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Ishtara Rothschild

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Everything posted by Ishtara Rothschild

  1. This is my little place: And my Linden Home, which looks a little more elvish:
  2. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: Pondering at my laptop after having to relocate to another sim, I wondered about the homes of others. Of course I cannot expect others to show their homes without giving a glimpse of mine first. <snip> I really like those interior textures, and the furniture is a perfect match. Where did you find that house?
  3. What the residents want is Phoenix and Imprudence I for one have uninstalled v2 and won't bother giving LL's official viewers another try. I only find it a bit sad that they are pushed onto new residents. It does little to help with the abysmal retention rate. I wish the third party viewer directory was still as prominent as it used to be in the early v2 days, in order to inform newcomers that there are other (and better) options.
  4. Torben Trautman wrote: @Ishtara: Überraschung :)Ich werde wohl auch in Zukunft ein spannendes Forum auf englisch lesen können: Off Topic Forum Ich hab's heute Nacht schon gesehen Da haben die Labbies dann doch nochmal ein Einsehen gehabt. Und die Moderation ist gottseidank auch ein wenig ziviler geworden. Viele der gelöscht geglaubten Threads sind im neuen Off Topic-Forum wieder aufgetaucht.
  5. George Orellana wrote: Pep posted yesterday he is on a forum break. And I am missing Daria of course! Daria has been studying for her GED, from what she said on yahoo. She has already been missing during the last weeks (or months?) of the old forum.
  6. Relm Foxdale wrote: Ye gods, are those the smileys? Ewww. Yup, they're a bit on the strange side. Although I kind of like the color of the pink ones.
  7. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: /me balds his fists in desperation.
  8. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: OMG .. what a cruel story.. = = All that beer wasted .. *gasp* = = (Don't mind me, I'm just putting my own set of smileys together).
  9. Void Singer wrote: and still no bloody eyeroll >_< There you go: It's nice that the forum software keeps your attached images stored in the "uploaded pictures" section. You could upload a set of your own smileys and always have them available.
  10. I think when Buddhists are talking about avatars, they usually don't refer to SL
  11. I think the best way to make sure that the new Off Topic forum does not add too much to the moderators' workload and proves to be a nuisance for LL is, other than being on whatever passes for our best behaviour, to simply forget about the RIC button / link. Unless it is really necessary to take action, in case of advertising spam for example. But most of us are adults here, and there is really no need to run to the hall monitor over every bit of colorful language and every image that shows a glimpse of bare skin.
  12. Storm Clarence wrote: Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Yay Thanks Lexie! You guys really are listening every once in a while. I call that a 'left-handed' compliment; but a compliment nonetheless. :smileywink: You know me. I have a reputation to maintain :smileytongue:
  13. Yay Thanks Lexie! You guys really are listening every once in a while.
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: ... And I see you have the same problem with your badge -- the top is repeated at the bottom. I tried several times to get the right size. I had that too until I added more white space at the bottom. My badge background image is now 300 pixels high. The forum software simply crops the image on the right and at the bottom if it's too large.
  15. Ich habe mich bislang in erster Linie im englischsprachigen General Discussions-Forum aufgehalten, welches das wohl beliebteste und lebhafteste Forum auf der alten Jive-Plattform war. Man konnte dort auch wunderbar seine Englischkenntnisse aufbessern. Leider hat Linden Lab sich entschlossen, hier im neuen Forum kein GD-Forum hinzuzufügen. Sämtliche Threads mit Anfragen oder Vorschlägen, doch bitte wieder ein Forum für generelle Themen und Quasseleien einzurichten, wurden heute von der Forum-Moderation gelöscht oder geschlossen. Selbst Threads, die die Worte "general" und "discussion" irgendwo im Text enthalten (wie z.B. "Generally entertaining discussions") werden gnadenlos geschlossen. Dazu kommt, dass alle harmlosen Fun-Threads in anderen Unterforen ebenfalls gelöscht werden. Die Thread-Autoren werden teilweise verwarnt und darauf hingewiesen, dass jede weitere Missetat mit einem Foren-Bann geahndet wird. Kritik wird ebenfalls nicht mehr geduldet. Das setzt der Begeisterung über das neue Forum natürlich einen gewaltigen Dämpfer auf. Die deutsche Community ist nun besser dran als die englischsprachige. Es gibt in den englischen Foren keinen Bereich, in dem man sich einfach nur über (Grid-)Gott und die (virtuelle) Welt unterhalten könnte. Es gibt zwar stark themenorientierte Unterforen wie "Make Friends", "Role Play" oder "Your Avatar", aber da wird wie schon gesagt brutal moderiert. Die internationalen Foren scheinen tatsächlich der einzige Ort zu sein, wo man einfach nur quatschen kann Vielleicht werde ich jetzt verstärkt hier posten. Mal schauen. Ich finde die neuen Foren jedoch generell gesehen eher wenig einladend.
  16. If we say "GD" there, will we get a three day suspension?
  17. In this forum, starting a thread that says hello might get your thread deleted and earn you a warning by the hall monitor.
  18. Sending random people an uninvited blue box with something like "quieres ser mi amigo" is not the way to do it, despite the apparent popularity of this method. PS: What Storm said. I also think that the old General Discussion forum was one of the best places to meet people. What are the chances that we could get it back? Or that this thread will be moderated into oblivion by an over-eager hall monitor named Glenn within the next five minutes?
  19. Site looks crappy in Internet Explorer / Maxthon 2 (see attached screenshot), I don't see that anything has been archived or converted (where are our images, post counts, avatars and whathaveyou?), forum avis are way too tiny, smileys mess up the line spacing, and the new mods are bloody fascists. Well done I hate it. PS: Where's the GD forum?
  20. It seems that the maximum avatar size is 63 x 36. Bit on the tiny side, but at least I don't have to cut off my elf ears. Carry on with the Redzone paranoia ETA: Holy #µ€{?*& line spacing. I think it's best to refrain from using smilies until LL have worked out that glitch, which should only take a few months as I know them. Of course that won't exactly make this forum a friendlier place.
  21. I'm only posting here to see how my avatar looks. I'd post over in General Discussion, but there is no GD forum (it also seems that none of it has been archived). So I'm going to post random nonsense in random threads until I've figured out how to make my incredibly tiny avatar look good :womanmad: (random weird smiley)
  22. Could you please announce drastic changes like this one via email? I haven't checked this forum in ages, and it was a mere coincidence that I happened to see this thread. The vast majority of residents never read the forums, or the blog for that matter. Soon merchants will have their listings flagged without knowing what's going on. You really need to communicate important things more efficiently. PS: Please make sure that the future adult checkbox will be visible to both account- and age-verified residents. Better yet, to all adult residents. After all, minors will now sign up with a teen account, so we can safely assume that all non-teenagers are adults. PPS: While you're changing the Marketplace, could you do something about the missing review notification? I noticed today that I have tons of new reviews, most of which are saying "I didn't receive the item!". Those customers never contacted me. Nor did they open a ticket, apparently. They just left a one-star review, and I had no idea what happened because I no longer receive an email if a new review is posted. I'd also like to be able to turn off email notification for purchases. Thanks in advance.
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