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Jasmyn Vaher

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Posts posted by Jasmyn Vaher

  1. Por un lado, decirte que Linden Lab no media en las disputas entre residentes, y asi lo especifican en sus Terminos del Servicio, o en sus "Community standars". Muy posiblemente, ni leeran tu mensaje; y si lo hacen, no tomaran medida alguna para ayudarte.

    Por otro lado, SL ha de ser un relax, un pasatiempo, un mundo virtual para disfrutar de ratos agradables, lo que, por lo que nos cuentas, no es el caso. Tal vez deberias dejar de conectar por una temporada, o si no quieres dejarlo, empezar de nuevo con un avatar diferente, yendo a otros sitios, uniendote a otros grupos, haciendo nuevas amistades, etc. En suma, empezando de nuevo. En cualquier caso, de verdad, relativiza. Nada de lo que pasa en sl tiene la menor importancia, y en realidad, los verdaderos amigos, ahi, son una autentica rareza. La mayoria no pasan de conocidos, o de amantes para una temporadita, que suele ser corta. (De hecho, si  los que llamas tus amigos de verdad lo hubiesen sido, no hubiesen cortado el contacto contigo, sin por lo menos intentar averiguar el porque de ese  mensaje que en realidad no mandaste tu)

    Lo dicho, no  te tomes en serio nada y a (casi) nadie en SL. En cuanto al tipo ese que mencionas pues bueno, no estaria de mas que lo muteases, o lo pusieras en "ignore"

    Suerte y mis mejores deseos

  2. Sadly, most men populating SL are this way (Not all, but most) and sadly too, in the last years and thanks to the "faceboking" process promoted and encouraged by LL, SL has become a dating site of sorts. Anyhow, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. And you don't even need to give explanations. Mute, defriend and leaving to somewhere else in the grid is IMO the  best possible answer to unwanted requests

  3. Excellent explanation.I wish I was able to convey the meaning of the video this  clearly. Also, there's a point in which the narrator states that  that horror-movie-like clown is following him, and never answering his IM's. Which the video creator fails to tell is that such clown is most likely a  bot, or even a mesh toy, part of the roleplay decoration at that sim....or in the best of cases, one of the many harmless idiots running loose in SL, or simply, a friend or alt of himself, put  there for "dramatic" purposes

    Anyway, he manages to distort pretty well which SL really is. Quite a few of the people watching the video  go asking him in the comments, if this game is only to be found in the  deep web. And most important, he fails to explain that SL HAS TOS and rules, and it does abide to law, and that underage people are not allowed  in  adult areas and that, of course, paedophilia is an enormous NO-NO in SL, with legal consequences for the offenders

    Lame sensationalism at its best. As KarenMichelle says, a waste of 10 minutes of time

  4. This guy starts telling in his video, that there's the "Deep web", where all sort of crime and depravation has place. But then, (and though he conceedes that there's some nice places, people and activities in SL,) eventually smarter criminals resorted to SL to enjoy all their pervertions. (Pedo, sadistic murders, etc) And that there's no control or law whatsoever in SL to watch and punish such people. All of this narrated in a "Preacher of the doom" style, so to speak

    Well, this is a very resumed translation of the meaning of the video. Quite idiotic video, far from reality IMO, but whatever,it's only my opinion.


  5. Your name does suggest that you are looking for men skins, hair, etc? (Apologies if you are looking for women stuff)

    If I am correct, take a look at this store in Marketplace.


    There's a skin called "a touch of grey" With it and a good shape and hair, you can achieve a mature, very attractive look. As a proof, the picture in this blog


    There's also a skin named King, from Redgrave. It looks  mature (A handsome guy in his mid 40 or so)

    Hopefully, more people will chime in to suggest you more skins, hairs, etc

  6. YS&YS Has usually a nice skin as a group gift. The group is free to join.

    https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/13353 (In their marketplace page you will see their inworld SLUR)

    Deesses skins has too  beautiful skins as a group gift, and to join the group is also free


