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Senobia Xenga

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Everything posted by Senobia Xenga

  1. Syn Anatine wrote: Senobia Xenga wrote: Syn Anatine wrote: sirhc DeSantis wrote: A 'why what did I do' reaction? I might consider that if I was dealing with an actual 13 year old as it would be resonable enough - in different circumstances perhaps - but not to another supposed adult. Can't have it both ways. Are you for real? We never stop learning, and any sensible adult would be curious as to why they have offended someone out of the blue. An inquiring mind is a treasure, and asking never hurts whether there's an answer or not. Just because we're adults doesn't mean it's not proper to ask the famous question of 'why'. And when given your answer as to "why", you get butthurt because, in your mind, the reason is not valid because it doesn't jive with your own views. Then you turn around and draw conclusions and hurl accusations just like the ones you're speaking out against. If you were an adult with the mentality of an adult, you would realize that people's likes and dislikes are as wide and varied as they are and accept that as your answer without bemoaning other people who don't agree with you. You get an A in assuming and an A+ in putting words into my mouth. Unless that was a general you, then you get an A+ in assuming anyway. I think it's a fair assumption, based on your comments in this thread. And the words I put in your mouth - or used against you, as it were - were your own.
  2. KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote: SL Kids are RL adults, so I'm at a loss where this 'not okay' factor is supposed to come in. It's not for me to decide what's okay for anyone else. If they like it - whatever. I don't have to. That said, even though they may - and I use that term loosely - be RL adults, they come to SL to play the role of a child and engage in childlike things that I, as a RL and SL adult, have no interest in and want no part of. I don't have to like what they do - but I don't have to be around them, either. Vice versa. They talk about stuff from when they were born IRL most times - movies, music, games, cars, whatever. Your interests are their interests. They are just smaller. I would not strike up a conversation with a random kid about these kinds of things in RL and I would be very leery of anyone who did, where my own kids are concerned. Why would I do it here? <blockquote. I never said people who avoid kid avis are pedos - I said the ones who hate kid avis often think the kids themselves are sick. No, that's not what you said. Scroll up and read your previous comment where I first replied. Mostly Kid avis just want to be treated fairly. People walk around with sneers or make rude comments when a kid avi is out alone (shopping, usually). There's just a lot of unnecessary hatred because people don't "get it". It's the same for the Furry community. People don't understand it, so they are hateful. Yeah, that's unfortunate, but at the same time - people like me don't do this. Instead, they choose simply not to be around kid avatars and that's the end of it. But that's not good enough. They demand (on these forums, at least) complete and total acceptance from everyone, based on their right to choose there own path in SL. The rest of us also have the right to choose our own path in SL and if we choose not to be around kid avatars, deal with it.
  3. By attachment, she means stuff that isn't clothes....AOs, shoes, jewelry, hair, things that attach to your person.
  4. Syn Anatine wrote: sirhc DeSantis wrote: A 'why what did I do' reaction? I might consider that if I was dealing with an actual 13 year old as it would be resonable enough - in different circumstances perhaps - but not to another supposed adult. Can't have it both ways. Are you for real? We never stop learning, and any sensible adult would be curious as to why they have offended someone out of the blue. An inquiring mind is a treasure, and asking never hurts whether there's an answer or not. Just because we're adults doesn't mean it's not proper to ask the famous question of 'why'. And when given your answer as to "why", you get butthurt because, in your mind, the reason is not valid because it doesn't jive with your own views. Then you turn around and draw conclusions and hurl accusations just like the ones you're speaking out against. If you were an adult with the mentality of an adult, you would realize that people's likes and dislikes are as wide and varied as they are and accept that as your answer without bemoaning other people who don't agree with you.
