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Bitsy Buccaneer

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Everything posted by Bitsy Buccaneer

  1. Right. So I didn't ask my question right according to your requirements. At least that's cleared up. I am not steadfast determined to prove anything. Please refrain from making things up about me. Thank you.
  2. Yes, I saw where she said she was putting Pussycat on ignore. I also saw pain underlying her words and actions. I did ask you a question. Did I not ask it right, according to your requirements? Why are you assuming that I'm "assuming and jumping to conclusions"? You've only asked me one question. If I'm understanding your advice to me, then shouldn't you have asked me more questions first in order to better understand what I mean?
  3. How was I, or any other reader, to know that the "Go for the ribs" was sarcasm? How was I, or any other reader, to know that it wasn't meant as encouragement? If I remembered a movie I saw 40 years ago, would that have helped? That's from you and it came across as celebratory. If you weren't involved, why did you write it the way you did? "Wonderful!" sounds pretty happy about things.
  4. Might be worth going back to read through the exchange after emotions have cooled. To an outsider, it looks like you and Pussycat were laying into a rape survivor. Or perhaps it was just Pussycat who was actually laying into her, with your role being to encourage Pussycat and then celebrating a victory over her opponent. Either way, you were both involved. I should have made that clearer in my post.
  5. Maybe slow down a wee bit. Are you really happy to lay into a rape survivor like this?
  6. Let's not get into what that awful awful white-blue fluorescent lighting does to my brain. It's quite different from blue glasses or a blue curtain over the window. I have to use an app that yellows and darkens the tint of the computer screen; normal is far too white-blue and far too painful for me to cope with.
  7. I have a crappy neurological system and am prone to seizures. (It's why I travel through SL with particles turned off and avoid places with rapidly animating textures.) In learning how to cope with this I've gotten very good at separating out physical reactions to physical stimuli from emotional matters, and also recognising how they affect each other. So when I say that blue light sometimes calms this all right down, it's based in repeatable observations. It doesn't always work, but when it does it's like throwing a switch. You know how quiet and calm it feels in an aquarium? That's the blue light. I get that same feeling when I pull a loosely-woven blue curtain over my window. Colours do affect us.
  8. Have you guys seen this? https://www.xrite.com/hue-test
  9. Hovertext is quick and simple. Callum's script gives a choice of three attention-getting colours. You can also change the numbers in the <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> to a different colour or something more subtle if that suits you better. There are charts online with the codes for dozens of shades. Also, this looks to be a good basic script with some explanation of how it works: https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=176 If you use an open source script like either of these, copy it and then paste it into a New Script in the Contents of your prim. Change the colour if you want, and the text, then hit Reset at the bottom of the script window. You'll need to hit Reset after any further changes. You may already have a few in your inventory too. They're often delivered along with a freebie/gift or sometimes an LM. If one is modifiable, you can just use that as your starting point. Hovertext does bleed through walls though. If you were wanting to go with a changeable blackboard theme, you could use white hover text coming from a small prim (perhaps invisible) positioned in front of a larger black or green one. Or change it up to go for a whiteboard effect or glowing neon or whatever you fancy. Once you get the hang of it, there are so many possibilities. SL is great that way.
  10. Well, you see, Jewell isn't really a first name. LittleMe mated with a shape-shifting alien whose culture puts the matrilineal family name first and the given name second. The Jewell X alts are all descendants of that. Works for me
  11. If nothing else, the ability to change a name would be helpful to those who see themselves as a different gender than the one indicated by their starting name. My name was a private joke which one other person in the entire world understood. That was nine years ago though and my SL is different from anything I could have imagined it to be. Perhaps a change is in order.
  12. That sort of thing's happened so often I just make a friendly greeting in IM and local, watch for a response and then forget about it. The weird thing now is how often they manage to walk over whatever I'm working on while they wander around, apparently oblivious.
  13. All five were still in Frank's and Frank's is.... Well, I wouldn't use it as a norm for any kind of study. There could also be another explanation, like someone with a male av who says he's from Thailand has been causing trouble there and it was assumed you were his alt. I experienced a version of that on a dating site, though the bloke was more likely bored than out to cause trouble. But bottom line, all five occurences were in Frank's and Frank's is strange.
