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Caitlin Tobias

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Posts posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. 17 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

    I can remember even after having had a verified paypal account for over a decade, when Tillia came around I had to get get 're verified' which included among other things, dancing on one leg in a pink sock while the other was wearing blue, naming each of my 10 toes and the reason I chose those names, identifying 100 different species of birds along with naming the last 200 transactions on Linden, the exact amount and the reason for them.Β  Sure would hate to go through all that all over again!

    Omg. I had a similar experience. I even had to send in a copy of divorce papers to prove that my rl 'new' last name was actually my maiden name, which they found 'suspicious'...

  2. 50 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I believe, though I could be wrong, that may be referring to Flickr and new rules about commercial activity on free accounts that are affecting Second Life photographers/bloggers who post there with credits.

    Yeah, could be. But then the survey would be about Flickr and not 'social media' in general?

    And those rules on Flickr are really not new, but recently reinforced after having given people the time to adjust their posts or their account.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Gwen Ghostly said:

    There have been recent complications regarding SL users and social media. It has been especially hard on virtual photographers. Many people of various sorts (if anything, excluding spammers and advertisers because policies on external platforms remain the same regarding them) have been concerned, which has led to plenty of general discussion that the survey was inspired by.

    This is vague. I am active in SL and on social media and must have missed said 'complications' and it 'been specially hard on virtual photographers'. Also, how will this survey help?

  4. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I'm genuinely curious what people think explains the delay. Two theories I dreamt up are clearly silly for an issue of this magnitude: It's not just bureaucratic bulk nor a doomed hope that it would all blow over. Those didn't happen, it had to be a conscious decision to wait, and to be seen to be waiting. But waiting for what?

    Well, while Oberwolf is the chairman this does not mean he lives an active Second Life as a resident. Perhaps he first had to be fully briefed about what Second Life means and experience our virtual world first-hand. It is not uncommon for CEOs/Chairmen to not know all the ins and outs of their company's product or service.
    When he puts out an official statement with his name under it, he needs to be sure he knows what he is talking about.
    Then there are probably lots of interviews with the people involved, meetings with the external investigators, legal etc. So yeah, this takes time.

    I, for one, am not surprised it took a few weeks.

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