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Opensource Obscure

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Everything posted by Opensource Obscure

  1. Vick, I think you made a mistake - it seems to me you're only taking into account the Search-related policy. I think you should also look at the Adult Content FAQs - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ - which state: Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the parcel is private. This means: Allow only a group or specific individuals access to the parcel. If it is group-access only, the group must not be freely open to join. Hide avatars (turn off avatar visibility) for the parcel. Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers. It seems you didn't take all these measures and if this is true, removal of Adult objects from your Moderate land makes sense. Nipples being "Adult objects"...that'd be a completely different topic, and it seems it's not what's debated here.
  2. also have a look at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6851 <- (sorry, i'm replying while in a hurry)
  3. domanda: ma se in seguito il suo account e' stato sospeso, riuscira' a fare login per venire qui a dircelo?
  4. altri consigli generici: verifica che il problema succeda anche con l'ultima versione del viewer ufficiale (se usi un altro programma potrebbe essere un bug risolto nelle versioni piu' recenti del programma ufficiale) usare connessioni wireless potrebbe contribuire al problema assicurati di aver provato a cancellare la cache
  5. crashing every few days is just normal with SL crash and login issues may be not related computer specs are probably useless for the login issue even if your password is complicated, that won't help if some already knows it your picture doesn't get enlarged so it's useless you should modify your post title into something more precise to get more help
  6. Ask in the Phoenix-Firestorm inworld group chat or http://www.phoenixviewer.com/support.php
  7. Surely this doesn't solve the problem, but if it's about using JIRA, feel free to contact me and I may help. https://my.secondlife.com/opensource.obscure <- leave a message there
  8. If you're using a wireless connection, that's probably the reason everything looks grey to you. Second Life is not officially supported on wireless connections as that often generates data transfer issues - textures don't load, and things look grey.
  9. I think more skins exist than you may think. I don't use skins but I saw plenty of color combinations around. I suggest you to avoid using 1.x viewers like Phoenix, they don't have a future and lack important features.
  10. Rendi pubblici i nomi delle land e dei gruppi che ti impediscono di accedere lecitamente e, se lo conosci, il nome del sistema "anti bot" che utilizzano. E' noto che i sistemi "anti bot" non sono efficaci come promettono: i malintenzionati sanno come aggirare questi sistemi. Peggio ancora, in questo caso evidentemente il sistema "anti bot" in questione sta funzionando male, generando falsi positivi, dato che impedisce a utenti legittimi come te di frequentare una land o partecipare alle attività di un gruppo. E' importante che chi gestisce una land o un gruppo sia a conoscenza del fatto, in modo che eviti di usare un sistema "anti bot" che se la prende con utenti legittimi. Ed è importante anche per noi utenti sapere di avere a che fare con land o gruppi che usano un sistema del genere, prono ad errori, e che rischia inutilmente di escluderci.
  11. Caius Septimus: Mesh is one of the biggest changes to Second Life. Minimizing its impact just showed willingness to be negative. Persephone Emerald: you didn't understand at all how Social Profiles work, thus your comment doesn't make any sense. Victor1st Mornington: ...you immediately signed to Premium just to use the sandboxes? That's hard to believe. Anyway you lost exactly nothing. la Marama: actually Premium sandboxes make a lot of sense for many Premium users. If you only have 512mq of land you're not going to do much with them as a sandbox, unless your only use of a sandbox is unpacking boxes. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot: some public LL sandboxes are unusable at times, but there's plenty of usable public sandboxes, which I daily use - with zero griefing acts. Anyone who has basic knowledge of Second Life can find a good sandbox - provided that she's interested in that and her only intent is not spreading negativity ("none of the new features [..] are worth anything" - this is priceless).
