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Dean Claremont

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Posts posted by Dean Claremont

  1. Thanks Alwin for your comment.

    People don't live in any store, so they don't have to stay,.
    They just have to come and see the store and be aware of it.
    Check out and buy what they like or don't if they don't like it.
    That's what all the brands do, so there is no problem with that solution.

    My customers are happy so there is no problem with that as well.
    Spam is not what we do, so no need to comment on that.


  2. Hi guys,

    Do you know any recommended groups where I could promote my apparel store.

    I was thinking of hiring a DJ who has followers that will come to his gig
    and to throw a pool party in front of the store.

    Thanks in advance
    Dean Claremont 

  3. Hi,

    We are looking for a DJ who has followers that will come to his gig
    We are running an apparel store, and we would like to throw a pool party.

    If that sounds good to you, feel free to contact Dean Claremont 




  4. 8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    While these were popular 10 years ago, I haven't really seen too many of them recently.  Personally, I never purchased from an affiliate vendor when it's fairly easy to just TP to the brand's mainstore and purchase directly from the creator.  Having said that, I HAVE seen affiliate vendors for male and female genitalia all around the grid as well as a couple other Adult type items.

    I was afraid that might be the answer :)

    Thanks Rowan

  5. Hi Tazzie, thanks for the advice.
    In fact, I know exactly who made both of these pants.

    Tori Torricell made those on the right, but it's not full perm,
    The thing is that nobody provides full perm product like that,
    meaning that you can change the texture, shadows, etc...

     Meli Imako made those on the left, and they are full perm but it's really basic.


    • Like 1
  6. Hi,

    I am looking to buy a full perm linen drawstring beach pants like this 


    Nobody makes anything near this quality


    The only product that is close to this is Meli Imako's but drawstring is really bad quality, and overall feels like a basic work.



  7. Hey guys I hope you are doing great! :)

    I am looking for a dog and not sure where I can get one that will be nicely animated.

    Preferably it would be nice to be Labrador :)

    Look forward to hear your suggestions


  8. 47 minutes ago, LadyShad0wz Greymoon said:

    After a search on Google, and then going to marketplace I found this store that has a few that have no rez rights



    Thank you very much for your effort I really appreciate it! 

    I checked that out and it's true, you don't need rezz rights,

    BUT it animates only men, and you have to buy all animations for women in their main store.

    Also it seems that there is no hand in hand walking animation,

    which is actually what I am looking for :)

  9. Hey guys I hope you are doing great!

    I am looking for a couple's walking and posing HUD

    that will be able to work in areas where I don't have rezz permission

    I hope that kind of HUD exists.


    I tried on MP but all of them require you to have rezz permission.

    Thank you in advance on your recommendations


  10. On 10/13/2021 at 7:07 PM, Laurent Bechir said:

    I think I've found the source of the problem. Since September 30th Let's encrypt root certificate has expired. Newer systems are not affected by this problem since their certificates have been updated, but older ones like Mac OS 10.12 are. I'm going to upgrade this computer to Mojave, it should solve the issue. You can have better explanations than mines on this issue here : https://tinyurl.com/yhpe9ryl and here : https://tinyurl.com/ye6uztls


    There is a work around this.

    Right click on the Image title (not product title) and then click on open image in new tab.

    It will show up a security warning but you click on "Continue anyway".

    Then you go back to the Marketplace and refresh the page

    All images are now showing normally.

    I had the same issue. Hope it helps.

  11. 12 hours ago, Ramen Jedburgh said:

    Maybe try to figue out if the T-shirts you already have are a template and where they came from.  The easiest way would be to edit them, then edit linked, and check the shirt.  As someone who makes and sell from templates, I can tell you that the first thing i do when prepping templates, is to add an invisible cube to each one, so I will show as the creator instead of the template maker.  i have seen this process recommended by template sellers (so they don't get people looking to them for support I imagine).  but if you edit linked, then the original creator is still listed on the shirt itself in the linkset.

    As for why it can't be perfect, I think mostly just templates are not perfect.  I find things made for Maitreya all the time that don't fit right unless you have a 0 body fat slider or smaller boob sliders.  Pants are SUPER bad about this on the waist line, and anything more than 0 Body fat clips around the waist a lot.

    Thank you Ramen, that's actually what I was afraid of.

    There is no perfect template that will fit all the bodies, even though they all use, let's say, Belleza

    since they tend to modify original bodies.


    If it would be just for me that would be alright, but I wanted something perfect for customers so they can be super satisfied.

    It makes sense to edit the template so my name shows up as a creator.

    Really appreciate it :)


  12. 23 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

    In that case: easy!

    Your template sucks.


    Let me clarify for you, since everybody else got it exept you.

    The template sucks, and that's the reason why I am asking,

    if somebody knows a better template that will fit without using alpha.

    I hope it helps.


    You should relax, no need to be so tense :)

  13. Hey guys I hope you are doing great! :)

    I am looking for Full perm male t-shirt models

    I bought one from WhiteCanvas, but shoulders on Jake and Gianni are going outside the t-shirt.

    The package includes models for all popular male bodies,

    so it would be nice to get the same package but with models that fit perfectly.

    Do you have any recommendations?

    Thank you in advance!


    I know that I can use the Alpha, but that's not the point.


  14. Thank you guys, I really appreciate it.

    I know that I can use Alpha, but what is the point of creating body specific clothing if it doesn't fit.

    Sounds like false advertising, right?

    That's why I want to create T-shirts that fit perfectly.

    I bought several T-shirts from different stores and they all fit perfectly.

    So it's possible to get it, the only question is where?


  15. Hey guys I hope you are doing great! :)

    I am looking for Full perm male t-shirt models

    I bought one from WhiteCanvas, but shoulders on Jake and Gianni are going outside the t-shirt.

    The package includes models for all popular male bodies,

    so it would be nice to get the same package but with models that fit perfectly.

    Do you have any recommendations?

    Thank you in advance!


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