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Marlen Slazar

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  1. Hello Zembel - sorry to answer so late! lol - don't speak about my accent - its horrible ^^ to point 1 - Its one of the advantage of the meshstudio to reduce the LI, but also that you can "build" things in a different way, like with sculpts before - but you can define 8 faces for different materials. to point2 - The texturing is very easy with that tool, cause it generates automatically a uv map from the texture on the prims. The uvmap reflects the texturesetting from the prims. Thats means - you define the uvmap before you upload the mesh. And you can use the normal textureset from inworld. You dont need to change the uvmap in a 3d program, but of course you can render it out in a 3d program. @Bouttime Whybrow Yes, it does from what i know. If you have more special questions, please ask in the group "Sweet Meshes" or the Creator of the Meshstudio, TheBlack Box - he can answer that in english much more better than me! Have a nice day! Marlen
  2. Ich habs mit deinem Tip den lowest LOD auf Null zu stellen mal ausprobiert, tatsächlich reduziert sich die Primzwahl weiter. Der Nachteil, das der Stuhl ab einer gewissen Distanz ganz wegknickt, tritt tatsächlich ein. Bei LOD 1.0 siehst du den Stuhl nach wenigen Metern nicht mehr, bei LOD 2.0 ab ca 10 - 15 metern. Halbwegs tragbar fand ich die Lösung bei den Lowest LOD einen kleinen Wert automatisch generieren zu lassen und diesen manuell etwas zu erhöhen. Damit war der Stuhl auch nach 20 m noch gut sichtbar. Es kommt tatsächlich darauf an wo ein Meshmöbelteil platziert wird. Für Innenmöbel ist es eine gute Möglichkeit prims zu sparen, allerding nicht für Outdoormöbel die auf längere Distanz sichtbar sein sollten. Was mich interessieren würde - geht ein Second-Life-Beginner tatsächlich hin und erhöht den RenderVolumeLODFactor in den Debugs-Settings oder in den Preferences bei den Grafikeinstellungen?
  3. @Indigo Thank you very much Indigo - and thanks for ...your accent is cute :smileyvery-happy: @Dilbert It's a nice tool for beginners and for people who not (yet) want to deal with Blender or other 3D programs. The Mesh Studio does a lot more - it makes the .dae file with all texture mapping automatically. And this - was for me - a big learning part in Cinema 4d and Blender. It takes times to understand UV mapping. There is another tool which you can use to mesh your primbuild - but only with cubes. Its called 4mesh. But there is no texture mapping coming with it, so you need to edit the mesh for uv-mapping in a 3d programm.
  4. Hi, last week i did a review in german about a tool called meshstudio - today the same in english. With that tool its possible to mesh in world - and you don't have to use programs like Blender, Cinema, 3dmax or others. Here is the link - but beware - i am german and you can hear that clearly ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp3yzcVNIPg Have fun and a nice day! Sunny Greetings, Marlen Slazar
  5. Danke Aveline, freu mich über das Lob! Den kleinen Tip werde ich ausprobieren, hört sich gut an - und jede Primreduziering ist sehr willkommen! Das ganze Uploading von Meshes find ich ziemlich spannend da es einfach soviele Möglichkeiten gibt - und ich blick bis heute noch nicht durch alle möglichen Kombinationen ^^ LG Marlen
  6. Hallo, hab eine kleines Video gemacht über ein Tool das es erlaubt, inworld zu meshen ohne das man Kenntnisse von 3d-Programmen wie Blender, 3ds max & co haben muss. Hier der link von UTube - viel spass beim gucken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAQYsVsnM6U LG Marlen
  7. Hello Drongle, ahhhh .... I did to much...instead of a new uvmap i have to use the old one. i'll try that. Thanks very very much for clarify it! Have a nice day EDIT: tried it...and it works like a charm...thanks again!!
  8. Hello Kwakheide, thank you for answering. yes, you're right. Thats why i made an object from that sculptmap (via Blender). For that Object i made an uvmapping in Cinema4d and textured it, saved the new texture. then i uploaded the new texture to sl - and used it on my orginal sculpty in world. Its not fitting. You said...If you want custom UV maps, you will have to use mesh instead of sculpties". That means...if i would upload my meshobject the texture would fit on it, right? The thing is - i dont want to use meshes, i want to use sculpties cause they are not so heavy in prims. Is there another way how i can use cinema4d for texturing for sculptys? I am beginner in texturing...i believe i understood something not right - happy for any advice!
  9. Hello, I have a general question about UV Mapping for a sculpty.. I've created inworld a sculpty. Saved the sculptmap to Blender and saved it there as a obj.file. In Cinema 4d i worked with this ob.file - i did a uv-mapping and made a new texture and saved this new texture. Again in-world i used the new created texture from c4d on the orginal sculpty - but the result is not correct. Does that means that the orginalsculptmap inworld, so to speak, no longer fits? I am new to creating textures for sculpties...so what i am missing here? I would appreciate any help!! Friendly Greetings Marlen (sorry for my english!)
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