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Da5id Weatherwax

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Everything posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. Indeed. The only no-mod items I ever purchase are when I both can't find a moddable version and lack the time or skills to make it myself. That left me snarling over clothing because while I can mesh, script, texture, animate and make any of the very few sound fx I need in my studio, I totally suck at rigging. One good thing I am determined to come out of the whole bunch of free time the current situation has left me with is that by the time it's over I will suck less at rigging and fitting clothing at least. Making critters or characters to a standard I'm prepared to let anyone see outside my workshop will take a little longer
  2. Re the MyAlt4099 guy - he messaged me this morning asking me to use my current support to pirate the avastar 2.81 test version for him. Do not have anything to do with him. I've added him to my ignore list.
  3. They are entitled to set whatever terms they like for their dev kit. You may not LIKE those terms - and you DO have a right to gripe, but they DO have the right to set them. If you want a devkit for your body but don;t qualify for an official one, you do what I did for my body or that the avastar folks have done with the default av and put in the months of work to reverse engineer one without violating the ToS or infringing the creators IP.
  4. Breathe a bit, folks... through a mask if necessary but take a breath. We're in a better state, socially speaking, than a lot of folks who have never found SL or any other online social platform less toxic than the fail-whale and farcebook. I know it would feel just so darn good to go out and taser all those idiots right in the junk but they are safe from your righteous and holy retribution, because you're doing the right thing and staying at home, right? And don't mind the spammers or the trolls, they are like the obnoxiously loud guy with the high irritating laugh that you find in the kitchen at even the best of parties.... You always get one or two, you just don't let them spoil it all
  5. You make the sausage wrap thick enough but not too thick and you set the temp of the deep fryer just right so that when the meat is cooked and the egg white is set (because there's nothing grosser than runny egg-white) the yolk is still fluid enough to serve as a sauce for the rest of it This is harder than it sounds. Scotch eggs are as much a kiss of death for a Masterchef contestant as chocolate fondants.
  6. @IvyLarae I normally HATE the overuse of gestures inworld but you have a TOTALLY legit cause to make one that says "It's ok, Honey. With an attitude like that, you wouldn't be getting any from me anyway"
  7. W00T! I snagged the noon slot on June 16th! I can't think of a better occasion to play my first set in Belli Three months ago I was cursing and swearing over the fact that I couldn't attend for the 50th anniversary, now I get to be PART of it in SL instead
  8. You aint gonna hear me contradict you on that, Selene As a species we are "adapted" to taking control of our environment as much as possible. So far, we've been fortunate enough that we haven't fouled that up to the point of an exctinction-level "oops" You want to give odds on that state of affairs continuing? I sure don't. And as for the "preceding" social organization, which one had you in mind? Misogynistic medieval or Matrilineal celtic? Victorian-European that combined elements of both? Or going further back the Roman system where the paterfamilias effectively owned everyone in their household? Or its descendant in the modern latin culture where even the man of the house lives in fear of "La Chancla"from mom? ETA: In my list of examples I explicitly excluded examples from the Masai or from other African cultures where the feminine role is much more powerful than it may at first seem, because while these cultures were imported to America, which was the continent you cited, they were viciously suppressed there.The dominant culture in America has always been European - albeit modified by local adaptions - and while it is slowly coming to terms with inputs from other continents it could not be considered "mature" in that respect. Not even with the penetrance of Asian culture in HI.
  9. Experienced (radio theater) voice actor and stage actor here with professional -quality audio rig. Name inworld as on the forum, no display name, entirely legacy.
  10. The most survivable situation, throughout our species history, has been the genders working together, each leveraging the advantages brought by the other. That's how we became the dominant species over an entire planet. By creating social frameworks that allowed this dynamic to operate. We're almost unique in that, and the other species that have approached this situation did it later than us when we were already spread all over the place and adapting to different environments - not just physically, which is slow, but socially which can take place over a single generation. Which does, of course have the corollary that if we foul up our social organization then we are royally screwed.
  11. Spooks, Our Girl, Waking the Dead from the BBC's back catalog. Then we get to the stuff I can play locally even if the internet is out..... The entire criterion collection of the works of Kurosawa. My more-or-less-complete Studio Ghibli collection. My collection of almost every Dr Who episode from Hartnell to present ("almost" because of course some episodes have been lost) Bab5 (all of it, movies and spinoffs included) Firefly (and Serenity, of course) Then there's my Star Trek collection, which does not include the animated series, the reboot movies, Discovery or Picard but is otherwise complete. If we're still in lockdown after that lot runs out there's this small stack of anime that I keep meaning to "watch the rest of"... but then it will be time for an 8-movie star wars main-arc marathon - or 9, because "Rise" will probably have been added to the collection before I get to the end of the above list. And then, since I'll be in the mood for movie marathons at that point, running the extended editions of the hobbit and LotR trilogies back to back should do it
  12. Oh taxes are only part of it. Their flags of convenience let them skate on SOLAS rules, working conditions for the crew, pollution control rules, maintenance and inspection requirements and a whole lot of other things to skim off more of that tax-free profit. If folks knew what a filthy industry it was nobody would ever set foot on a cruise ship again. Let the whole lot of 'em go to Panama or wherever their vessels are flagged for "government help"
  13. You are kidding, right? There's hundreds if not thousands of us in SL. Entire communities of anthros, ferals and every other possible configuration of fuzzbutt, be they furry, scalie or feathered. Some of us are RL fursuiters, others only digital. Search around and you WILL find those communities. I'd drop you a link to the club I'm security manager for apart from the fact that it's an adult venue and that (either the "club" part or the "adult" part) may not be what you're looking for.