    I'll keep thinking and I'll post whathever interesting, for free stuff I can find or remember. Anyhow, I think that the biggest problem you can have to help her dress her av for free has to be the mesh feet. And currently, most nice footwear is designed for mesh feet

  7. Black and gold dress, not too prudish? Ok, how about this one?


    It's name is Scarlet, it has two parts, mesh armor and mesh skirt. It's available at a store called DIRAM. (price's 600, or 650 ld, not sure right now)  Bracelets are not included, and mask is sold  separately at the same store ) I have not the LM. But you can easily find it in search

    About long hair, perhaps you can find one of your liking at EMO-TIONS (Store both in marketplace and inworld) In any case, there's plenty of very nice long hairs in Marketplace and inworld as well

  8. I don't participate in anything in which voice is an imposition (I know, I know, my no participation on a given event is completely irrelevant for such event, and for the rest of SL population as well)

    Voice in SL should be an option, never an imposition, to be allowed (or forbidden) to apply to a given contest, job or event. But, well, I am sure that such approach to the subject of voice will never be  adressed  in the T.O.S.

    Note for people with hearing/speech impairments. Don't try to fullfill your dreams in SL. It is as discriminating and  complicated for all of you as RL is

  9. The first one is from Damselfly. However, I cannot identify it's name. Anyhow, they have a very alike one called Chiyo

    Sephina has answered you about the second one (I didn't know either)

    The third one I am sure about, because I have it. It's called Trouble clef. From analog dog


  10. Bingo! That's why the story sounded familiar to me. That much that I have even checked the date, thinking that  it had to be a "necrothread"

    Anyhow, I just don't believe a single word of this story. Actually,  it better should be just that, just a "Non-real story"

    Quite hard to believe, really.

  11. Hello Elisa

    Besides doing just what other people in this thread has very wisely advised you, how about this?... Delete your payment info from the account that has been hacked,  then, open a new account/avatar, with a different email address, and use it ONLY to have your Paypal linked there and buy lindens

    From now on, be always extremely careful with the links you open. To click in random links is the way in which most -If not all- accounts get hacked

  12. I found it by chance (Apologies if I am not posting this in the right forum). SS Galaxy closed down yesterday; May 3th.

    It's  very sad to see one of the most beautiful creations of SL gone.

    I have found a  bit more info in Daniel Voyager's blog


    More in this other blog:



  13. SL Is not RL (same applies to any other virtual world). And one of it's main appeals is the chance it gives to create an avatar, or building or furniture items the way every one of us wants. If "NG" would take that freedom away, if it was going to make an avatar look lanky because it is let's say 2 meters tall, or childlike because it's short...well, I wouldn't even give it a try

    If someone doesn't like anyone else's avatar, or buildings, or furniture items because of their height or size,..well, it's as easy as ignoring them and let people create and enjoy their leisure time in a virtual world  any way they want



  14. Es raro que si le has dado a bloquear te sigan llegando mensajes...Con el visor que yo uso, el coolVL , muteas a la persona que te aparece como emisario/a del mensaje, y listos, no mas mensajes, no falla nunca (A mi tambien me mandó un par hasta que le di a mute)

    A  ver si lo logras...Suerte :)

  15. There's a store called YS&YS (your skin your shape) that gives a free skin for women,  by joining their  group. Very nice skins and also, the group if free to join

    Deeses skins gives also free and beautiful skins for women by joining  their group (Free to join as well)

    Analog dog has a free ball with a few nice hairstyles. To find those balls easily, open the  area seearch  function in your viewer and type  FREE BALL or FREEBALL

    About hairs, besides the hair fair, there's two stores that I recall that  give 1 hairstyle each by joining their groups. The name of those stores are DAMSELFLY and DURA

    GABRIEL is another store that gives group gifts for both, men & women

    Sorry, I dont have the landmarks, but these stores are easy to find in search

    Also, take a look at these blogs. in there you can find plenty of free and nice stuff, besides many links to others free stuff blogs






  16. I am from Spain, and  as someone else has explained here, I am completely  sure that " jajaja" is exactly the same as  hahaha or Lol. It's people laughing,  so, no, it's not a display of rudeness at all

  17. Belleza skins' group gives a few free skins for male. Joining fee is 250 ld. Not sure if it goes beyond your budget, but in any case, these skins are really good

    Amacci suscribo (or group) gives free eyes. They do look pretty well, and you can join the group for free. I don't have the landmarks for those stores, but they are easy to find in search

    There's also a store in marketplace, called Electric feel. They have male clothes priced 30 to 50 LD most of them. Despite their affordable prices, they make  some good stuff

    If I can recall more quality cheap or free stuff, I'll post again

    Have fun creating your  look!