  14. They're a pyramid scheme crossed with a gacha. I had a blue cat I named Skydog after Dwayne Allman. It was fun for a wee while. Now it lives in my inventory.
  15. I briefly knew someone who reminded me of an uncle. I never learned enough about him to form an opinion one way or the other. It was strange though to come to such a strong realisation that these things are possible.
  16. OK, so for mesh bodies then proper alpha-ing is a better solution. I just keep panties on my system avs because lag will happen and we don't have a whole lot of control over when our mesh clothing shows up for everyone else. I'm fine with nudity, but can't conceive of any reasons or need to impose it on those who just happen to be sharing screen space with my av. It really doesn't seem difficult to add those alpha cuts along with the hip ones. Am I missing something? It feels like there must be something I'm not getting for all these people to be making such a big deal over it.
  17. Are mesh bodies so complicated that it's difficult to just wear applier panties all the time and take them off when you want to be naked?
  18. I want some of whatever it is you're on and a body healthy enough to handle it.
  19. I can think of two possibilities which wouldn't require up-skirting. One is that your dress was slow to render and your body showed up before the dress. The other is that an animation rearranged things temporarily. I guess your next paragraph accepts the first possibility as likely and wants to dodge it by blaming the manager's computer. But really, shouldn't they be seeing something close to what their customers/clientele are likely to see? Altogether this sounds a bit like a demand that everyone has a fast computer and keeps its cache clear to accept your texture/mesh data so you can wear what you like. I hope that's not what you mean.
  20. Have you thought to look for him in the forums, Love? Rumour is he's pretty busy here.
  21. I thought at least a couple people in the thread had and I had hoped that I might be able to bridge the gap in definitions, or at least make the different use understandable. Perhaps I'm the one to have misunderstood what they were saying. It certainly seems that I've failed in bridging in gaps. My apologies for trying.
  22. I had hoped my post might help move things on by bridging the gap between two positions, or at least providing some basis for understand the more open definition. I'm sorry if you don't see value in it but I do.
  23. Question for everyone who thinks of "racism" as only pertaining to race: Does this mean that bigotry towards Hispanic people isn't racism? "Hispanic" is technically an ethnic designation and Spanish ethnicity is a classed as "Caucasian". Berbers, Moors, Somalis, Asian Indians, and parts of central Asia were also classed as "Caucasian", just to give an idea of how messy it is to try to make such a distinction based on the colour of someone's skin. Maybe it's not this way in the U.S., but in some parts of the world the word "racism" is used colloquially to include bigotry based on ethnicity too. Part of that's the history of the word "race" itself, part of it's histories of animosity between neighbouring peoples, and part of it's because "ethnicism" isn't in common usage, and besides, it means something else. The word "racism" is also used in that sense formally, in the UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). (Going to try chucking ICERD's definition in here with spoiler tags, because the surrounding discussion is useful for translating the legalese. Fingers crossed it works.) <spoiler> Definition of "racial discrimination" Main articles: Racism and Discrimination Article 1 of the Convention defines "racial discrimination" as: ...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[21] Distinctions made on the basis of citizenship (that is, between citizens and non-citizens) are specifically excluded from the definition, as are positive discrimination policies and other measures taken to redress imbalances and promote equality.[22] This definition does not distinguish between discrimination based on ethnicity and discrimination based on race, in part because the distinction between the ethnicity and race remains debatable among anthropologists.[23] The inclusion of descent specifically covers discrimination on the basis of caste and other forms of inherited status.[24] Discrimination need not be strictly based on race or ethnicity for the Convention to apply. Rather, whether a particular action or policy discriminates is judged by its effects.[25] In seeking to determine whether an action has an effect contrary to the Convention, it will look to see whether that action has an unjustifiable disparate impact upon a group distinguished by race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin.[25] The question of whether an individual belongs to a particular racial group is to be decided, in the absence of justification to the contrary, by self-identification.[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Convention_on_the_Elimination_of_All_Forms_of_Racial_Discrimination#Definition_of_"racial_discrimination"</spoiler>
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