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Tara Chester

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Everything posted by Tara Chester

  1. Is it possible to write LSL equivalent to viewer's "set scripts in the selection to running/not running", with one script per linkset?
  2. I get my money to PayPal after 5-7 (working) days. Only once it happened almost immediately, like after one hour lol. It's a real drag.
  3. Maybe that avi has different maturity rating (of age verification), maybe it's always busy or away, or if you are logged in at the same time, viewer windows is minimized, maybe you're typing in the wrong name (or without last name) ... not sure.
  4. It happened to me couple of times. I flagged those reviews as abuse or something, and they were removed almost the same day. Now, emails and all, we need those, but, first, people are becoming aware of dumb or fake reviews, and don't take reviews as relevant in general, second, in my experience, reviews don't take to much part in product rating anymore, and third, I solve rare review problems directly with cusomers ("sure, i'll redeliver, remove your one star") lol
  5. Oh, yes.. it's one of those great unsolved misteries of SL... i think i saw carved in some stone near welcome area (close to "Buy lindens" button, which you can't miss): "Welcome to most popular user-unfriendly virtual world. We hope you will enjoy wasting your time trying to figure out how to figure out what we haven't figured out. While doing that, have fun buying some lindens. And deed the them to a group! Cheers!"
  6. You can only change your "Display name" in Phoenix on the top of your viewer interface, under " Edit menu > Display name... " You can do this only once a week. Even if you reset it, you have to wait 7 days from the time you set you reseted name. If you are talking about your account name, you can't change it, you can only make a new account. Enjoy!
  7. No, your invetory is safe on LL servers as long as your account is active (and even couple of months after that, if you decide to reactive it). But you shouldn't delete SL viewer's folder like other file, it's a program, you have to uninstall it, and then download and install again, if you want everything to work ok. Enjoy!
  8. Clear cache in your preferences. Try logging in to your home and to your last destination. Several times. And if you decide to use both Phoenix and official viewer, set different cache folders for each of them, having one cache folders for both can cause these problems. And when you are logged in, don' log out right away if something is wrong, wait 5-10 minutes. Good luck!
  9. Like all of us, if you are not doing it in an organized manner, it'll take you months to figure even the most basic things about how SL works as a platform and how people spend time in here (whether it's having fun , making money or whathave you. My advice, know your viewer interface, you have great video tutorials and help pages, and don't be afraid of trying them all. For example, it took me months to even press the "build" button which was right infront of me the whole time,. Or to browse the world map, and tabs in search. I'm meeting people who have been in SL for 2 years now, and still don't know how to zoom around themselfs or the sim with alt+left click. You don't have to be tech savvy, just involved. Once you figure out basic things how SL works and how to interact efficiently with avis and objects, you'll know what to do and what is the best "job' for you. And when you are bored with one choice, there is always something else to do. Oh, yes, teleport, teleport as much as you can, visit as many sims as you like, even 5 minutes in one interesting place can be a revelation for what to do or where to go next. Enjoy!
  10. You can try joining one of the active groups in-world related to something of your interest, where you can chat with people, and eventualy meet somebody interesting "in person". Or, you can just wander around, visiting hang out spots, clubs and events. Just do in SL what you would normally do in RL when you want to be around people.
  11. Try clearing your viewer's cache, relog, try searching anything in your inventory, wait till the whole inventory loads. If nothing happens, make and wear new shape, skin and all. If that doesn't help, search these forums wiht "cloud" or similar keywords, I'm sure there is a good thread with various solutions here. Enjoy!
  12. Check you email, you have all the links and explanations there.
  13. With failed deliveries it's always best to contact the merchant (creator). Just in case, send both notecard and IM with purchase data. My customers usualy contact me right away, there's realy no need to wait the whole day. If nobody responds, first check you account transactions, maybe the system had refunded you automaticaly. If not, then try with support ticket. The location of the store may be just the place where they keep the Magic box (or backup Magic box), or they moved, or they are dead
  14. 1. If we can't increase the number of new human residents to SL, let's make artifical ones, and include them in concurrency. 2. One former SEO said: SL is not growing because we made a mistake trying to push too many things an once. They are making the same mistake again. If you wanna do a thing right, focus only on that one thing. Let's hope I'm wrong about all this. Good luck to us all!
  15. Basically speaking, that can be caused by "next owner permissions" on 3 levels: product box permissions, product permissions inself, and content permissions inside of the product, and you can see them differently in your inventory, and when they are rezzed. Also, it takes a while for the system to update those data. See what instance is giving you trouble, maybe it's just creators mistake.
  16. I make mesh products, but I don't list them yet for that very reason. What's the point? Nobody would buy them, and by the time everyone can buy and see them, they will be buried by the new mesh listings and become "old products". Not to mention almost certain technology changes that will be made in time. I have a questions thou: how exactly do you know the precentage of "market share" for any viewer, or you just guessing the numbers?
  17. I didn't pay much attention, but it's possible, because indexing of products for next day ratings (positioning on pages) goes around that time.
  18. My parcel on Mainland is pretty stable, but lately I've noticed decreased perfmance. My client and internet connections is solid, but I can't be sure about the source of this problems. It sounds logical there is some serious stuff happening in the background.
  19. My Magic box IM's are ok. But MP emails keep coming in irregular intervals, but I receive all of them, I think.
  20. Yeah, they can also be seen in product list for adding relevant items. Perhaps it's best if they don't touch it, seems indexing stuff is not a stonger site of LL's coders
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