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Brynn Ametza

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Posts posted by Brynn Ametza

  1.              Hi all,

         @ Mikki, I'm glad you're finding your way in V2. Certain aspects make it a none option for me in the largest portion of my SL. There are some great features, some that I love but some make my life in SL almost worthless.

         @ Arton, Unfortunately, a V1 viewer that can render mesh is impossible from my understanding. There is in the works a V2 based viewer that can be customized so to be almost indestinguishable from V1. The Phoenix developers have got their Firestorm viewer in public beta at this time. With a little tweaking and time it looks and acts very much like a V1 viewer.

  2.          Hi Jasper,

         While from a processor standpoint, theese devices would have enough power to run SL, that really isn't the problem. The graphics load required I believe would be far to much for their graphics display. There are text only viewers available that You may be able to run on a windows based phone, in fact I know that some do access SL from their phone on text only apps.


  3.    Hi there,

       LL will get involved once they are made aware of the actual sharing of IM's. So far as I can tell, saying that you "can" do it isn't a violation where catually "doing it is. Therefore, once you know that someone is sharing private info inside of SL you can file an AR and then LL will act. Of course, this can be rather difficult to prove as you likely would never encounter someone with whom your IM's were shared. Your best option is to just avoid such people. If you've already entered a conversation with them and then notice it you can state that you have not given permission to share this or any future conversations in perpetuity and move on as you wish. Remember, express consent is rather like a signature, you must say to the individual in question, at that time, "Yes, you can share that conversation."

  4.           Hi Greek,

         I agree that LL could and should do a little more when dealing with their customers. There have been many instances where their actions have flown in the face of what would seem to be popular among the residents. Some of these have had little or no real consequence to our actual lives here while others have had a more pronounced effect. Some that are upcoming will have similar effects both for the good and the bad.

         With respect to concurrency in general and club traffic specifically, I have some thoughts. First on concurrency. Several things have changed which factor into the drop. The banning of bots as well as basically removing traffic as an element of search. Now, it isn't nearly as attractive for a club/shop owner to have 19 alts parked over their sim on a platform all day every day. That in and of itself brings the daily numbers down. Club traffic is a fickle thing. A club can be wildly popular and then for unknown reasons not be. Also, we have to consider that there are new clubs opening everyday, diluting the existing resident base further. The first has little or no bearing on anything, except the daily concurrency numbers as these alts were created for the sole purpose of generating traffic and contributed nothing to the grid. The second only means that club owners must be energetic and proactive in seeking and keeping their guests.

         What I think many overlook or discount too much are the main causes of a certain level of stagnation in SL. First, the fact that LL does seemingly little to actually advertise and promote their product. This is something that can't possibly be overlooked. Another is that while people may talk to their RL friends and co-workers about FB, twitter and the like, I'm sure that for various reasons, those same individuals would be unlikely to share their activities in SL with the same group. If you would like to test this, just think about how many people you personally have told about SL versus your FB/Twitter account. This is a large factor in the growth of those platforms.

         I believe that the largest factor contributing to this now 2+ year decline is one that I have raised before and which always gets dismissed. I want to borrow a line from an American politician here and this is not directed at you it merely fits. "It's the economy stupid." No, I don't mean the SL economy but the RL world version. I live in the states, which by best guesses accounts for about 40% of residents. Here our official unemployment stands at a bit over 9%, with the "real" number likely closer to 13-15%. Add to that a fairly significant number of people who now find themselves underemployed and it isn't a stretch to say that 1 in 5 people have less money to spend than they did 4 years ago. This affects inworld spending, in that these people have less discretionary income to put into a virtual world. It also affects concurrency, as aging computers, not able to run SL in it's current state can't be replaced with newer systems. I saw a graph in a discussion a year or so ago, imposing SL economic and concurrency numbers over a graph representing US employment figures and economic health. The fact was that the decline followed almost exactly the failing US economy, lagging it by about 3 - 6 months.

         So, while there are some solutions to falling numbers in the SL economy, even the one controlled by LL would have a marginal impact without a global economic recovery. Sorry if this was a bit long, but it was rather hard to condense these ideas into a smaller format.


