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Slate Juliesse

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Posts posted by Slate Juliesse

  1. My avatar is blind.

    It has been like this for several months.

    Log in/log out has no effect.  I just have a green, brown or grey blur all the time.

    Nothing cures it.

    I wanted to come back as a different avatar but that is not allowed.


    has anybody here had this experience?


  2. Neither desk top icons work.

    The only way I can get in as far as this forum is to go into Safari and do a search for sl like you would for any other item.

    I have no idea how a Mac works either.   We got it when our 8 year old PC got a bit creaky.

    The Mac behaves like a very over priced £200 PC and it cost a lot to pay "experts" to come in and force it to do a few of the things it says on the tin.


    O god sorry you have set me off.  Not done that for several years.


    Thank you for your interest.



  3. Thank you for trying to help.

    It should have occurred to me it was the Mac.   It has been such a pain in the past.  Have just been looking at the Apple site with a view to an upgrade.  No human beings to ask of course.  Have just had a conversation with a robot.  Will leave it now until I go into town and talk to one of those clever sales guys.


    I still cannot believe that all over the world peoples' sl suddenly stopped working because Apple upgraded their systems.

  4. Mac OS X

    Version  10. 4. 11

    Processor 2.16 GHz    Intel core  2    Duo

    Memory  2.5 GB     667 Mhz    DDR 2      SDRAM


    Clicking on either icon does nothing.


    I open Safari and search for sl like any other search

    I get a field with the screen for user name and password and that gets me to here but no further.  No picture.


    I do not click the magnifying glass.

  5. I have two sl icons on the side of the screen along with all the usual stuff that works.  One icon is for sl viewer 2 and the other is for second life Beta viewer.  Neither of these do anything when clicked or double clicked on.  So then I type into search "Second life virtual world"   I can then log in.  I am presented with a screen full of various sl items but no scenery.    I can then click on "community" then "forum"  and here we are here again - basically nowhere.

    sl seem to think I am a time waster.  Perhaps I am but it is not done for fun.   I used to enjoy coming here but not really now.  I know that sl will run on this machine, iMac bought 2007, because it used to run OK.


  6. True that I am not new here but what is happening to me or in this case not happening is new t o me.  I realise that if you are coming to sl and everything is fine for you then I must be irritating when I say it does not work.  I have now gone round the block again, done download etc and I can talk on this forum but that is all.  I must be doing something wrong or not doing something right but how to find out what it is.  There is no help to be had in my wanderings across all the sl stuff. 

  7. Thank you for replying.

    I have no avatar and therefore no skin or clothes.

    Linden have abandoned me and I am now thinking of leaving.

    It really is a pity because I used to enjoy it here, just mooching about but there you go!

    I am probably doing something simple wrong but there is no way of finding what it is.


    Thanks anyway.

  8. Hullo,

    I was in sl a while ago and left, was ill.   I have rejoined with same name.   I can log in but have no avatar.  It simply does not exist in this virtual world.   Linden say everything is OK for them but I can post here as you can see but still have no avatar.  Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with sl?

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