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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Morning hugs to all (OK, it's afternoon now)...I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet but I wanted to pop in and wave!
  2. Depending on the skin maker, it is possible that they have actually released an updated version of the skin. You might want to check there first!
  3. I was kinda hoping that the crooked eyeholes would impair your ability to hit me with fireballs... :smileysad:
  4. I'm tired from working on my costume, so my outfit is going to have to be my Halloween jammies (group gift from Gothicatz)!
  5. Argus Collingwood wrote: woot I love to dance and just joined! :smileyvery-happy: Yay! It's been months since I've danced on a bar with you!! :smileyvery-happy:
  6. DQ Darwin wrote: OMG the beaver is priceless LMAO, thanks Val. He didn't even complain when I grabbed him lol:) It's probably too early in the day because I can't stop laughing at this....:smileyvery-happy: Good morning, all, and hugs!!
  7. Morning hugs, everyone! Yay for leftover turkey! :matte-motes-delicious:
  8. Ooh, very cool, Maz...I just joined! (And since I'm in world atm, I sent an invite to Kylie :matte-motes-asleep-2: )
  9. And that made me laugh out loud too, Charo!
  10. Welcome to SL, Tanjee! You've gotten great advice here, and I just wanted to add that your calm reaction to the situation is great...it's more usual to see people post here flipping out about that sort of thing. I very seldom see griefers in shops, as they seem to focus more on sandboxes and welcome areas, so shop where you please and don't worry about this being a common occurence. Enjoy your SL! :smileyhappy:
  11. Good morning and hugs, all! /me sits and waits for Dee to serve us turkey
  12. I don't think it's really any different from RL, where the ads we see are often not the reality of how something looks. Just like you have to try on clothes in RL to see what they will look like on you, the same goes on SL. Maybe it's different for me because I never buy the shape that "goes" with a skin...I have one shape I love and it's what I always use, so I already know that the skin in the ad will not look quite the same on me. (I am puzzled when people say they buy skins without trying the demos, though...that's a pretty big gamble considering the cost of skins!)
  13. Why did the demo not work? I've always tried LAQ (and other) demos before buying skins, and can't imagine how a demo skin would "fail". Can you give us more specifics of what the problem is or what you are looking for?
  14. Did you try the suggestions you got before? It doesn't look like you came back to the thread after you asked the question. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Skins-like-Curio-s-but-not-Curio-s-and-am-I-the-only-one-who/m-p/924211
  15. Probably need a scripter to tell you what all can be done with a UUID (av key), but as far as I know, they're public knowledge. My understanding is that everything in SL (objects, avatars, etc) has a UUID as an identifying number....beyond that, I have no idea. :smileyvery-happy:
  16. I looked at the item, and it doesn't tell you *where* someone is in SL, just whether or not they are online. It sounds to me like she's wearing something that lets him control her...does she have RLV enabled? If this guy is a friend, can't she ask him how he's doing this? If he won't tell her, maybe she needs to block and AR him if he won't knock it off.
  17. I have no idea what the two of you are talking about. :matte-motes-evil-invert: :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  18. Like I said, it's not from SL/LL....which is why it's giving you inaccurate info. Go to your Dashboard and on the left hand side, you'll be able to change your password under Account.
  19. Don't do it....if you want to reset your password, do it from your Dashboard. This email is not from LL, it's someone trying to get you to hand over your password.
  20. I've always assumed that they're just an army of alts and no one is actually operating them beyond logging them in and parking them on a pose stand.
  21. Charolotte Caxton wrote: I have a script that alerts me to Keli's questions, and no, I don't know what that means. Ok, I do, but I'm just kidding btw, Sylvia, did you ever find out what that Mesh Queue was? I looked everywhere but couldn't find anything I didn't, Charo, but thank you for looking so hard! :matte-motes-kiss: The person I was asking the question for hasn't mentioned it again, so it must have just been one of those Wonders of SL that we love so much!!
  22. It doesn't appear that LL actually promised that we'd get them each month... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Where-is-the-October-Premium-Membership-gift/qaq-p/1139513
  23. I read the news on my iMac, and am typing this from it now....as people are saying on Twitter tonight: iSad :smileysad:
  24. Same here. I just downloaded V3 to take a look at mesh, but I can't see profiles...which is a dealbreaker. Back to Firestorm I go.
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