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Leonard Posthorn

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Everything posted by Leonard Posthorn

  1. While logged in and near the object you want to sit on, first enable auto-sit in preferences and leave the name and UUID blank. Close preferences. Then find the object you want to sit on under Objects and right click on it. Chose "Use as auto-sit target" and the name and UUID will be automatically plugged in to the feilds in the Auto-sit window. For multiple avis, use a batch file.. @ECHO OFF START "" /D "C:\Program Files\Radegast\" "C:\Program Files\Radegast\radegast.exe" -a -g agni -u "FirstName LastName" -p Password -l last START "" /D "C:\Program Files\Radegast\" "C:\Program Files\Radegast\radegast.exe" -a -g agni -u "FirstName LastName" -p Password -l last Your actual path may be different depending on your operating system. If you want a delay between avis you will need to download "wait.vbs" and use that in the batch file.
  2. I use Radegast to do this. The automated sitting on of designated objects is quite simple and built into the client.
  3. The math in your script is wrong. In the Square/Rectangle script, the float distance_from_center would be simply equal to float hyp / 2. What you have there will give too much distance every time.
  4. Barring the use of Pythygorean's Theroem, there is another simple way to know the exact position of a cube's corners. If you understand the layout of a region (256 meters x 256 meters) then all you have to know is the Center position of the cube and the size of the cube to know where it's corners are. You just add or subtract HALF the size of the cube, depending on which way you are going on the 0-256 grid layout. For example; if a 50 meter cube is at 128 x 128 on the region , then the corners must be at 103 x 103/103 x 153/153 x 103/ and 153x153 (minus or plus 25 from/to 128). This will only work if the cube is at 0, 90, 180, or 270 Degrees. There is also a way you can know exact corner positions even if the cube is rotated at an odd angle. First, mark the angle of the cube, turn the cube to 0, 90, 180, or 270 Degrees and then find what size it is. Use the first method i suggest to determine the location of the corners. Then use a smaller prim on top of the cube in that corner's position. Do all corners and then turn the cube back to it's original angle. When you get the position of the 4 smaller cubes you will have the position of the large cube's corners.
  5. WRONG! Nowhere in there did it say her stuff eas RETURNED. it was only said that her stuff was GONE. So unfortunately you didnt read it very well.
  6. you can file a ticket and LL will open the sim long enough for you to get your stuff. it happend to me once.
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