  14. You can almost set your watch by 'em. Or you could if they weren't too pathetic to care about.
  15. There's this thing folks don't get about probabilities. In a situation like this they are tools for assessing risk. You do what you can to lower your odds of "bad stuff happenning to me" but remember that the universe is pretty good at rolling critical hits. If, even when you've lowered the odds to the point that you consider it an "acceptable risk", the "bad stuff" happens anyway then it sucks to be you but that doesn't mean your precautions didn't work, it just means that you caught the golden BB. By taking your precautions you still improved the overall result for the entire population, even if you ended up as a data point in the "not so good" column.
  16. Pattern recognition, particularly in chaotic systems, is just the way my brain is wired Visual stuff like this often "pops" for me in ways it might not for others. No idea why, and most of the time it's not even particularly useful, but I guess there could be worse side effects of whatever it is that makes me a pretty decent analyst and a total puzzle addict
  17. Challenge accepted second stone in third row with third stone in sixth row. second stone in fourth row with third stone in ninth row. second stone in fifth row with second stone in 11th row.
  18. I don't "respect that" one bit. It's purest arrogance to think that your customers will actually be wandering around in a look that they don't want to be wearing. If they "mess it up" they'll leave it in their inventory (or delete it) and wear one that is still carrying one of your textures. Doubly arrogant and codescending to think that "oh but you have a color hud and a resize script" somehow mitigates it.
  19. That's true, @Pixieplumb Flanagan , but LL *always* allowed it and for years most attachments - be they hats, bows, jewelry, hair, "euphemistic toys" or whatever had mod perm. Everything I sold was... What caused the mass change to creators almost never offering mod perm was the copybot debacle. There were folks chicken-littleing all over every online forum spreading the misinformation that making your stuff no-mod made it less rippable. Those of us that actually knew how it worked were saying, at that time, "Please don't do this. It inconveniences your legit customers and it actually makes no difference to the security of your textures or sculpts" (meshes weren't a thing then) - But suddenly finding a mod-perm hair that you could combine with a hat from another vendor and just "snip off" (unlink and delete) the parts that clipped through the hat became as rare as hen's teeth. The reasons you cite are a consideration, but they ALWAYS were, and yet for years folks were still selling mostly mod perm. They only chose to go no-mod when they believed the Bravo Sierra. And then new creators joined and were told "you have to make it no-mod" and it has become an article of faith. Not based in any rationality, just a taboo that nobody in the tribe will dare to violate.
  20. It's amazing "listening" to somebody like @Rabid Cheetah who is an artist in a similar but different field talk about their art. How the tiny differences between the two ways we entertain folks with music show up. Where a DJ is thinking about making the beat flow from one song to the next and probably likes songs that share a key, or at least where the key is related by an easy interval for the sake of a smooth mix, I'm building a set list by making the story each song tells flow into the next, by trying to make the intro I'd give each song naturally flow out of the previous one. I'm avoiding doing songs in the same key as the previous one unless it's intended to be a smooth segue, to avoid the "all your stuff sounds the same" thing. But it only takes one or two upbeat songs to let you do the whole rest of the hour with ballads... This is why I always tell my fellow live performers who disparage DJs (there are a few of us who are that stupid) to STFU. Talk to a DJ for even a few minutes and you'll realize they are musicians in their own right, just with a rather interesting instrument
  21. smoke it, make it into jerky, pickle it, salt it, can it, blanche and freeze it, puree it and can that, jam it, dehydrate it, cook it and freeze the meals, boil down bones for stock... All these things that nobody seems to know how to do any more. Hell, my mother doesn't know how to do most of them, I learned from my grandmas, both now long gone. Anything in my fridge or larder that isn't going to keep, I'll make something out of it that will keep before it has to be thrown away. I hate wasting food, it's disrespectful.
  22. Corrie? pffft. We'll know the sky is really falling when they skip an episode of The Archers.
  23. if you purchase avastar now, you will get the version for blender 2.7 as the "current" download but you will get access to the experimental/unstable version for blender 2.8. In addition, folks who purchase avastar now will get extra time on their support subscription. Having been participating in the testing and tracking its progress on the avastar discord I have to say I, personally, am confident that for a purchase now you will get the "ready for production in 2.8" version with bonus time left over, so you wont lose out buying now - but that is, I must emphasize, only my opinion based on how the testing has been going and the speed with which Gaia fixes any issue that we have discovered. It's not any kind of official prediction, which would be folly to make even if I had the right to do so, which I do not.
  24. Maybe so, indeed.. but my "daily exercise" today will be a grocery run for my brother who is isolating with his unwell wife and fortunately the offies are open so Ill be able to pick up the bottle of scotch he won. A gentleman pays his bets promptly after all, in spite of the virus
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