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Darren Scorpio

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Everything posted by Darren Scorpio

  1. It means the person used the shopping cart to buy multiple items, possibly from different merchants. One or more of the items failed to be delivered not necessarily yours. If you haven't been contacted then don't worry about it, it may have been someone else's item.
  2. 95% of the time if you can't find a viewer that works for you then the problem is not SL nor the viewer, the problem is your computer does not meet the minimum requirements. But goodbye anyway and hope you find something else that's fun for you.
  3. If you know with 100% certainty that you are typing the password correctly then try a different browser. Also of course the other thing you can do is enable the option to buy through the viewer, when you buy through the viewer you are not asked to enter a password (at least on Firestorm you don't).
  4. That's good but when will we get an adequate comment system so people will actually know there are comments below a post?
  5. Yes there is. Hardnock Camp. They do a summer camp and a winter camp. Winter camp just happened in January I think and summer camp will be in the summer around June or so.
  6. Honestly there is hardly many people who use picks to promote a place they like. Most people use it as an extension of their profile to write about their friends and family. So what we really need is a profile tab just for this purpose with enough room to write the lengthy stuff people like to write.
  7. Are you by any chance wearing something mesh with an alpha layer? I have seen this when you first wear a mesh item and its alpha but it usually goes away after textures are done rezzing.
  8. Here's how you can make them leave the group on their own, but it is not guaranteed to work and will cost you a hell of a lot of money. If you own land which they cannot access (like a sim where you can estate ban them) subdivide the land into 10 or more parcels they can be as small as the minimum (I think is 1m). Then on each parcel go to the about land tab and click "Show on search". Now every Tuesday you and all of them will have to pay 30L X [the amount of parcels] divided by the amount of people that are owners. This will add up and it will persuade them to leave the group. This will only work if they can be estate banned though, otherwise they can go to the land and uncheck the settings and worse yet they can sell the parcels to themselves. Just and idea though try at your own risk. I do not endorse such tactics.
  9. I can name a few myself, Irene, Val, Karen, Rolig, Unkle (who I haven't seen in a really long time), Marigold, and a whole lot of others who's names I can't think of right now. I honestly don't think there are bad people on these forums, if you think there are then you've obviously not been on other forums.
  10. Whoa! Suspiria you've been missed! Welcome back to the forums. Ok back to the thread's subject...carry on.
  11. Second Life is not a game where you can earn points. You can purchase Linden dollars or you can earn them by getting a job inworld or by winning a contest or by playing Linden Realms.
  12. As the message is telling you, "the merchant has not been paid" so don't expect the merchant to send you the item if they haven't been paid. At this point LL has your money not the merchant. So what I would do is contact Live chat or put in a support ticket.
  13. Talves the haga falta el viagra? En realidad en SL todo es nada mas que un juego de roles, asi es de que no necisitas nada para pretender que as evarazado a alguien. Todo depende de ellos.
  14. You don't need to be premium but must have payment info on file.
  15. Rolig, I am sure she is looking for a Phoenix feature which tells you who took a snapshot on a sim. It gives you a chat message that says "[Resident Nam] has taken a snapshot]" It was as useless as the show look at thing because if you had camera set to "Silent snapshot to disk" then it would not transmit the fact that you took a snapshot.
  16. As Ariel has said you don't use Firestorm "with" Phoenix, you use Firestorm with a Phoenix look. Of course you can still have both Phoenix and Firestorm installed on your computer and use them both. As for the feature you are looking for I am not sure if it is available on Firestorm, I had even forgotten about that dumb feature. It is as useless as the show look at feature. I mean who cares if someone takes a picture? Just pose for them and smile at the camera.
  17. If they are still showing as partnered to you, you can just unpartner them yourself then they wont show up on your profile anymore.
  18. Once in a while I get that but when I go to MP the stuff will be there on the unassociated objects list.
  19. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: "We do not have a Magic Box shutdown date for the migration of limited-quantity listings (items that the Merchant does not have rights to copy, such as breedable animals which are “no copy” for the seller) at this time. After we designate that date, we will give 30 days’ notice so that Merchants will have time to migrate those items." I think that means that LL still hasn't figured out how to make that work just yet. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139#Section_.1 I don't think they ever will, it's been over a year already. Seeing how LL usually deals with issues the wrong way I wouldn't be surprised if they simply end up saying that you can't sell no copy (limited quantities) items on MP anymore. Wouldn't be a problem for most merchants though, only for the ones who sell breedables.
  20. I was the one who initially started the Linux Jira way back when DD was rolled out. For me the Merchant Outbox has been working fine on Linux for quite a while now since last year. I am currently stuck on Xubuntu 11.10 which will reach end of life next month. If the Linux version makes any difference then I cannot say if it will continue to work if I am ever able to update.
  21. No. Real life bankers can't be trusted let alone anonymous ones hiding behind an avatar.
  22. Heh. I figured it out along with "worn" back when we didn't have a worn tab on any viewer way before the Emerald days.
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