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Skar Scorpio

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  1. I'm not sure if this bugs anyone else, but I cannot stand having to hold shift to strafe. I'm not sure how recent this change was as I have been using Firestorm till recently. being an old World of Warcraft player I hold the right mouse button often to strafe and turn quickly. In Second Life I left click and hold on my avatar to somewhat emulate the same thing. This allows me to turn and strafe the same by using the speed of my mouse instead. I find turning my avatar with the A and D keys extremely slow and cumbersome. If there is a way to fix this problem with the current client I would love to know how. If not i'd would like to know the reason behind this change and why Linden Labs did not make it a option instead.
  2. Once again a LL patch day with all the craptastic trimmings. Well hopefully they will have this sorted out shortly as they are losing money over all of this.
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