  12. Since a few weeks I have been collecting ideas and feedback about web profiles feeds / my.secondlife.com from Second Life residents who are using this new tool to communicate with other users. Below is the current list of suggestions. The up-to-date version lives at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/My.secondlife.com_User_Group and constitutes the discussion Agenda for the next user group meeting. We don't currently know when the meeting will have place. Nya, Viale and other Linden Lab employees are engaging in conversations with residents on the my.secondlife.com network itself. There's currently a poll based on 4 of these feature requests at http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com - go and choose your favorite one. LIST OF FEATURE REQUESTS FOR my.secondlife.com (Sept 8, 2011) Recently Released (these are already working)Cross-posting to Facebook Location tagging for posts, and Nearby feeds for regions Display Name and Profile Picture changes shown in feed Email notification now has a preview of the comment Privacy settings updated to separate read from write permissions on the feed "Follow" feature Language setting issues - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3984 (and others) - (we are currently investigating these) Behaviour & Reading https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3995 Opening web profile defaults to feed tab (bug acknowledged on Aug 30) option to show my own messages on Home option to "mute" (turn off notifications) for an individual thread (separate from 'hide', which anyway doesn't currently mute notifications) ability to disable getting a post to your home page everytime a friend changes display name - (it's definitely on the list) new tab showing activities from all my.secondlife.com users. This would make easier to spot active users. Best if it includes a filter for activities (eg: I may want to only see new posts but not comments, etc) Postingoption to edit a post or a comment option to hide from my profile a post I left on other users' profiles. Details basic text formatting (bold, italic at least) https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4070control+a ("select all text") does not work in new feed update input box; nor do control+left/right arrow, control+End or control+Homethese keyboard shortcuts do not work in the inworld browser either. This is a Webkit issue. Possibly related: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ability to "Undo" after removing posts/threads/comments @-replies, Twitter-style (autosuggestion and autocompletion). @usernamelinks to user's profileIf the mentioned user is a friend they should get a notification of the mention. Else it should just end up in a 'mentioned' tab/list. Interoperabilityinverse cross-posting: from Twitter / Plurk / etc. into the feed better link to Flickr so that pictures you post can show up in the feed, if you want it to more social network links (such as Facebook pages) a way to post what I share to my profile stream on my blog an RSS feed of our feed posts and Home feeds. That way we could use existing rss-to-blog or rss-to-twitter software an API so I could keep track of the feed in an external client https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3969 Profiles: When reposting to twitter, included URLs should auto-shorten (bug acknowledged on Aug 30) Messaginggroup chat - Maybe even a new kind of group that does not take a Second Life group slot Direct/Private message. IM is still the only way so far to share stuff with just one person Calendara "Calendar" tab which, depending on your privacy settings, showed events you posted, had RSVPed for, or were being hosted by groups you were in or on land featured in your Picks tab. Again, see Penny Patton's post for details; this feature may be developed separately from Penny's wider redesign Friends, Groups, Privacy Upcoming: "Follow" feature, which lets you read updates from users not in your Friendlist (if their updates are public) ability to split up our friends list into different groups/circles with ability to manage our privacy levels based on those groupings https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3980 Profile Feed Doesnt Respect your Mute/Block List https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3964 Privacy Setting, Adding an options to lock the "Add Friend" button. (bug acknowledged on Aug 30) new feature: depending on privacy settings you would get notifications about upcoming birthdays and/or rezdays of people Notificationsnew