  5. KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote: Over the years, I've found time and time again that the only people who hate or are creeped out/sickened by Child Avis are those who participate deeply in the adult culture of SL and consider everything on SL to be adult - no matter the theme or area they live in/run. To them, since everything has an underlying sexual nature, they can't possible conceive any reason why an Adult like themselves would like to play a child, and their mind immediately goes to "they must be a pedophile". This is not the case, but I've found this is always the reason for the prejudice. Do you have kids of your own in RL? Imma guess no. Because if you do and you see nothing wrong with them 'hanging out' with middle aged people, I would be the first (of many, I'm sure) to question your parenting skills. Pedophilia is not the reason for 'my prejudice'. My reason is...I am an adult. I like the company of other adults. I like adult (as in mature, full sentences, proper spelling, good grammar) conversations on a varity of topics on levels that are beyond the grasp of children. I have nothing - not a thing - in common with a teenager, as far as likes and interests go. The only thing I could possibly share with them is my womb- which makes the entire argument creepier than it needs to be. That said, I don't intrude on their SL space and I don't go places where they are likely to intrude on mine. If that's your thing, GREAT! I don't have to like it nor do I deserve to be labelled as someone with pedophilia urges that I might not be able to control in the presence of children just because they have a YOU MUST ACCEPT ME! chip on their shoulder. The SL kiddie whine and complain and bellyache about their right to choose their own path in SL, all the while demanding fairness. There are two sides to the fairness coin and your right to do/be whatever you want in SL and decide what you like or don't is no more important that mine or anyone else's who feels the same.
  6. The ban may have been a bit excessive, but I share your sentiments concerning everything else that you said. Kid avatars - regardless of who is behind them - creep me out, too. I want nothing to do with them. As you said, I wouldn't 'hang out' or 'have a chat' with a kid in RL, why would I do it here? It's beyond my comfort zone and I don't care who is offended by that fact. I would also question any 'grown' person who claims to have anything in common with a kid - especially if they were my own. I don't have teenaged friends in RL and my teenagers don't have 30-40-50+something yo friends in RL. Some things are acceptable, some things are not and what is and what isn't will vary greatly, depending on who you ask. For me - this is unacceptable. People who are on the pro-side of kid avatars always hurl accusations at those on the anti-side that the disdain comes from some deeply rooted desire to engage in pedophilia and the possibility that they just won't be able to 'resist the urge' with kids around. To those people, I say get a grip. It has nothing to do with harboring pedophilia, but everything to do with ME being a GROWN WOMAN that chooses to spend my time in the company of other GROWN people that I share common interests with - or at very least, the same birth decade - with. If I wanted to hang out with kids, I can log off at the time of my choosing and hang out with my own. Sure, people are free to be whatever they want to be in SL - free will, their right, all that good stuff. But their right to be whatever they want to be in SL is no greater than my right to enjoy a kid-free SL. People on the kid avatar bandwagon are always moaning about the lack of acceptance they encounter in SL, holding tightly to the claim it's their right to be who they want to be and do what they want to do and how DARE anyone prejudge them. Guess what, friends? It works both ways. We don't HAVE to like you. We don't HAVE to accept you. We don't HAVE to interact with you in any form. And you are free and more than welcome to return the favor, as far as 'this' grown woman is concerned.
  7. You said you bought it from a 'vendor' in a store. If you mean a vendor as in an object that you pay directly and it delivers the items to you, then check it to see if it has a redelivery terminal/option. Some do and can verify your purchase/non-receipt and send it you again, without having to go through the merchant themselves.
  8. The scripts might be on a notecard that was given in the contents of the box. If that's the case, open the notecard, click the script and you will get a "Copy to Inventory" option.
  9. HisaDrug wrote: Inbetween the last two recent maintenance sessions, some of your transaction records may appear to be missing. If you don't check your transaction one by one everyday you won't be able to tell the difference but I just found out I have 1 missing so far. It happened inworld by a customer, the purchase went through, he's got the item, but the record is missing. No way to tell if he stole it or actually bought it if you didn't check it personally. I don't understand this bug n I'm confused now. How would he 'steal' it?
