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Jaide Beck

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Everything posted by Jaide Beck

  1. What I mean is I never had anything installed to make it work, i just clicked and it popped into my sl and then i clicked on it, I just find it strange.
  2. i've always just clicked on the visit this location button and had no problem. I don't know what has changed in the last day, or something.
  3. I just liked your pic I saw it before anything else.
  4. I like yyour head covering and your dress. :)))
  5. well that is what weird. my other avatar was fine. i am not even sure if something was corrupted, i just went out and redelivered everythig and deleted it and put the new redelivered stuff on. 😮 i never had anythign like that before.
  6. nvmd i fixed it theres two buttons at the top of the appearance and it is female, or male so I picked the right one. 😛
  7. what is weird is when i try to make his shape it comes out with a girl shape how do i fix that???
  8. No, it was something that was corrupted apparently, like i stated above my internet is fine. It was just something that i had to delete and get redelvered.
  9. Thanks for saying it could be corrupted. i put on a diff character from the library and then i put the stuff i got redeliverd [skin,head,body] and i relogged and finally is normal! YAY!
  10. ok i went and got every thing redelivered, but i think i'm still having trouble.
  11. i'm deleting everything, body, head, shape, and getting new stuff delivered.
  12. yeah i had actually redid the avatar to a difff shape still cloud
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