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Jeremy Sandalwood

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Posts posted by Jeremy Sandalwood

  1. When entering a sim with a large number of avatars with mesh bodies, it may take several minutes before everyone's body parts and clothing get to the right place.  During this time, my "lag meter" indicates that nothing is wrong.  So which of these is mostly likely the problem?

    1. Linden servers are overloaded
    2. Internet speed to my computer is too slow
    3. My graphics processor is too slow
    4. My CPU or maybe the whole computer needs upgrading
  2. I use the Notes section of my friends' profiles to save additional information about them.  Is it possible to download this information to my client machine?  I know it's available on SL webpages, but I would need a bot to navigate to each person and download their information.  Any better way.  Or do you have such a bot?

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