  10. A lot of it has to do with club owners' inflated senses of self importance, ruling with an 'iron fist', it's MY way or the highway kinds of attitudes. Then there's the whole, "If this club fails or doesn't get any traffic/donations, it's because of the hosts/DJs not doing their jobs" scenario that is often a contributing factor as well. More often than not, club owners want all the 'glory and prestige' that comes with owning a club, but none of the work that's involved in running one. They're very quick to misplace the blame on the staff when all the staff does is WORK there. Owners don't want to advertise, market, pay for events, make any improvements or offer anything tangible, but expect the staff to jump through their arses to ensure the place is a success - when 99% of the time, the staff isn't even being paid. Working for free for yourself is one thing - as in club owners investing time/money in getting/keeping a place up and running, but working for free for someone else - as in for tips as a DJ or host - is quite another. If you want a reliable staff, pay them a reliable salary.
  11. Dumoktheartist wrote: I have damage turned on so If someone does intrude, I can shoot them, or worse. Oh, okay. So long as no one starts shooting back 'or worse' when you intrude on them, then fair's fair, right? /end sarcasm :matte-motes-asleep:
  12. You didn't say, but are you traveling on roads or are you just barreling your way from parcel to parcel, yard to yard? If you're traveling on roads that are meant for and designed for traffic, talk to the sim owner about the imposing security systems. At very least, they might send out a message to tennants saying, "Hey - could you...blah blah", even if it's likely to be ignored. If you're just traveling from parcel to parcel, would your RL neighbors mind much if you traipsied through their yards on your 4 wheeler/bicycle/moped/**bleep** hoverbike? Imma guess so - so why would you expect any different here?
  13. IsabelleGalapagos wrote: I was chatting in the presence of 3 trusted individuals, when a link to marketplace appeared onscreen with a message like "check this out." I assumed it came from one of my friends\family members, I don't know how long you've been in SL, but you said you've been playing computer games for eons. If that's the case, you should realize this assumption was your first mistake. I've yet to see anything in world that sends a message without saying who/what the message was from. Not to say they don't exist - I've just never seen it. She, being the original owner of my avie before passing it onto me, recieved an email from the attacker, You said you don't have access to the original email on the account, but it sounds like your friend does. Did she/you check it to see if LL sent an email in regards to the password change? Then, Linden decided to reset the password without emailing me, or by sending an email to a defunct adress and NOT the one I had set up. See above. Your only other option would be to have your friend contact LL and pretend it's still her account, explain the situation and ask them for access. Unless you told them about the transfer when you contacted them, in which case you may very well be SOL. Good luck.
  14. Marigold Devin wrote: Billing only goes back so far, and probably, over eight years, you'd have deleted old landmarks. However, did you take any photographs that would jog anyone's memory? A long shot perhaps. Also take a look at this website for lists of sim names, see if your memory can be jogged. http://gridsurvey.com/ (You can also see whether a sim is still active or not, or when it was added/removed from the grid.) Pictures, unless you changed the name, will also tell you where they were taken.
  15. I think you're still in the honeymoon stage of SL where the newness hasn't worn off and there's still so much you don't know and haven't experienced yet. I still remember when I was new - all those nights I didn't log off until daylight and my eyes burned and my butt was numb. I just had to go to one more sim, build one more thing, dance to one more song! Now, five years in, I may log in three times a week, tops - for 15mins or so at a time. I've done everything I wanted to do, experienced everything I wanted to experience, the people I knew have since moved on and not many who are around these days are too keen on making new friends. (Although they will jump at the chance to say otherwise, once this is pointed out in the forums.) In short - I think it's a phase. Your interest in it will wax and wane like it does with anything else. In the meantime, isolation is never a good idea and you should absolutely maintain a certain degree of contact with 'real people in real life'. You said you hate it, but it's good for you. Remember that. And not to burst your bubble, but you also said that you, in general, don't like people. SL was created to be a social place and is rarely any fun alone, which is why I've given up on it for the most part. But so long as you're able to have fun here and get your mind off RL for a bit and decompress, I wouldn't worry much. Good luck and have fun.
  16. By GREEN, I mean: No sand, grass only. Flat terrain only, please. No jagged cliffs or lumpy bumpy stuff. By Commercial OK, I mean: Having a store, not a club/mall/breedables By FULL RIGHTS, I mean: 'Buying' the land for 1L or whatever and having full access without having to belong to some land group I don't want a parcel on a cluttered sim where anything goes and there are no rules to abide by. I don't need a themed one, either. Commercial/residential mix is fine. 937 prims is the standard, but willing to entertain more or less, depending on price. The one I'm currently looking at is $1100L per week. I'd like to stay at or less than that range, if possible. Week to week terms only. Contact me in world at any time (Senobia Xenga) and I thank you kindly for reading!
