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Ruby Reynaud

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Everything posted by Ruby Reynaud

  1. Can anyone please explain to me the rationale for putting land up for sale but having it set as restricted access? I've been tp'ing around enough in the past few weeks looking at land for sale and have encountered numerous plots that are restricted. I tp in, then get a little blue warning box saying I must vacate immediately. Sure makes it hard to look at the land for sale. What gives??? This is very annoying and I don't understand why someone who wants to sell their land would actually make it impossible for a potential buyer to view it.
  2. ok, will do tonight As the OP stated, are the ones you are referring to ok for non humans?
  3. Hi there Pussycat! If you get any responses inworld would you kindly pass them on to me? Thanks Ruby
  4. And this may seem like a silly question, but are you a premium member? You need to be a premium member to actually have the option of choosing a Linden home.
  5. Karpre--what they are saying is to sign in using karpre as your first name and the word 'resident' as your last name.
  6. As Cinnamon says, your friend can't sue in SL.
  7. Well I do know of the attempted lawsuit/legal issues between Ozimals and Amaretto horses but I believe they hired lawyers in RL as far as I am aware.
  8. Hi David9, Are you talking about perhaps RP as a lawyer or are you a lawyer in RL wanting to offer your services in SL? If the latter I'm not sure there is any need for lawyers, as PeeWee said Linden Labs makes the rules.
  9. Hi Neaveah, Do you rent the land that your home is on or do you own it? If you rent it you should contact the landlord. You usually have to be in the landowner's group and then wear your group tag to rezz items.
  10. Yes you can do this. Just pull up your other avatar's profile, hit 'pay' and enter the amount you wish to transfer.
  11. The high will reach 80 degrees. It's sunny and gorgeous!!
  12. Hi Drew, Have you downloaded the SL viewer and logged in, or have you only logged into this website? What kind of trouble are you having?
  13. Access about land from the World menu...who knew? LOL. I didn't but I do now, thanks Lindal
  14. Thanks Lindal! It's good to learn about all these tips, I never knew how to make the house disappear
  15. Thanks PeeWee! I never new about cntrl alt shift 9! It worked great!
  16. Hi all! I just switched Linden homes and at my new parcel I cannot access the About Land feature to check my prim counts. For some reason when I click on my parcel it highlights all the parcels in the area and gives me total prim counts. I had no trouble accessing this at my other Linden home. Any ideas? Thanks! Ruby
  17. Thanks PeeWee for the explanation !
  18. Hi Peewee this answer explains it very well to me! I thought if you have another avi (or even your own alt) donate land to group you received a bonus of 10% land. It sounds instead like each 512 alottment can be combined. So if my alt and I are both premium and my alt donates her allotment to the group than I can own a 1024 plot with no tier?
  19. What viewer are you using? I'm using Phoenix and I think it's still available on the log in screen.
  20. I first heard about virtual worlds from a gruesome article that detailed how a couple let their real baby die from neglect because they were so engrossed in caring for their virtual baby. Second Life was not the world they were playing but I did become interested in what a virtual world was so I did a google search, found Second Life, and joined! I remember thinking, 'How can anyone get that engrossed in a virtual world?' and while I still don't understand getting as engrossed as they did-letting their baby die-I certainly now understand the draw and appeal of virtual worlds! I spend way more time in SL than I ever would have thought I would. But it's all good! :smileyvery-happy:
  21. Cato Badger wrote: @Ruby: The conventional wisdom is that zomg was OMG typed by the iincompetents who could not only fail to find their backside with both hands, but missed the shift key and hit the Z key. Feel free to create your own meme by inserting a Z anywhere you think might make you an internet legend. LOL thanks Cato! Signed, ZRUBY :smileyvery-happy:
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