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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I randomly discovered that the famed SL explorer Magellan Linden's account is 6666 days old today! I hope he shows up at a live event some day.
  2. Here it is. Recorded in August 2001 by Andrew Linden and when SL was called Linden World.
  3. SL isn't really 19, as it's already over 20 years old. Want some proof? Teleport to Sansara continent and examine the ages of some of the oldest things to be found there, such as The Man Statue in Natoma, Stellar Sunshine's Beanstalk in Welsh and Governor Linden's Mansion in Clementina (which Stellar Sunshine also built). You'll find they were all built in 2002, not 2003. The public had some limited access to SL in March 2002. Stellar Sunshine was SL's first ever public resident, she created her account on 13th March 2002. Ironically, Stellar is one day older than Philip Rosedale's "Philip Linden" account of 14th March 2002. Back in March of 2002, SL was called "Linden World", not "Second Life". "Linden World" existed as a closed access testing environment, which Stellar Sunshine and 24 other members of the public were invited to be participate as members of LL's "Early Creator" program. This period of SL's history is known as the Alpha Test period. On 30th October 2002, the "Linden World" name was changed to "Second Life". SL began a limited closed access Beta Test period in November 2002, with an initial group of sixteen "San Francisco Street" named regions, before a wider open access public Beta Test period began in April 2003 with 31 sim regions. SL did not magically appear (with 48 sim regions) from nowhere on 23rd June 2003; this date is only its full "consumer version" v1.0 public launch date, although it is treated by LL as SL's official birthday. The first SLB event celebrated this 23rd June public launch date a year later in 2004. This SLB event was continued in subsequent years as a "birthday" for SL. I find it sad and disappointing (especially for its Alpha/Beta test pioneers) that the whole of 2002 (and all references to Linden World and its Alpha/Beta testers) is either missing or ignored from the official SLB history exhibits, presumably to maintain a false myth of 2003 being SL's first year.
  4. Total number of mass shooting incidents in the UK since the year 2000. Four. 1. Antrim (7th March 2009) - 2 deaths, 4 injured. 2. Copeland (2nd June 2010) - 13 deaths, 11 injured. 3. Moss Side (12th August 2018) - 0 deaths, 12 injured. 4. Plymouth (12th August 2021) - 6 deaths, 2 injured.
  5. A new river has been terraformed at Josie Banks between the Chalets and Newbrooke. It flows west and downstream through SSPLandho to the coastal region of SSPWhatsup Dock where a railway bridge carrys the track over the river estuary.
  6. I saw this same problem in another topic yesterday. Apparently, the latest Nvidia GPU drivers are to blame. Try reinstalling an earlier version Nvidia GPU driver to see if that fixes it.
  7. The inworld map has finally updated (or been fixed?) to fully reveal the newest nine LH regions, with their railway line and coasts. Islands have been created along the coastline too, containing more piers and Houseboats. I find it intriguing that the SSPGrey Ghost region (the one will the hill I've previously mentioned) has no Houseboat development around its coastine. And that a large area of land there has been allocated to a hill, rather than several new house parcels. Theory: Could it be that a railway link (bridge or tunnel) from Newbrooke to Sakura may use the land, hill and coastline found in SSPGrey Ghost?
  8. I truly despise gift vouchers and gift cards. These "gifts" basically tell the recipient "I like you, but not enough for me to actually go out and physically buy, wrap and present you with a surprise something you might like. So here's some cash to fob you off with instead". Bleh.
  9. I think the inworld map is broken now, the nine SSP regions which appeared a week ago are still yet to appear properly on the world map. Their names are there, but they all look like empty voids without any terrain or detail showing.
  10. I think Sakura would need to be expanded eastwards first before ideas of railway linkups. ^ But if you're in an imaginative mood, go and look at the shape and orientation of this hill, found on the peninsular of SSPGrey Ghost. Hmm....! 😜
  11. Saturday 11th June 2022 I repeated the Newbrooke/Chalet railway loop journey today. But this time, I took along a scripted mileometer and a region counter. I learned that the total length of the railway loop measures exactly 11.3 miles (18.199 km) long and travels through 77 sim regions. 😜
  12. I've just finished my first full loop of the fully operational Newbrooke/Chalet railway. I started at SSPSome Pig railway station and travelled a full anti-clockwise loop, arriving back at SSPSome Pig station in a time of 27 minutes and 19 seconds. I used a freebie Infinity Freight Quarry Train (v1.1) at full speed! 😜
  13. I've pieced together a better view of the new west coast regions by using a mosaic of mini-map screenshots. I've also added in the route of the railway line; green for operational, red for inactive.
  14. WEST COASTS EXPANDED! Thursday 9th June 2022: The west coasts of the Newbrooke and Chalet sub-continents have been expanded (and joined) with nine new regions. The nine regions are located between SSPSome Pig (Newbrooke) and Hydrant (Chalets). They are named: SSPGrey Ghost, SSPFudge Ripple, SSPPerfect Seal, SSPWhatsup Dock, SSPLandho, SSPBikini Top, SSPLes Poissons, SSPTritons Daughters, SSPRum Tug. The railway through Newbrooke and Chalets will form a complete loop when railway track is laid between SSPSome Pig and Hydrant. Moles have already begun laying track from Hydrant northwards up the new coastline towards SSPSome Pig.
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