  17. My feelings have changed over time. For the first couple of years, I saw it as a fantastic social avenue and was very, "What do you MEAN it's a game??!" I would stay logged in for hours at a time. Now, five years in, I no longer log in daily, nor do I spend even an hour's time in world when I do. There are other games (see the transition there?) that I would much rather be playing, ones that do not rely on the social skills of others to be enjoyable.
  18. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: This has got to be the most idiotic post ever. You don't have only five inventory items unless you run around bald and naked in the default avatar in SL and have nothing on your land. Skin hair eyes shirt pants and two shoes are 7 items plus you have the prim with you script counter in it, that's 8. I assume you have no AO or other HUDs or animations, gestures, snapshots, textures either and that whatever land you have is totally empty of any house, furniture, landscaping etc. There is no way to get a script that tells you what you want to know. That would violate privacy because what is in people inventories is none of your business. The safest thing for you to do is stay on your own bare land with your ban lines up and let no one in because everyone has more than five inventory items. Alternatively, I suggest you go get yourself a copy of open sim and run your own private grid on your own computer because if you could do what you are asking you would be totally alone anyway. *laughing* ^^^^This!
  19. There's a very well known merchant that's sending out subscriber notices from an object named "Linden Lab". That's also the name that shows up in the 'From' section of offline emails to your inbox. That's also the name of the object that passes out their group gifts, etc. I went to the store to try to find the object named LL to AR from there, but I couldn't find it. So what to do instead? Here's the IM I got when I logged in and also the IM that was sent offline. [15:24] Second Life: You decline xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ... only short time ***' ( Sim Name (COORDS) ) from Linden Lab. The object 'Linden Lab' has sent you a message from Second Life: NEW from Second Life - "Blah blah groups gift message here, with a SLURL to the store" = Linden Lab is owned by This Person = SLURL here The object 'Linden Lab' in Second Life has offered you inventory. Log in to accept or decline this inventory. = Linden Lab is owned by This Person = SLURL here
  20. bigmoe Whitfield wrote: You have no idea who jumpy is do you? Besides annoying? No, I've no idea. Nor do I care.
  21. I've had my fill of you already. I'm hoping the board mods have, as well - and act on it quickly.
  22. I agree it's a game. And I've been playing this game for four years. So tired of the, "It's not a game because a game has an objective goal to reach, you play them to WIN" argument. Even more tired of the people who see it otherwise getting all rabid toward the ones who share my view. The people who own/manage clubs are THE WORST. They see their chose post in SL as a full-time job and actually stress over each and every dramatic move made by the hosts, DJs and VIPs. They act like they're in charge of national security and take their 'shifts' (which never end, they're always on call, even if they have to log in from their cell phones if by accident RL takes them away from their computers for even a moment) very seriously - complaining about it and talking about it just like you would a RL job. I'm sorry - I'm just never going to be that invested in SL. It just doesn't have to be that stressful or that much of a time consumer. And if it is for you, you really should re-think the amount of time you spend here. Log off and go out into the big bright world and get a REAL LIFE, would you please? Yes, I understand that people may have medical conditions or handicaps or other situations that make getting out and about in RL hard or impossible, but there is ALWAYS something more interesting/worthwhile than you can do. Always. Like play with your kids. Call your mom. Visit with your sister or auntie. Something. Anything.
  23. I would go back and edit the review (can you do that?) and add how you are being harrassed by the merchant for said review. I mean if you're going to talk about your bad experience, you might as well tell all of it, right? Maybe they will be a little less apt to do it to the next unflattering reviewer.
  24. Of course they 'claim' you did it on voice chat. Then there's no IM log they would have to produce when pressed for proof. That said, why would you want to prove anything to these people? Your friends don't need proof and your enemies wouldn't believe it anyway.
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