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Anaiya Arnold

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Everything posted by Anaiya Arnold

  1. The outfits you have bought are in boxes. Find a sandbox (use search) and TP there. When you get there, open your inventory tab, left click the outfit in your inventory, and holding the mouse "left click", move the mouse to drag the item from your inventory into the world. Let go of the left click and this will rezz the box. Now right click and choose "open". A tab with the contents (your outfit) should appear and at the bottom of this tab, click "copy to inventory". Now the outfit items will appear in your inventory in a folder (you can look in the "recent" tab to find it more easily) and you can wear them.
  2. You could color it in your external graphics software rather than using the in-world tinting.
  3. The bridge is an lsl script in an object, like any other attachment you can wear in SL. Attachments cannot hack your account using lsl scripts. They just can't.
  4. Last names? Not his fault for not being fed the right information from employees in the first place. That was seriously a mess and could not have been handled worse. There's no excuse for announcing it to the community if it could not be done (and I don't believe it cannot be done since the day before his announcement someone made a new account with a proper last name). You find out if something is plausible before you get your customers excited. It was a bungled mess and that he then promptly cut off communication after such a shoddy move, unbelievable. Sorry, but to me he's another one, just like the other ones. I notice the Commerce Team are not crunching those bugs so hard that they don't have time for "madstyle".
  5. Just check that all the item details are consistent (the title and description match the picture), and you should be fine.
  6. Kampu Oyen wrote: ... here comes the plan to revitalize in-world commerce... . Huh? A nefarious plan to revitalize in-world commerce? I don't have time to discuss that. Apparently we're all supposed to meet up at Bay City Nautilus to let our mad man and feme fatale loose at some fashion event.
  7. For my computer it is the opposite. The first mesh viewer I tried was fine and I did not notice any difference in usability between it and the older pre-mesh Firestorm I had been using. Of the more recent mesh viewers I've tried, 2 are unusable on my computer with frames being hopelessly slow, screen black outs and crashes hopelessly common, and adding or removing texture or prim clothes from my avatar highly unreliable. One recent mesh I've tried is usable but like going back in time to 2010 when I had half the broadband speed and it was commonplace to see attachments floating disconnected in space. It takes forever for things to load and other avatars are all grey to me in this viewer as is mostly everything unless I hang around for an hour waiting for stuff to load. Even then, a good quarter of everything in view distance is often still dully grey. I really wish I'd kept the Firestorm mesh viewer I had initially but I have no idea what version it was.
  8. The way it works here, you can texture clothes onto the avatar mesh template (then upload the texture with an alpha channel), you can make textures intended for prims, or for use as material in texture clothes and sell those full perm for others to use in making products. If you want to sell a finished product using other people's scultpies or mesh objects that you've applied a texture to, you can buy full perm sculptie or mesh kits and texture those for sale. Try looking in the marketplace under the "Building Components" category to get an idea of the kinds of things a texture artist could buy (like kits to apply textures to) or sell (like textures for prims and clothing template textures).
  9. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: The customer may not always be right, but they're the only ones that can answer whether it satisfies whatever they expect from a product. Yes, yes, yes. 1000 times yes.
  10. Yes, you're textures are rebaking and it does not matter what order you put the alpha on in. If you are wearing a tattoo layer, sometimes it helps to take this off, wait for your textures to bake, then put the tattoo back on. You can click the rebake if textures stay fuzzy or the alpha continues to misbehave after waiting for a minute or so. It's under Advanced" at the top of the viewer.
  11. I don't mind photo-shopping of incidentals. I don't want to be distracted from the actual sale item by square bits on avatars, nose shadows, hair poking through the breasts, etc. But the actual product itself should be left to look as it looks on an avatar in-world. That's what people are buying it for after all. In the meantime......for your viewing pleasure
  12. It sounds like the alpha layer is "loading". Just put it on and give it a bit more time to properly load/rezz. Under the advanced menu at the top of your viewer, click where it says "rebake textures" and this might help it if it's not loading properly.
  13. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I'm afraid I have some news that may be upsetting for you. Lately I'm hearing that Alvin and friends are in fact not RL chipmunks. Most likely they are punked up gerbils with highlighted stripes. Enough to pass for chipmunk on standard def TV. Dats why they never made it into the HD era. In a DNA test they're 98% chipmunk but then so is every other mammal. Sorries if u is shocked and appalled. This is like Milli Vanilli all over again (except without the lycra bike shorts). Why?!
  14. Sure, I've met such people, but I'm not the least bit bothered that they don't want to interact with me. If someone wants to push beyond my comfort zone, for access to what I think of as my RL, in a context like SL, I'd rather avoid them. In my experience a disproportionate number of people who push for access to someone's RL in a "removed and discrete" online context, without taking every care for that person's comfort and privacy, are into drama or into being pushy in other ways. I'd rather not deal with those people. Anyone who thinks that if someone will not voice with them or otherwise give them access to their RL, they must be "not a real woman" is none-too-bright. Do they think we all sit around every day just hoping to meet that special stalker?