  18. is a plane ride away. So not so ridiculous

    It’s a plane ride away, to meet…but then what? What they would’ve done to keep the relationship alive if that first meeting would have lead to real chemistry and feelings developing? Several trips USA-UK per year?... Sure, a small amount of long distance relationships may work. But fact is, most don’t. And fairly often, not for lack of effort by one or both parties involved...a long distance relationship is something I wouln't even get close to, but that's only my personal choice. To each their own

    i just wonder how you managed to allow yourself to evolve a relationship where the other person thought that this was a distinct possibility. Given the sharing of RL info by you. Given also that it seems to now be a ridiculous notion, only since you now met someone else

    When the relationship is in its “peak”; in its best moment it’s very common to share lots of RL info that later on, one comes to regret to have shared. But it doesn’t mean that the person sharing their personal  info has plans to take things to RL. Sure, HarleiQuinn may have been careless, so to speak and let their now SL ex think that there was a chance to take things to RL. In the worst case scenario, they may have even actively encouraged such idea. But, how naïve an adult person has to be to believe all those silly things your significant one in an online relationship tells you? People keep forgetting a basic fact. Way too many times, our SL significant one  is nothing but a stranger… However, this said, yes. I can understand Harlei's ex sl. That person is  hurt and striking back in the only way they can.

    Online relationships are no different to offline. Is real people with real feelings. Broken hearts.
    online relationships should  be different from real ones. And taken with a big  grain of salt...I guess I am just overly  jadded. Or perhaps just realistic.

    In any case would you let pass the chance of a relationship with someone close to you, someone you can see easily in a daily basis without the hurdles and expenses transoceanic travels mean, just for staying in a “fantasyland” relationship that has slim to none chances to become a RL one? Me, for sure, not


  19. Desafortunadamente, no creo que haya nada que puedas hacer para “blindar” tus scripts para evitar problemas futuros en el caso (muy improbable) de que te vuelvan a robar la cuenta, ni para saber quien lo hizo ni por que. Y si ese alguien ha copiado tus scripts en su block de notas o un documento Word para luego hacer esos scripts en su propio inventario, pues...lo mismo, ni  has podido evitarlo ni podrás saberlo.

    ¿Puede ser que esa persona te conociera? si, supongo que ya que no te ha borrado el inv ni robado los lindens, haya sido alguien que te conozca, y tuviese ganas de  “hacerte la pascua” por la razon que sea. De toda manera, olvídate de que LL te facilite  cualquier info acerca de quien lo hizo…No suelen hacerlo.

    En cuanto a llevar las cosas al punto de poner una denuncia en rl, si, puedes intentarlo, pero lo mas probable es que te cueste  mas la envoltura que la criatura, como se suele decir

    Mira, en cualquier caso, si alguien utiliza un script u objeto para  crear problemas a otros usuarios de SL, por lo que tengo entendido, quien recibe las consecuencias de un posible  baneo temporal o permanente,(Los  baneos  permanentes son una rareza, solo consecuencia de faltas muy graves) es el propietario del objeto que ocasiona problemas, no su creador/vendedor. (Por ejemplo, si alguien utiliza un arma en un sim que no es de combate, ese alguien será quien  está en falta, no quien la  creó y la vende)  En el market de SL hay un montón de  productos, que  solo sirven para crear problemas, para, como dicen ingles “Griefing” y ahí están sus creadores,  tan campantes, muchos de  ellos, con sus objetos maliciosos aun en venta

    En cualquier caso, me alegra que te hayan retornado tu cuenta , asi, tan rapido.


    Un abrazo

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