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Jasmyn Vaher

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Everything posted by Jasmyn Vaher

  1. Hello Ebbe! It’s absolutely delightful to see you getting in touch with SL users. Again, welcome...and enjoy!
  2. Muy posiblemente, si respondiste a las preguntas correctamente, te retornaran tu cuenta.Igual tardan unos dias, 10 +-. A un amigo mio le pasó lo mismo y se la retornaron. Por ahora, LL te la ha cerrado a modo cautelar, y cuando te la retornen, si eso sucede, pues desgraciadamente, no descartes que quien te la hackeo, te haya borrado tu inventario y sustraido tus lindens, si es que los tenias. Sobretodo, si tenias info de pago, habla con tu banco URGENTEMENTE, lo antes que puedas, de lo contrario te puedes encontrar con que te han vaciado la tarjeta de credito. Espero que se solucione pronto el problema, y sobre todo,de ahora en adelante, vigila muy mucho los links que pinchas, y no des nunca, jamas, bajo ninguna circunstancia tu contraseña a nadie Un saludo
  3. Well, Treasure...It has lost the "thrill" of the beginning, which after 5+ years loggin in an almost daily basis is, IMO completely normal... but I am still in love with SL,and still enjoy being there, interacting with people, exploring and creating stuff , when my "building muse" strikes; so no. The magic is not gone
  4. See, as many other people in SL I am disabled, wheelchair user. And in my beginnings in SL, that of seeing my avatar walking/jumping/dancing, provided me a sensation that it’s almost impossible to describe. It was “me” doing all those things for first time in my life. That sensation has vanished with time, or perhaps I have just gotten used to it. That’s which I mean when I say that the feeling of identification, of “oneness” with my av has somehow vanished, even if I don’t roleplay my feelings or my interactions with people. About my use of the term “fake life” let’s see if I am able to clarify… Our real bodies are most times not young, not perfect, and fairly often, not even healthy. Our SL bodies are, young, perfect, healthy. The places we can visit in RL aren’t usually luxury ballrooms, nor paradise-like beaches, or any sort of equally wonderful places. The ones we spend time at in sl are. In SL we have the ability to travel to any place with just a click. Obviously, that’s not possible in RL. That’s which I mean when I say “fake life” Don’t get me wrong, I am totally in love with SL from day one. It’s an awesome place to fulfil dreams, to interact with people, to explore our creativity and even our desires. But the “life” one lives there, the equal chances we all have in SL are not by any means real On the other hand, can you compare the enjoyment one experiences being in a real awesome place with someone we enjoy spending time with, -whether a lover, family or friends- with the same experience, but lived in a virtual world?...SL experiences and relationships are magical, wonderful, alluring, unforgettable. But the real good experiences are always thousand times better because they are…well, real, tangible, you name it
  5. Well, IMO, many times, one’s quite able see the dangers of "adiction" looming in the horizon, so be careful there, especially if, as you said ,you don't feel like going out and interacting with people at this point in your life.SL might SEEM a great substitute for a real, active life Anyhow, the beginnings in sl are delightful. Those first months in SL are the best ones for many, many people. The beginnings are the time to learn and discover, ever the time to feel intensely that you are the one doing the things your av does (dancing, running, whatever.) But -at least in my personal experience- such close identification with your av, tends to vanish with time, and so, eventually you’ll don’t feel that when your av walks, runs or dances you are the one doing so. I don’t think that 2 to 4 hours/ day spent in sl are excessive per se. But don’t disregard the possibility of these hours increasing in fast progression, to the point in which your RL might take a backseat. Which wouldn’t be beneficial for you at all. My only advice would be; try to don’t leave aside all the many good things real people and activities near you can give you. No matter how hard real life and social interactions can be at times; especially at your young age, if you give up on real life to live a “fake life” you re going to regret it sooner or later.
  6. A similar hairstyle can be found at ANALOG DOG. The hair is called TANTRUM. It's partial mesh, and you can try on a demo. I have not the landmark, but the place is easily found in search. Hopefully more people will chime in, to tell you where to find more alike hairstyles
  7. Let me see if I got this straight (With your very broken English it was not an easy task, actually) You are in SL just to have fun, to roleplay and mind your business, right?...And because of it, you are even venting your childlike woes in the forum, stating that very annoying “No drama” sentence amidst your inane rant, for good measure…Drama Queen anyone? Let’s be honest here. You do not have qualms whatsoever in getting in the way of the relationship between a partnered couple in SL. Don’t try to play innocent here. We are not buying it. And that’s mean and sick. Period. If you keep acting this way, someday you might find a resident smart and pissed off enough at you , how to put you in real hot water, so watch your actions BTW. Luckily the Lab is way too busy minding their business how to care about the high school drama some of their customers are way too fond of. It’d be beyond hilarious to see a company interceding in such ridiculous resident to resident issues.
