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Pamela Galli

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Everything posted by Pamela Galli

  1. I understand your point but I think few dead Nazis in Germany have Nazi symbols on their graves. There might be other things they did to earn respect but being a Nazi was not among them.
  2. Agree, meeting people is primary. If my intro to SL had been a scenic cafe where I could have sat and chatted or danced, I might have stayed there, at least until heard about the advantages of leveling up.
  3. I just played Wordle for the first time, now I am hooked, like millions over the past few weeks. Because it is simple, easy, fun. Like Roblox. Or Words w Friends. Unlike SL. My suggestion wrt SL attracting new users has always been to hire experts in task analysis (educators) to design an introductory SL experience. A place to have fun without having to undergo the trial by fire that we all survived but most do not. Sort of like, you can stay there or you can level up to current SL experience. Maybe Phillip gets that? BTW for about five minutes there was once a basic web based intro to SL which I thought did a pretty good job. Ideally that would be the best way to introduce ppl to SL.No idea why it disappeared. Wordle 212 4/6 ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟩⬜🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  4. I can’t believe they resorted to promoting SL as a corporate tool again, after the spectacular flop that was. LL ought to dig up the SL history someone wrote years ago and give it to staff. (But add a new chapter on how LL went into competition with its own clients, landlords and home builders.)
  5. Yep. I get why some creators don’t want their names on something on which the shading and highlights have been tinted over.
  6. No they don’t but iirc will investigate outright fraud, esp when it involves a large sum. Could be mistaken.
  7. And some people climb Mt. Everest or jump out of airplanes or ride rollercoasters for fun.
  8. Early on I obsessively tweaked Pamela’s appearance but I haven’t changed anything about her including her clothes in at least five years. I feel like I have been forced and continue to be forced to constantly learn too many new technological survival skills already, I have no appetite for the equivalent of learning to fly a 747 just to keep my Barbie updated.
  9. I am not inworld to check but at one time FRAUD was one of the abuse categories you could choose. I suspect the amount of money involved matters as well.
  10. I don’t sell no mod products, but I empathize a little bit with those who do. When someone tints my soft peachy villa purple and black, and decorates it like Mar a Lago, I wince at the thought that my name is on it as creator. But it’s the buyer’s villa and she can do with it as she pleases.
  11. Was pretty low hanging fruit all right.
  12. I started reading it but….it was TLDR.
  13. I quit my Texas public school teaching job in 2009 to make content for my SL store. Hard to say which I have loved more.
  14. SL has been doing everything the devs can think of to “flow with the times” but lost what made SL grow — exclusively USER created content. There were amazing prim artists but mostly just regular people who enjoyed making things because it was easy and fun. Those people are mostly gone now. SL is not a place that inspires users to create. And it’s no longer just users that create content. Meanwhile ugly Roblox has 43 million active daily users, because it really is their world, their imagination, and taps into the desire to create. BTW I did go with the flow and learned to make mesh content. I just don’t want to see more “innovations” that further stymie SL. Focus on accessibility and easy creation tools, tap into the creative impulse. (We have been having this same discussion since SL was born, btw.)
  15. I remember when SL was like an upscale Roblox, and everyone could learn to build inworld With prims — but ppl clamored for mesh and got it. Which meant it was no longer necessary to build anything if you didn’t feel like learning 3d, but to just import and sell. And SL shrunk. So I am hoping for more along the lines of making SL more accessible and bugs fixed rather than more new bells and whistles.
  16. This. Ozymandias BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
  17. I feel like I am living in a dystopian Kafkaesque Nazi nightmare from which I can’t wake up. OTOH, I feel a warm solidarity with everyone except the white supremacist murder suicide group. We are in this together as we have never been in my lifetime. We are united not by the color of our skin but the content of our character.
  18. Things that are a personal decision: Stopping at stop signs Smoking in restaurants Wearing seatbelts Obeying the speed limit Shooting people
  19. You were right! From the customer: OK, my fault, I was just too excited to set it up on my island and didn't wait for it to load. Sorry for the bother.
  20. Thanks Emma. I did tell her to relog, try different region -- will report back if mastery solved.
  21. I got this message from a customer: ” purchased the Wolf Creek Cabin from the Marketplace yesterday. When I right click on the box to open and transfer to inventory the contents I receive this message there are no items in the object that you are allowed to copy. I have read through all your FAQ's. What am I doing wrong?” I have sold the house for several years with no problem but have never seen this before. I dimly recall that there was something about owning the land at 0,0 in order to copy? Anyone encountered this ?
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