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Resi Pfeffer

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Everything posted by Resi Pfeffer

  1. Just started with animations, so better dont expect too much. First i exported the animation directly from ipi studio as BVH to blender. and it worked. Then i exported the anmation directly from ipi studio to SL, and it didnt work, because the hip wasnt set as the root. And maybe there have been more issues due to the unequal amount of limbs between the animation avatar in my mocap studio and the sl avatar. To fix the issue i had to import the SL Mesh Avatar template to my mocap software. While capturing, the movement also gets copied to the SL Avatar. And thats what you want to export to sl, probably... Keep me updated.
  2. Are you sure, your mocap program translated the data correctly for the second life template mesh avatar? Maybe you have too many limbs, or the hip is not the root, or whatever? This template is made for poser, but as i found out, it also works very well using it with IPI Mocap Studio, for example. http://static-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/avatar/avatar_mesh.zip
  3. My answer may be a bit late and i cant teach you how to get the perfect couple animation/pose, but.... I think, the only way to match your lips while kissing is to change your hover height and/or adjust both of your body length. Perfect posing alignment has always been an issue in SL. Being the small one, you only can choose kissing the collarbone of your partner while you stand on the ground, or you kiss his lips, while you hover 1 feet in the air like a fairy. What you could do is, to make an animation just for you and your partner, due to your body proportions. You stand on the tip of your toes, while he lowers his neck and head towards your lips.
  4. Right, it can be used in a sexual manner, but this dont has to be the case all the time. Maybe the user just klicks the "pee" button a few times a day.
  5. Maybe or somehow i can understand why you got affected by Alwins short answer, but correcting the spelling and mixing it with a "kind request" doesnt mix very well. I wouldnt recommend you doing this. Any kind of sexual actions including teen avatars are forbidden. Everywhere. But teen avatars are allowed to be close to naked adult avatars. Therefore there are some questionable places out there. You can easily avoid creepy beaches like Golden Sun. Dont go there, dont raise the traffic counter.
  6. I hope, her parents didnt join SL after the presentation. She would have been forced to stick to that neat business dress, glasses and updo hairs.
  7. You are right, but its even worse in my opinion. I dont tell friends about SL anymore because of a very simple fact. Most people seem to need a goal, a guideline or a scripted story to make a virtual world work for them. Thats why the majority plays GTA, racing games or ego shooters. SL offers nothing like this right from the start. They would need to create their own story, their goals or whatever they are up to. So, its better for them to wait for the next iphone or to stick to the usual games.
  8. Probably it just needs a couple of well made animations for you watch, while your partner enriches the scene with some emoted details. That combination should do it.
  9. Because no one won anything... they just tied up each other. But i dont need to understand everything.
  10. Why would you need that kind of "revenge"? You could put a sign "free flights for my neighbour" on your helipad instead.
  11. Thanks for pointing into that direction. Reminds me of a platonic friend who wrote "stop the drama" in his profile, but then felt forced to delete me from his friendlist, because i went to assist another friend buying a mesh body and head. Well, just as he wishes. More time left for real friends.
  12. Now everyone wants to know what you did... But, better go ahead, search for new friends, dont tell anyone about the past, and try to avoid it happening again.
  13. Maybe you could try a different approach how to handle situations like the one happend in the club. Discuss the problems you have with the other person directly, maybe even in a remote place, and not inside a club. And of course not in main chat. And if you still get a mean or a rude answer, then dont let it affect you. Try to see yourself as someone who cant be hurt. Imagine to be superwoman, if you like...
  14. Nothing but gorgeous from a technical and aesthetic point of view.
  15. Der Post ist alt, aber vielleicht kann ich trotzdem noch helfen. Ich habe das Problem auch, seitdem ich meinen neuen Laptop habe. Zu 95%, wenn ich den Firestorm starte, steht diese Meldung da.... und nichts passiert. Ganz selten startet er auch sofort, aber das ist nicht der Rede wert und passiert ohne mein Zutun. Hab schon viel probiert, das Problem zu lösen, aber nichts hat geholfen - ausser warten. Genau, einfach warten. Nach ziemlich genau 5 Minuten ist der Viewer dann mit der Anmeldemaske bereit. Das ist zwar nicht praktisch, wenn man es eilig hat, aber man kann ja noch derweilen noch schnell Wäsche in die Maschine stopfen oder ein paar Gläser abspülen.
  16. I would recommend you to search for an appropiate skin, if you dont want to change your complete appearance by buying a new avatar. The skin makes the difference, not the shape.
  17. I think it also depends on where you spend your time in SL. If you hide yourself at 2500 meters in a sandbox, probably no one talks to you. But if you would go to a place like tempura, you wouldnt even need to ask someone, if you look cute. Just stand close to the landing point and wait...
  18. Allow me to quote a wise person "A paradise is always a place where someone makes sure no one else gets in."
  19. Try to stay calm and wait for the experts opinions, how to find your items.
  20. Its not that simple! Only, if you do it inside a house LindenLabs gave you for free.
  21. No, we should be precise: The alien needs to have the tentacles. Or you choose to be the sodomized woman with 3 breasts.
  22. The thread derailed already, and now Quinn comes along with fullspeed to extend the mishap to a pileup.
  23. Reading the skill games thread and the current one, really makes me sure, we fed a troll. I bet, he fired up 3 popcorn machines, while watching us stepping into his trap.
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