  8. I am not sure, but may the skin be from WOW skins? ...here's the link to their store in MP, it may be worth to take a look https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/46629 Good luck with your search!
  9. Hi Sephina, if you need further help to get just the kind of shape you will like, just drop me an IM! See ya!
  10. They are not in marketplace I think. Only at Redgrave inworld store
  11. Oops…male skins!… Ok. Redgrave, (Craig, Emil and King skins are IMO to die for) bad@zz, Prodigal, Tellaq About male shapes, well, I like too to create them. Same as it happens with female shapes; most times; I dont like the ones that come with the skins either. A while ago, I created a male shape, it rests unused in my inv. If you want to try it, feel free to IM me
  12. For female skins. Belleza, League, Akeruka, Redgrave and Dream ink are my favorites. Dream Ink has also tattoos. Regarding shapes, hmmm it’s complicated...actually I make my own shape, or I modify other shapes, because I just don’t like that trend of making shapes that have faces with downturned lips, eyes like slits, almost non existent chin, and bodies short and rather skinny. I don’t care about my avi having a realistic height. I like it tall….I guess I have enough with being short IRL :-) About clothes...the number of great clothes designers are too wide to mention. Utopia, Ricielli, Gabriel or Aoharu are a few that come to my mind, but the offer is limitless.Take a look at marketplace, I am sure that you will find plenty of stuff of your liking
  13. Even if her opinions or answers can seem at times somehow harsh or controversial, Peggy has never ever insulted or harassed anyone in the forums. YOU are the one acting childish, and showing yourself as a major Drama Queen. Oh, and of course; feel free to AR me, report me or casting a spell onto me to turn me into a frog if you wish )… Frankly, I don’t give a dime --||-
  14. Skype? what for; if I can ask?...as far as everybody knows, to do any thing one wants to do in SL, from getting a job, to hire someone, to build and sell or buy stuff, Skype isn't needed at all, so, care to explain?
  15. Happy belated rezzday, Solaria! Well...about my suggestions/advices for newcomers to SL; here are a few: Don’t say or do in SL which you wouldn’t do or say IRL (example: To disrespect or belittle people, or to ask for money to strangers, to buy NOT needed stuff) Don’t mix reality with fantasy. A good looking av, doesn’t mean a good looking person. And someone acting nicely in a virtual place where everything is easy, can actually be a callous, grumpy person with low tolerance levels when facing RL challenges Don’t believe everything you hear. To say “I love you” is really easy. Sadly though; too many times, especially in a virtual world, isn’t real Don’t try to hit on the most beautiful or handsome avatar in the place, whilst looking as something the cat dragged in. IMO, it’s a matter of simple common sense… fact is that, here, as well as in RL, looks, do matter Comments like “Hey babe, nice ass...wanna F***” should trigger an instant crash in the viewer of the one saying it. It’s plain RUDE, stupid and brings me back to point 1 No matter how badly you want a partner/companion to share your SL with….don’t behave in a needy way. Same as in RL, in SL it’s a big turn off for most people Most people loves to read profiles. It gives enough clues about someone, and can be a very good way to prompt a first contact…please. Fill your profile early on. For good or for bad, it will give others a glimpse of your personality and your wishes to interact with people, or lack thereof Don’t be a hostile idiot….statements like “If you annoy my bf/gf/virtual mom/child/dog I will make your life hell” are among the most ridiculous stuff one can read in a profile Don’t take almost anything too seriously here. All but the real feelings of our fellow SL users should be taken way much lightly than too many people does. If you are an adult person, bring your RL maturity into SL. IMO; it’s a good recipe to avoid needless drama Last but not least…don’t accept stuff from strangers. Quite often it can be annoying stuff intended just to bother and grief inexperienced people
  16. I am aware that, for many people, especially most recent users, SL it’s only a social networking to chat and socialize. But for most of us, it is much more than that. It’s rather a place where one can do, be and have all those things we can’t be, do and have in RL. (BTW; some of those things might be strongly frowned upon by our family, friends, coworkers or employers) To each their own, but IMO, to see SL only like some kind of FB or twitter is missing the best of it…I really miss the good old days in which SL and FB and “RealLifers” were opposite terms Definitely; Not. I would be strongly against any option to be found in SL without my expressed consent
