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Hermione Lefevre

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Posts posted by Hermione Lefevre

  1. Being in Second Life so many years i thought I was imune to bugs sneaked on me :( but since a few days i keep getting this bubble around my avi with a big Fail written above ...I cant remember accepting any gifts ..I did character test and replaced all my clothes etc but it still pops up..any ideas on how to find what is bugging me or how to get rid of it?


  2. 9 hours ago, Holger Gilruth said:

    Hallo Hermione,

    anscheinend ist es auf Telekom beschränkt, aber es soll auch schon geholfen haben die Login Sim zu ändern


    10 hours ago, Hermione Lefevre said:


    hat heute noch jemand Probleme beim Einloggen in SL, im Grid Status steht es ist ein Problem in Deutschland und man soll es dem Provider melden O.o Dann kanns ja länger dauern, oder?

    Grad wieder probiert, bin reingekommen aber jetzt ist mein Avatar deformiert als wenn Mesh nicht erkannt wird, ich hoffe die arbeiten dran :|

  3. Hallo

    hat heute noch jemand Probleme beim Einloggen in SL, im Grid Status steht es ist ein Problem in Deutschland und man soll es dem Provider melden O.o Dann kanns ja länger dauern, oder?

  4. I dont know the correct place to ask this but i need help

    I want to reactivate an Alt i deleted a week ago and i tried sending a ticket but I cant seem to send it off, every time i try i get redirected to the main page where i have to start over..also when i fill out the request it requires `relateted Ticket`number?

    How do I get it sent?

  5. I heve been wearing Belleza body for a long time with no problems, but since i got an update that changed

    When i use it and want to use the alpha section it doesnt show, only an incomplete body where I cant click out specific body sections

    Tried it now several times and its always the same

    Any idea what causes that?


  6. Hi

    I need some advice

    on my land there is a giant white cube which causes lag..inspection says its something calles Mofolag...it doesnt show in the objects in the land and when I try to return it i get the message..simulator doesnt allow

    What can I do..are there any tools?


  7. When I hear all new I see a bare moonscape with nothing on it since nothing has been built yet, how can that be and everyone including sellers and creators being left with nothing to rebuild.

    What creator who spent years on building houses will start from scratch and put in time to start over?

    And what about estate owners who make a RL living (Chung), will they be bankrupt?

    I fear this new SL because it seems to give little thought about the users in it, the people that bring life to this world.

    Without us its a dead world

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