feature: option to have notifications respect online status, so inworld notifications can automatically stop as soon as we go offline Picturesoption to send snapshots from the viewer to your feed option to attach a picture to a message "on FB when you [..?..] a link, you get either a picture (if it was a picture link) or the link to the website with a preview when it was a normal URL, in the post" Interestssomething against Interests spam. Spam examples more interests (30 - 50) Mobilemobile HTML theme Android/iphone apps Integration with Marketplace(where it says 'share this item') ability to post to my feed for my followers to see. Would boost community generated promotion. "Follow this creator" or "View Creator Profile" buttons to allow people to follow the creators feeds for further updates Integration with Forums, Answers and Land, Event, Groups profilesUpgrade Land and Group Profiles as well as Event Listings all in ways to interconnect them. Thread them all together and also create a new way to use SL search to track down content relevant to one's interests. See Penny Patton's post for specific details. Some examples: when I add a post to an existing thread, or create my own thread on the Second Life forums, or pose a question to, or provide an Answer, or receive Kudos or a reply, that should appear in my feed people could "pin" forum posts to a tab in their social profile, like "Picks" but for forum threads Group and Land tabs, which would also have Calendars Group, Event and Land profiles would include interest tags like profiles Groups Profiles could list multiple in-world locations significant to the group Land profiles would list all groups that linked to that land as a group location Land profiles could have a number of "landmark" locations for "must see" spots in the land Group, event and land profiles would all have "shout-out" boards people could post messages to Groups would have a constant "group chatroom" Designidea: put feed in the viewer sidebar inside the profile tab. Mockup Searchsaved searches (limited to mySL) hashtags searches (limited to mySL) Web access to inventoryability to insert/link to landmarks, objects, notecards and share then. It's understood this is a powerful and dangerous approach though. Bug: notification icon doesn't automatically update unless I click 'Home' or refresh the page.happens on Linux/Firefox (NoScript extension installed but not blocking any script); doesn't happen on Linux/Chromium;
  13. Good suggestions. I added it to http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/My.secondlife.com_User_Group together with many other suggestions for the web profiles. As Loki said, since a few hours the web profile have a new Follow feature. If you make public your profile feed, I can subscribe it even if we're not friends.
  14. Only people who have their Feed 'public' can be followed. Set your privacy settings at https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy
  15. AndreaSPQR wrote: Purtroppo già da molte versioni a questa parte SecondLife non si avvia più sul mio pc, fino alla versione nessun problema, infatti se la reinstallo questa si avvìa ma non parte più perchè vuole l'aggiornamento all'ultima, mentre invece dalla successiva e fino all'ultima, la nulla da fare, cliccando due volte sull'icona non succede proprio niente, neanche il processo in memoria, per cui sono stato costretto a installare Phoenix Firestorm Beta che funziona alla grande. Qual è il problema che affligge le ultime versioni di SecondLife ? Ah, dimenticavo, la mia scheda grafica è una ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT, potrebbe essere questo il problema ? ma se fosse, perchè con Phoenix il gioco mi parte ? Sembra che quella scheda video sia decisamente vecchia e poco potente per gli standard di oggi. Il fatto che altri programmi per Second Life partano può essere dovuto a nuove funzionalità grafiche, aggiunte a Second Life negli ultimi mesi e non sono presenti in Phoenix o nel vecchio SL Viewer 2.2. Ma credo che dovresti almeno ricevere un messaggio d'errore... E' possibile anche che l'installazione del Viewer ufficiale si sia corrotta - hai provato a effettuare una disinstallazione completa? salva prima i log delle chat se ti servono, poi disinstalla e verifica che siano sparite sia la cartella dell'applicazione sia quella dei setting. Le loro posizioni dipendono da quale sistema operativo usi. Dopodiché prova a installare nuovamente il viewer. Non mi risulta che un problema di questo tipo stia affliggendoin generale tutti gli utenti di Second Life.
