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Rowen Stipe

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  1. This function takes in a hex color code and concerts it into an RGB vector for LSL color. There is a basic check for if there's a # randomly in the string but no validation of the hexcode. //Convertes a hexcode into vector vector hex2Vec(string hex) { //remove poud sign from hexcode if(llSubStringIndex(hex, "#") == 0) { hex = llDeleteSubString(hex, 0, 0); } //sainty check to make sure there's no pound sign else if (llSubStringIndex(hex, "#") > 0) { llOwnerSay("Invalid hexcode: "+hex); return ZERO_VECTOR; } float r = (float)("0x"+llGetSubString(hex, 0, 1))/255; float g = (float)("0x"+llGetSubString(hex, 2, 3))/255; float b = (float)("0x"+llGetSubString(hex, 4, 5))/255; return <r,g,b>; }
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