali controindicazioni che gli utenti possono non conoscere, eccetera.
  13. Irene Muni wrote: (traduzione di Google, sorry) almost incomprehensible. Not your fault, it's just that Italian is particularly hard to automatic translators. Constructive suggestion: next time just post the original version in English and ask for a translation. Feel free to contact me, even privately. I am available to translate into Italian, especially when the text is short like in this case. Translation issues apart, thanks for the head-up!
  14. Shari Bing wrote: Other than the latest viewer which I believe is 2.0 ( something like this), which would be the best viewer available? Whatever you choose, be sure it can display Mesh - or at least, that that its developers plan to add Mesh support soon. BTW - since today, the latest official viewer is actually named 3.0. If compared to the earlier releases of last year, it's more user-friendly, especially if you customize your Preferences. If you go with a third-party viewer and something doesn't work, try the official viewer.
  15. credo che il cognome o "Last Name" vada inserito solo se si sta usando un programma alternativo e/o un programma obsoleto. Quei programmi hanno ancora due campi separati per First name e Last name. invece nel programma ufficiale da tempo c'è solo un campo per l'username. Lì non è necessario inserire il cognome se questo corrisponde a "Resident".
  16. A "Known issues" section exists in the Release Notes page which may have related information about rendering / alpha textures: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/2.8.3#Known_Issues Also see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-2181 (a bugfix exists for this issue, currently in development viewer only). With regard to chat text settings, does it revert everytime you restart the viewer? If yes it looks like a separate issue than https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1268
  17. Linda Brynner wrote: V2 is a very hated viewer and is being hardly used by the majorty because of both the UI and too many showstoppers for too many. This is well know. What i simply don't understand is why LL just keeps acting as if all is well. LL already answered multiple times to this. I don't think you don't understand the reasons, I think you don't agree. Which is legit, but you shouldn't assume that LL manage Second Life the way you like. I see you mention what the majority of SL users does. Do you have any reliable data about viewers usage? Can you link?
  18. I hope everybody reading here know that through Me > Preferences > General one can choose to see Display Names only, Usernames only, or both of them.
  19. WADE1 Jya wrote: I know facebook just doesn't disallow all avatars, or Second Life wouldn't be trying to connect everyone there. Linden Lab is trying to connect a part of the SL userbase with Facebook. This doesn't imply that Facebook accounts based upon SL data are legit. I'm not one of them but some Second Life users are 100% OK with revealing the connection between their SL and their RL identity. These accounts don't violate Facebook policy. Even it they were a small part of Facebook userbase, it would still be millions of people; so, it does make sense that Linden Lab take them into consideration by establishing ways to connect SL with Facebook. slightly offtopic: personally I think Rodvik has been clear enough, and the recent presentation by Brett Linden at SLCC confirmed it - no "Facebookification" of Second Life is going on. Still, it's a catchy word for those looking at new ways to whine against the evolution of Second Life.
  20. Ashtoreth Walpole wrote: I've noticed several 'prank' items sold on the marketplace which are designed to be used inworld to harrass and humiliate, an example being the fart follower and crapper which I've recently had used on me to ruin a visit to SL. Unless it's non-consensual and sexual, there's no way to flag up the abuse of TOS that these allow. What gives? When an item can be used in a legit, non-offensive or harmful way, there's no ToS violation in creating and selling it - or in using in a legit way. When the same item is used against other users -say, against their will- that's a ToS violation. Note that the owner of the item -not the creator or seller- is to blame. In such cases, file an Abuse Report against the person who used the item against you - not against the creator. Also some items exist that cannot be used without violating ToS; or Linden Lab may unilaterally decide that item can only be used to harass other users. In these (rare) cases, the item itself may be removed from Marketplace and the seller may get sanctions. Example: RedZone.
  21. HotRodJohnny Gears wrote: That's just it - in VWR 1 it only took ONE MOUSE CLICK But...VWR 1 supported a much more limited range of streams! No surprise the controls could be simpler. I'm obviously not forcing you to try Shared Media - but if you did, you probably already knew this. You can have much more different streams with Shared Media, so you need more complex controls. Could the interface elements for controlling media in VWR 2 be improved? yes they could. Those who have constructive ideas about how to do it, but don't know how to submit them to Linden Lab, can contact me and I'll give my help with JIRA. For those spreading false or out-of-date information, or suggesting other osers to use obsolete, feature-lacking clients that hold back Second Life innovation - I'll only have snarky replies.
  22. HotRodJohnny Gears wrote: What "more" button? Why do you need to know where is? Shared Media are useless for you, right? Anyway, a "More" button is present in Viewer 2 media controls. By clicking it, people enable or disable each single media stream. There's also a way to filter media streams on the same parcel you're in, streams outside that parcel, streams on other avatars. Ignoring how to use an up-to-date software, spreading old and out-of-date information about it, and suggesting other people to use an even older software? This hurts Second Life. Things like this have already hurted badly Second Life. :matte-motes-not-even:
  23. HotRodJohnny Gears wrote: VWR 2 has only one "play" button and it starts ALL media. What a mess that is. I guess you're not interested about it, but that's not correct: you can start or stop individual media with Viewer 2. That's what the "More" button is for. Just one of many wrong or out-of-date information still being spread about Viewer 2. like "you can't get rid of display names" (you can) like "chat popups everywhere" (disable them and live happy) like "you must use the sidebar" (just detach the panels) I guess some people think we're still at release 2.0. Many things changed since then. in Viewer . PS Mesh will be useless as well? that's really priceless. Thanks for the humor, forum commenters.
  24. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Opensource Obscure wrote: You mean Shared Media? What 1.x-based viewers fully support Shared Media? What do you need it for? It's useless! Yeah, sure. Useless Anyway. What 1.x-based viewers fully support the useless Shared Media?
  25. Shiori Carter wrote: its a feature added by those who have no clue what the use cases are, how people actualy use it. Plus the performance of 2.8 is amazinging twitchy, just clicking on an inventory item causes little hang ups. Lets just say, the user experience with V2 is enough to make you want to just leave, its suppose to get better, but by 2.8, the core experience has declined. I was at a live show, the vocals were totatly distorted, the performer asked does it sound ok, and someone said it sounded great. That exactlyl what you hear from people who think V2 is so great. I was at the local store yesterday in RL, and someone shouted VIEWER 2 IS GREAT then started shooting all people in the store. It's a miracle I'm still alive. Seriously, go somewhere else to create drama. Shiori Carter asked for help about an actual issue, and you're not helping.
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