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Juliette Pashinin

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Posts posted by Juliette Pashinin

  1. I really love this idea Porky and Rene.  Four years ago someone did something similar to this on Mainland.  It was a joyous time for all.  Sadly they disappeared and it fell a part.  If either of you do this, I'd love to hear about it!  :)

  2. It's sad that situations like this happens, but it does...

    A few years ago, I had finally been able to talk a relative into joining SL.  Her first day, I took her around the grid to shop so she wouldn't look like a "newb".  Shopping for all the essentials:  shape, hair, skin, shoes, etc.  

    As we made our way through, I had her stop into a Skin store.  Not even a "popular" brand, but they had good looking skins, so we went there.  Within two minutes of us landing in, the customer service girl didn't say a word.  Yet, she simply walked up and banned her.  I sent the CSR a message and asked what happened.  She got snarky and said that "you can never be too careful".  Appalled, I explained that she had money... money she'd bought and money I sent to cover anything extra (due to purchasing limits as a beginner).  

    Needless to say, we'll never go there again.  The owner did not respond to my message and that's fine.  However as for my relative, that rubbed her the wrong way.  After I explained why people react like that, she understood the paranoia, but it has made her leery to say the least.  Episodes like that can ruin a new user's experience.  Let that be a lesson for us all.

  3. Hi Evangeline,

    Just as a thought... I see that you've mentioned the viewers, rebaking, changing skin/shape, etc.  I've had a similar issue with my skin, but it kept showing random black bars.  I had to keep relogging and rebaking and it finally went back to normal oddly after much frustration.  While on the other hand, I had an issue with my SL eyes... no matter how much rebaking I tried to do, I had to buy another set and I was fine.  A few months later I tried the old set again and it worked.  One of my friends had to result to buying another skin because of the same some sort of sl glitch.

    There's a great possibility that it's some random/odd SL glitch and it may involve getting a new skin (hopefully not, fingers crossed).  Have you tried adjusting the environment settings (i.e. sunrise, midday, sunset, midnight)?  Also, are you wearing a facelight?  Sometimes it can make you look dark/muddy if you're around others that have their's set to a blinding radius or they could have one on and are standing too close to you.  Another suggestion, have you noticed if you happen to be in a spot that has their prims (floor/wall/vendor) set to illuminate the area with light as well?

    I hope that you're able to get this resolved soon and effectively!  Have a great weekend! 

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