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debbiej Aabye

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Everything posted by debbiej Aabye

  1. feel free to connect me in world lovve to talk to people
  2. need someone to run a club on my sim, for more info im me in world debbiej aabye
  3. i have 2 shops for rent at the landing zone on my sim. apox 100 people a day visit. for more info contact me in world debbiej abbye
  4. contact me in world and will help you with what i can debbiej aabye
  5. looking for a few new friends. females, transgender. like to dance and anything thats legal. if you want to im me in world debbiej aabye
  6. i have a very active free shop and i am looking for womens shoes that are full perm. i am willing to pay for them. as long as i can use the in the free shop. would also do a free ad board for whomever. traffic is over 2000 and high in search. avg around 100 avi a day. as i make no money off this shows qould need to be good price. also would be willing to offer free shop space. contact me in world debbiej Aabye
  7. i have 1 shop that i will rent for free to theright person. must be all your orginal things. no resell. and must sell for low prices. 200 to 250 prims. would prefer floating text, or the multi vendor panels. must contact me in world debbiej Aabye
  8. i have a 3352 plot of mainland i am selling has 7679 prims.willing to sell for 10000l . http://slurl.com/secondlife/tiretta/224/152/54/?title=Fly%20D%20ranch%20Bundles this is the lm i use for the land. you can im me in world for more info notecards are better im get capped
  9. i am into horses too. have not been for very long. im me and we can talk horses
  10. i still have 3 rent free shops left. they are 20 x 20 two floors. rent free for as long as you want to use them. im me for more info debbiej Aabye
  11. just droped the price to 3000l
  12. i have a 8196 plot of land in stargazer, its flat and has some beach area. its priced a 6000l http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/stargazer/170/145/21/?title=Land%20For%20Sale&msg=Land%20for%20sale i am on line now if you would like to im me debbiej Aabye
  13. still have several free shops left
  14. i have several 10 x 10 shops that will be free for several months if intrested im me in world
  15. i am back after severals years. same story no one around that i was friends with. if you would like to chat im me. like to shop and see new places
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