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Colorful Sinister

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Posts posted by Colorful Sinister

  1. I have tried several viewers on my PC that are mesh enabled and everytime I log onto one of them I'm on long enough to see maybe a few things and then it freezes. 1 min tops. Happens the same way with every one I've tried.

    I was using the Imprudence viewer and even with this I can't view shadows and will crash from time to time. 

    I'll put my computer information on here, tell me, is there something I can do to maybe update or buy a new graphics card or something that will make my SL experience more enjoyable because I'm about to give up SL altogether since I can't see more than half the world anymore anyway.

    Is there something I can do to help with this or no?

    My Computer Info:
    Dell- Inspiron 560
    Processor- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU    E5700 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
    64-bit Operating System

    Sorry I really don't know much about computers so I just put what I found in the system info. 

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