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Bellahyae Enchanted

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Posts posted by Bellahyae Enchanted

  1. Hi filipsimo12!!

    i wonder if you can help me. my computer went down, as the last one did. and once again i am without a computer.

    i and my family have been buying our computers through places like bestbuy and futureshop for years here in canada,

    and it has been a nightmare we live with every day. from dell to hp, none that we have bought have worked well or for very long.

    we once paid a person to build our computer , but he cheated us and went out of busness quite soon after.


    while looking for my next pc nightmare (-_-), i found your thread. it is so rare to find someone who knows computers, and even knows what build you can create to make a great one that works great for sl and is willing to help someone who doesnt know

    Please Filipsimo12, could you post a pc build like you did  from newegg.com, but for there newegg.ca site?

    links to pc items that when put togather, can make a great build (ilike you did in post where you mentioned prices and links, only this time using what is found on newegg.CA for canadians?) i want to try building my own because i know my way around pcs fairly, but do not know which parts would be best and dont want to get cheated again by having someone else do it for me.

    i'm looking to create a great sl gaming pc (which can also use photoshop) with the price range being at the most 600 cad (is that even possible?) but i am always open to hearing about pricer options, since there might be others from canada who would love to know about this too, and have a far better budget then i)

    and by the way, thank you for the information you have giving on how to make a great one so far. it's rerally appreciated!!

  2. Hello, i am new at scripting but am looking into an idea i have, and that is of a script that can attach from your inventory something as long as it is in your inventory.

    what it does:

    you put the scipt in a prim, and when you click on the prim it attaches an object to you, but only the object that it is looking for.

    for example, you have " toy boat001" in your inventory and once you click on a special object outside of your inventory, it finds it in your inventory (in the "toy boat folder" for example) and attatches it to you . you click again and it detatches it from you.but if you do not have the toy boat in your inventory then nothing attatches and maybe it gives you a message saying "toy boat not found".

    is it possible to create a script like that? and if so what funtions would i have to call up to make it work?

    thanks alot for your help, i am not looking to use this in a negitive way, which is why i want it to only access a specific object. any help you can provide i would be grateful for!

  3. thank you for the help i got from all of you. i have been looking at this post since your replies but have not said anything since because i have been trying it out since then. i do not have pictures to show you but i can tell you that what i am trying to weight paint is a long skirt with ruffles at the end. it looks great but walking in it  looks bad because i cannot seem to get the legs to stop poking through and it walks blocky. and by blocky i mean one side of the skirt sticks to one leg and the other sticks to the other leg,. i have been trying for months and now just want to give up, becauase it has stop any creation i had in mind from happening!. any of you know of someone who would weight a long skirt and sell the mesh file so that i could copy its weights onto any skirt i'm creating?

    thanks alot for your help in the past however. and best wishes to you all

  4. i thank all of you for your responces! so much information from your own opinions.

    and to  Pussycat Catnap, i am really glad you spoke about the injustices of rl and sl slavery in this subject. i felt really happy to hear that opinion because i myself feel that  slavery is unjust and unfair.

     and if i did not then that information you gave me would be something to think about . it is wonderfull to start a subject that might be about something everyday and have it taken to something with depth that really made me think. i wish people could just speak freely about all sorts of issues (as long as we do so in a manner which is not harmful and respects everyone, i cannot see a wrong in it personaly). you keep on speaking miss! :) help people to think and rethink and we'll all be the richer for it.

    and thank you for the different views people brought up here!

     i'll be sure to take a look at the different ideas. i have to tell you the only reason i wanted a npc horse was because my favorite horses are made by a brand named water horse avatars but they just dont have a riding horse for sale and only make avatars. plus most of all the movement you get with an avatar horse seems more realistic then the walking i have seen with many horses in sl that you buy and ride with. but now with all of this information i'll be able to for sure get an option i can use to have that perfect custom horse!


    cheers and happy new years to all! 

  5. thank you for your responce and information.  i did not know about controllable pets but i did see people with slaves in the past, so glad i do not see people with that kind of thing around sl anymore either.

    i tried searching the marketplace for anything like a npc creator and also used the search word you gave me. i did not find anything in general or mature. i tried adult but it was just disturbing to search through ( how can people create such evil like what was found there? i felt nasuous just searching through there for 15 mins. never again!) you would think someone would have had an option to have npc that you can move by now, maybe too busy creating the demeaning soul killing items found in the adult section :( 

    thanks alot for your help anyway miss Catnap. i guess they just dont have that tecnology in sl yet. 

  6. hello, do any of you know if they have remote controled bots in secondlife? i am asking because i tried pikku bot and smart bots but they do not have alot of ability to move your bots via remote control. i do not want a follower bot  but one i can make move through a hud for example. i got a olugin for pikku bot but it only lets them move one step at a time. my idea was to have a npc horse or deer to ride in sl. any ideas on how to make it happen would be great

  7. hello

    i have been for the last few months trying to do weight painting for a skirt. but i am finding it impossible.

     i am not sure what to do anymore. i first tried it in maya for a few months but could not get the gap between both legs to keep from looking blocky (like the system skirt looks when you walk in it). a week or more ago i learned how to rigg and weight paint in blender using this tutorial : http://www.youtube.com/user/ashasekayi .

    everything went well in rigging no problums and i bone weight copied the weights from the avatar mesh at domino designs. but somehow in weighting i cannot figure out how to take that blocky look away. i have seen designers make walking with a mesh gown or skirt look great (rebel hopes beautiful new gown for example. or damien fates template  mesh skirts) but for the life of me i cannot seem to make my skirt look smooth  while the leg is lifted (like when you are walking).

    my sister suggested i ask the forums, so i guess your my last hope. 

    does anyone have tips on weight painting a skirt in blender or maya? 


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