  17. Hello Beautylish, nice blog! Btw you may want to write a post there about a clothing store. It's name's -SG- and they have both male and female clothes; all of them, costing 10 ld. They are nice, pretty good quality clothes. Here's the SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/DuoLife/113/211/22
  18. It for sure has worked for me, beyond my expectations. Last Sunday I messed up things ... I unchecked the “remember my password” option in my viewer…and yes. When I tried to log in again, turns out that I had forgotten it, and I have no clue about where I had stored it (if I had saved it at all, that’s it) Also, incredible but true…back when I opened that account, -which luckily is my alt-, I wrote my email wrongly. Yes; no kidding here…can anyone be more idiotic than me?… Long story short .I had no way to log in with that account. And given that I am not premium member, that my alt hasn’t even PIOF (Though my main has it) I wasn’t expecting a fast answer, but of course, I submitted a ticket. And to my surprise, less than 24 hours later, and after answering a few questions so LL could be sure that I am the owner of such account, they sent me a new password. LL for sure has flaws, I won’t argue that, but I just want to give credit where credit is due…Well done; many thanks Linden Lab
  19. Definitely, go for it. You got talent and imagination; your art is just …Wow! Good luck!
  20. You may find a quite alike hairstyle at Sweet Hairs. Here's the SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Faces/183/18/270
  21. Doesn't sound to me like any profitable advantage at all....a bigger lot of land and a better house for upgrading to premium,? great. A bigger weekly stipend? it would be great too, but a badge, no thanks. Besides the fact that I dont want people to know more than the info displayed in my inworld profile, it would lead to more "High school drama"
  22. Hello Ceka .-) Well I cannot afford the kind of plot I’d like to have. Also, I have a few prim/sculpts made houses and furniture items in my inv and they are enough. But since I love clothes, that’s why I mostly relate mesh with outfits and not with houses/furniture or landscaping items. I know of its other applications; I have seen some, yet as I stated previously; it’s not anything I “need” to have…same as I don’t need to have the many other things I see and I like. I am not putting down mesh. Not at all. I have seen high quality mesh products and I like them. I think however that mesh is rather new, some time needs to pass before it’s perfect and everybody’s able to see it. and that time will come. My point is just that I am not going to be slave of everything and all that comes new, neither in SL nor in RL…(Same as I am not going to get a new computer to be able to see SL in all it’s beauty, despite guessing which I am missing) it’s my way to enjoy things without getting let’s say “upset” or stressed because of the things I can’t or shouldn’t purchase…
  23. No, no, no pedantic at all. I thank you for the info...so far I have only found not mod mesh items (rigged?) ...not that I've cared much about looking for them though...I am open to try it, but I am not actively looking for mesh stuff either...if the day comes when modifiable (unrigged?) mesh is widely available, well, then I may indulge myself with some nice mesh clotes/shoes
  24. I just don’t pay attention to these “wild goose chases” I mean, mesh came up. I tried a few demos of mesh clothes. They didn’t fit my rather curvy shape, and since I flatly refuse to mod it, unless mesh becomes modifiable, it’s not going to be my thing. Mesh clothes may fit my shape some day... or maybe not; I just don’t care. Same as I don’t care about every new “awesome product” I see advertised in TV commercials Same goes for buildings or furniture…luckily there’s enough very nice houses and furniture items made out of prims and sculpts. And stuff enough to build them…I can see mesh, and it looks great indeed; but I don’t need either to have a mesh made house, or to build one. (especially because atm not everybody in SL can see those items) Once more, I don’t care. About friendships/relationships…well, there are shallow people everywhere, and also people who meant their feelings for others…odds are that most friends one gets in SL are only acquaintances, but hey…it’s the internet. The right place for real, meaningful relationships is, IMO, the real world. You said “It just seems like in RL, people in SL are often led around by the nose with every silly new trend” yes...seems so. Such it’s the nature of consumers. But in any case, try to focus in the many enjoyable things (and relationships) SL has to offer…even if they are just acquaintances…one has too that kind of relationships in RL, and whilst a close friend or loved one is an entirely diff matter, acquaintances happen to be great to share a while of chitchat, a few laughs or to vent about not too heavy issues
  25. The skin is TAYLOR. From League skins... I dont know about the shape
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