  16. This is good - notwithstanding the frustrated comments by users who always complain regardless of what's happening. FREE STUFF? SANDBOXES WITH NO GRIEFERS?? NOTHING BEING DETRACTED BY CURRENT PREMIUM OFFER??? THAT'S STILL BAD!! BAD LINDENS!! YOU'RE KILLING SECOND LIFE!! -.-
  17. Baloo Uriza wrote: Opensource Obscure wrote: Some people think that if new users have a good experience, Second Life in general will benefit (more adoption, etc.). This is why some people think that it's good to help improving the official viewer (even if they don't use it themselves). That, however, is a lost cause, until the Lindens adopt a more FOSS development strategy and actively try to attract and retain volunteer developers, rather than pay some eastern European firm to do all of their coding and largely rejecting community contributions. This is not what I have seen. It's not what I have seen, at least in the latest months, during which I closely watched the public (*) part of the SL development and participated as a bug reporter (I wish I could code, I don't) through JIRA, inworld meetings and mailing lists. I saw various reasonable suggestions and contributions being accepted. On the other side I've also seen a whole lot of unreasonable requests from users flooding all the channels I mentioned, and offensive, hate-fueled attacks against LL. I doubt this could improve in any way the efficiency of LL's development strategy or their openness. (*) this is well known, but the visible, publicc part of LL's development is just a fraction of their whole work
  18. The bug fix for the problem described here is included in the "Le Tigre" server release candidate which will be shipped today on 10% of Second Life region: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/11 http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ I too have this issue and I plan to teleport to a Le Tigre region later today, then logout and login again into that same region, in order to check if this is enough to fix the folder problem.
  19. Miranda Umino wrote: his script does t work correctly it works fine, try again. EDIT: or explain what problems you meet.
  20. Magari hai usato un programma birichino consigliato da qualche amico, e purtroppo si trattava di uno di quei programmi che permettono di aggirare le limitazioni contro la copia illegale. Il semplice login in Second Life mediante programmi simili è una violazione delle regole di Second Life e in vari casi ha portato a situazioni simili alla tua - anche quando la cosa è stata fatta in buona fede. O magari questa stessa cosa non è stata fatta da te ma da un'altra persona che usa la tua stessa connessione internet - potrebbe essere stato sufficiente.
  21. Darren Scorpio wrote: A lot of people including me (who has always loved V2) experienced a decrease in performance after 2.7, in my case I could not update to anything newer than 2.7 or I would lose 50% fps making sl unusable I guess this is tracked in a JIRA issue, can you point me please? I think I didn't notice any big change after 2.7. Darren Scorpio wrote: ETA: I will not post the link to the download because some people get butthurt over non sl links around here, but you can google Cool Viewer. That's why we should have a "Mute this user" feature here. Non-SL links here are freaking legit, AFAIK.
  22. Darcal Merlin wrote: It seems that wherever I am the textures take an absolute age to download and trying to move around is also a nightmare. I could basically stand in one place for ten minutes and after that time some of the textures have downloaded properly, some partially and some not at all. Of course I've tried the lowest detail settings but it makes no difference. I used to run SL on ultra and my laptop handled it really well. I'm wondering if it's the new viewer or that the SL servers are not coping anymore. You're not using a Wifi or 3G internet connection, right?
  23. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: I tried several times viewer 2, (also was trying in beta to help fix bugs or whatever before was released). Anyway I don't like for build. There are many things I don't like, but how IM works (always having text on right bottom of the screen), notifications and sidebar, get on my nerves ^^' I tried to force me several times to use viewer 2, but I just can't. All that stuff can be configured. Why don't you set your Preferences? You can detach elements from the sidebar, disable notifications popups, disable user icons, etc. Many Preferences have been added to the official SL Viewer in the last months. I see many users are still unaware of that.
  24. Miyo Darcy wrote: BUt the real horror is that these Viewers are soon disabled from the servers. That's false. Please find an official statement from Linden Lab supporting your statement, then come back with a link. The real horror is to see false information being spread around causing fear and confusion.
  25. Baloo Uriza wrote: I guess I fail to see how not being able to run the official viewer is a problem when there's plenty of quality alternatives available. You may at least try, though. Be honest: do you think many of the people who try Second Life for the first time do it using an alternate viewer? In most cases they probably will use the official viewer. Some people think that if new users have a good experience, Second Life in general will benefit (more adoption, etc.). This is why some people think that it's good to help improving the official viewer (even if they don't use it themselves).
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