  15. Now you're just making stuff up. Outright fairy tales. For goodness sake! "To date you have insisted that because the failures that exist are so damaging and of such a magnitude that no valid examples could be supplied..." Never happened, and now you're just making nonsense up, there's no point bothering. Unbelievable.
  16. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: My question.. does TOS say anything or its all nonsense and people can't do anything to you if you share? Or is it indeed a reportable matter. Yes, TOS does say something. No, it's nonsense that you can be reported for sharing IMs anywhere within the Secondlife service (including these forums). Yes, it is a reportable matter if you share such IMs without the direct permission of all parties. Profile disclaimers like the one you reproduced are BS and if people with such disclaimers share IMs without direct and explicit permission, they can be reported no matter what their profile says.
  17. Have a look in the library in your inventory, you should be able to find the avatar you started with in there.
  18. Put a ticket in Fairy. In my experience the commerce team are prompt in responding to these.
  19. I'm confused, but that's nothing new.
  20. There's only one person who can get them taken down. You could contact them and ask if they are just not interested in doing so, or if they have done so previously but this one has slipped back in. They might be aware of the ongoing problem, and not prepared to hunt down culprits, but possibly willing to DMCA if someone brings a specific example to their attention. Possibly they are sympathetic to people like yourself who have bought the textures unwittingly and just don't want to see the backlash against innocent "invested" by-standers who bought the textures from the IP violator, or maybe they just cannot be bothered with DMCAs, but it's also possible they do DMCA when they are aware of specific sellers, but just don't look for them anymore. They might have had this problem as an ongoing issue for years and just got sick of putting too much effort into searching them out. Anyway, letting them know about this specific seller cannot hurt. Maybe you could ask them if you can obtain permission to upload the same exact textures and sell 10 of them for 1 linden each, then reduce the price to 0. If the real creator/IP holder just wants to give back for others to create, this might be acceptable to them, and will no doubt significantly hinder the violator's market. I'd also like to know who this seller is (I appreciate that you cannot post the information here) as I'd rather not buy their stuff, and if it's on any of my products already, I'd really like to know so I can delist and find alternative textures. @ Princess: I guess it depends how much they are charging. So long as they are not violating IP rights (which is a whole other kettle of fish and completely unacceptable), some texture sellers might assume there are people who would rather go to the marketplace and buy textures all ready and uploaded, than go to the trouble of finding them and uploading them themselves. Because of the low US dollar value of lindens, considering minimum wage for an hour's work in the real world, it's not necessarily poor value to the end-buyer. I do think that if no alteration has been made (or it's only a single scaling alteration) it would be polite and good faith to let buyer's know it's a sourced image. I think sometimes people are tempted to believe that only stuff that requires skill is worthwhile paying for in SL, but it really depends how someone wants to spend their time and the comparative value they place on money. In the real world, we routinely accept unskilled labour as something that it is legitimate to charge money for. Most people can clean their own toilets for instance, but few people think it's outrageous for a house cleaning service to charge money to do it for them.
  21. I don't think it's the reason you've identified because my experience is the opposite. My sales stopped dead in the water around when DD came out, which is understandable given the slow down of the marketplace, but while still slow, in the last week or so (seemingly around the time you identify your sales stopped dead in the water) mine have improved. I notice that I've had "boosted" sales volume a couple of times when other "bigger sellers" have complained about sudden drop offs in sales volume, and I usually have low sales volume, so I wonder if it is more about search (as I see Medhue is suggesting). This would explain why usually good volume sellers are complaining when my sales go up since if the search borks placement for products that should be fairly high up in placement, then naturally someone's products are being promoted above where they actually belong in search results, for instance smaller sellers with low sales volume like myself.
  22. Ela Talaj wrote: The Lab can do no right... at least according to some. When it sends emails it is "spam" and when it does not it is "customers neglect". Perhaps if self-styled prosecutors didn't crowd the aisle rushing to the podium to demand conviction every time the Lab does attempt to comunicate it would be doing it more often. Perhaps if LL were prepared to act like a professional company, it would cope with negative customer feedback like every professionally inclined business in existence, while still communicating to its customers like a professional company, because that's what professional companies do; get on with it, like professionals. In fact, drop the perhaps. If LL were prepared to act like a professional company it would cope with negative feedback while still communicating like a professional company, just like the other professional companies manage. @Mickey: nice to see you here.
  23. Baloo Uriza wrote: Jean Horten wrote: If it only had multiwearables... Why? You can't have 'em in any viewer anyway, since it interferes with the common experience. Disembodied parts and accessories flying around because you're using something that only people using the same viewer can render right isn't a good thing. Maybe you had better AR LL then for including it in their viewers.
  24. Split the body and face into two demos so that the face for the shape you are selling has a ruth body and the body has a ruth face. That way people can see how the face looks with their skins, and then check out how they like the body, but they cannot wear both at once together unless they buy the actual shape you are selling. They've actually been able to swap out the hands and feet since long before mesh as sculptie hands and feet have been around for ages.
  25. I also do not buy that rational. If they do not tell us how it's supposed to work, and essentially leave it as a "black box" then it's much easier to sweep the borkage under the carpet. "No that's intended behaviour and a feature, not a bug" works better when you've not told anyone how something is supposed to function.
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