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Diawa Bellic

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Everything posted by Diawa Bellic

  1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A3jFnhLdZTUHr_0lWZ0UuiAapUGGlCZl
  2. ok so its a bug..not some changer.. wonder when they will be getting to that. Thank you Whirly I forgot to add.. i tried flash format and it won't play that ether :o/
  3. Why am i getting this error. https://gyazo.com/4b1dd4883875ca7bbeba559ffa713f34 when trying to run a video from my google drive... i been doing so for years and now for the past few month are unable to
  4. friend and i cant log in says things are resolved, and i can log on to the website..but not in world.
  5. how do you unsubscribe Grid Status email notifications ?
  6. yeah i thought so.. was my last stab at the issue before laying it to rest.. the part of them listing my name as the person to contact for support is a real stinger, this person also let the support website go off line ..thank you for responding
  7. a close friend and i designed created and marketed a product. they being the scriptwriter "owned the item. we had agreed that i would get 25% of all sales..that was 4 years ago and to this day haven't received more then 12%.. 2 years ago they posted on the product website that they were leaving SL and would be making the product open source...a year after they posted that announcement, they returned.. they where sry for departing in the way they had and told me they will make it up and change the market % to 50% of sales....well. shortly after they decided to leave again.. posting in there profile to contact me for support and not making any adjustments to the market place ,and logs in once a month to clear the lin cap on there av .. yes this is "drama..and yes i am surely in a bad position .i just want to make some last attempt at the possibility of something that i can do ... Yes i have wrote countless very genital topic, off lines ,and emails stating how nice it would be if they were to communicate with me... to no avail
  8. Hmm yeah mine is a Damani TV.. i will try another to conferm.
  9. having the same issue.. this is my post http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Machinima-Forum/TV-Media-players-are-blocking-youtube-videos/m-p/2894278#M2850
  10. Yes i was thinking it had to be something of that nature.. was just fishing ..in hopes to find out what .. and will it be fixed... i use my tv(s) all the time (
  11. 98% outta the videos i try to play give me a Were are Sorry. The selected video can not be played in the media viewer , due to copyright or region restrictions. (150) these are videos that i been playing for years.. i understand that some over time will be removed or what not.. but not 98% of them all at once... this happens everywhere i try and on differnt player/tv's... Anyone know whats going on with that? and yes my flashplayer and QT are up to date
  12. yes i know this works on the TPV's but i was wanting to know if there was away to do that with the standered LL viewer. i am using it to log on alts cause its much lighter then the TPV
  13. Just want to add to the poll..ver2 sucks and I hate it with a passion.Every where I go I notice the % of viewer ver used and its about 6 to 1 ver 1 vrs ver 2.I really hope Firestorm can make this forced transition easer. I like what Phoenix has done so far but, still haven't come close to making things as comfortable for vertran SL users to use.
  14. I had a (copy ) dance change perms to (no copy, trans) while dragging it into my hud. Any ideas on what happen? Also what can or should do about it. --||-
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