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bobsknief Orsini

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Everything posted by bobsknief Orsini

  1. Not sure why you would want to do such a thing as it will still require Media. Anyways, first step would be to request a API key here: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html
  2. You might have a better chance if the first sentence in your post is proper English. Not sure what your first language is but keep in mind that the first sentence is the first impresión.
  3. Sounds to me like bad programming. By default you would script a search to return the most relevant results first. I guess they are trying to reduce the amount of search queries to there database. But IMO they are doing it wrong (as a more relevant query would return less results).
  4. You can set a limit on a product so it only sells a x amount of copy's. You can also customize the offline texture.
  5. Why a lot of work? Change 1 line in your HTML form and create a e.x. PHP page containing 10 lines of code. On a side note, if its only you using it, in Firefox you can just click the advanced button and select continue and it works fine.
  6. What not simply create a page and post the form to that page ? The only thing you need to do on the page is grab the post data and use something like curl to send it to SL.
  7. Tienes que borrar to cache manualmente (que consiste de mas que pinchar el botón). No sabiendo que viewer usas aquí manual pa firestorm: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_cache_clear
  8. You got to asume that the data can be accessed (even do this should not be the case). When you post the data from LSL make sure to send along a "encrypted salted token" that is valid only ones and validated remotely. You can use for example MD5 or SHA1 that should also be available in the programming language of your remote server. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Encryption To clarify, a token is something that cant nor should be decrypted (you simply use the same values to create the token and compare them).
  9. Proba las instrucciones aquí: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_clearing_settings?&#windows Si eso no funciona confirma que has actualizado tus drivers gráficas y has reiniciado antes de hacer un "clean install" de firestorm: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_clean_install
  10. Note that that might not be posible without the use of a Experience. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgent
  11. Could be bad internet connection or corrupt cache. Try: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_cache_clear
  12. Try doing a ping to lindenlab.com. Windows Key + R, open cmd, type ping lindenlab.com In case your DNS doesn't translate this to a IP you may want to change your DNS to one that is not automatically assigned by your internet provider.
  13. As alternative you can also not use a listener at all and stick to a timer using https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAttachedList with https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectDetails. One requirement however would be that you know for example the name of description of object A.
  14. It might help to understand that food (what scripting is concerned) is usually not more then https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlStartAnimation with a animation and triggered from a attach event. The "consumable" food (that changes), in most cases, is a object consisting of multiple meshes (each reflecting a "eaten state"). In regards to the script its just hiding and showing the meshes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkAlpha When it comes to food that magically attaches to you i would suggest you leave that until you fully understand the above and use something like avsitter instead. Anyways here's the wiki for that: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAttachToAvatarTemp
  15. Sorry for replying in English. Understand German just cant write it. There are multiple internet providers blocking access to certain content. I suggest you try using a VPN (dont use a free one as they mainly only exist to steal your data). If you can access SL using a VPN it is your provider blocking you.
  16. Yes, but script wise its totally diferente from your standard pose-adjustment script and the rotation is not really posible. In a nutshell you turn a avatar into a vehicle and push them around a bit to get a some what ok'is rotation. Setting the XYZ is the easy part ones you figure out the calculations.
  17. Posible when both avatars are wearing a scripted attachment. No RLV or rezzing needed. Would work just like one of those "Hug Huds" but different.
  18. Most of the time you are buying a landmark or notecard since in most cases you need to pay a rental box or buy the land in-world.
  19. Könnte Provider oder Fritzbox-Firewall sein. Mit VPN verbinden Sie sich technisch gesehen nicht mit SL. Sie können Ihre Frizbox-Einstellungen auf Firewall-Filter überprüfen.
  20. Es ist wahrscheinlich Ihr Router, Sie könnten versuchen, ein VPN zu verwenden, um es herauszufinden.
  21. Add a state_entry to your script and request the permissions. run_time_permissions is there to respond to the request, not to request it.
  22. The easiest way would be to set the EEP in the land. To do something with a experience you need a script. Here something to start: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestExperiencePermissions
  23. One more very simple thing. You need more stuff. You advertise, try getting people to your store. The change of them buying something (when they do reach your store) greatly depends on "choice". Lets say i like one of your shirts but i want it in blue, and you don't have it. That would result into me not buying a shirt. I can understand that its disappointing not selling after you put so much work into something but people simply want what they want. So my suggestion would be, create a lot more stuff and keep promoting your business. Your sales will go up. Or alternatively, be depressed and give up (which is no suggestion but often happens).
  24. When i look at your MP i see your shirts are no-copy, no-mod & no-transfer. For me that would be reason enough to avoid your store if i where looking for such shirts
  25. You probably want to start with some easier thing that uses remote storage like a simple "LSL DNS" to get a better idea what is involved. I could say go with PHP, learn OOP and for database MySQL PDO. But that's the same as saying "take a +6 month course to become a web programmer".
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