  5.      Hi everyone.

         I do agree mostly with everyone regarding what makes a good shape. Proportion is important as is living within the limits of the SL mesh. Of course, varying slightly from the norm in one area or the other can lead to a very desirable and unique look.     

         The one thing that I haven't noticed is mention of the skin. This is a very important part of the overall appearance of any given avatar. I can put a new skin on my existing shape and get a very different result than what was previously there. This is particularly true of the face. I have tried demo's of skins which when worn change my faceshape quite drastcally, very much the way makeup artists use their knowledge to sculpt a different look for a particular task.

         Granted, a skin can't make a poorly crafted shape look amazing, however a poor skin choice can make a well made shape look very messy.

  6.     I use a combination of inworld and Marketplace search. I'll usually try inworld first and if the results are unsatisfactory I'll go to the marketplace. One note, I never purchase through the marketplace unless it's a vendor that I have used many times and always been happy. Otherwise, I'll find their store inworld so I can look closer at their presentations. If they don't have a store..I keep searching.


  7.           Hi Deej,

         I'm a huge fan of improving the avatar mesh. trust me, I would love for it to be more detailed. There is one small problem with "simply" increasing the counts in key ares. You'll render (no pun intended) a vast amount of clothing unwearable. You have to remember that those amateur content creaters spent a good bit of time trying to make that texture look as good as possible on that mesh. Change the mesh..change the texture.


  8.           Hi Kasya,

         I do agree with you one the fact that LL could do a few things to improve grid performance. Faster asset servers might help a bit, more servers might help a bit as well.

         However, the fact remains that the vast majority of content in SL is user created. Another fact is that far too many people access SL with machines that are far from suited for the demands that SL requires. Do I have a gaming system? No, my machine is the best I could afford at the time and honestly is not up to the task of running SL at it's optimum. Of course, you never hear me comp[;ain about graphics quality either.

         From my experience, most sim performance issues could be lessened greatly by more intelligent sim design. By this I mean that many sims are rife with badly built objects, poorly performing scripts and little thought to things that can aid rendering.

         These badly built sims cause undo stress on already admittedly inferior hardware. This leaves the resident frustrated and wondering what's going on. Thier thinking is, I bought $600 USD computer package that WalMart had to offer with monitor, printer and 3 free months of Norton.

         Trust me, I am no Linden appologist. I have had many discussions on matters where in my heart I knew that LL was wrong or was doing something that had the potential to be very bad. In this case however, some fault doers lie with LL, the rest lies with the individuals who create 99.999% of everything that we see.


  9.          Hi everyone,

         I just have a few questions and insights from a purely customer/resident point of view. Let me preface this by saying that I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my avatar and am always looking for tweaks to get exactly the look that I want. So, the thoughts of an improved avatar intrigues me. I do see some issues though.

         1 - There is the issue of existing clothing content being compatible with the new avatar. Obviously all pants/jeans, all shirts/tops and the vast majority of jackets will be rendered useless. Also, skins and anything that relies on the avatar mesh will be included. So, there is the consideration that residents will have to basically replace their entire inventory, which in my case would amount to many tens of thousands of Lindens.

         2 - Next, comes animation compatibility. Would existing animations from beds, vehicles, AO's and the like be compatible with the new avatar? Would I be able to ride my motorcycle, drive my boat? Would my dances, stands and sit still work properly? If not, then we must add many more tens of thousands of Lindens to the tab.

         3 - Flexibility. Given my limited knowledge, what would be involved, once I had my new avatar, in giving her say a nose job? Tummy-tuck or any other cosmetic sugery which currently is only a few clicks away and affects none of my clothing?

         4 - Finally, would this avatar be properly viewable across viewers? Would Phoenix, Kirsten's and the LL viewer all see the avatar the same given the same graphics settings? Or, would a certain viewer see it one way while another see's it quite differently?

         5 - Furure creation. It would be my guess that designers would have to create seperate lines for avatar 1.0 and avatar 2.0. That or choose to only design for one. How would that affect content availability? Would the designers also have to adjust each item to allow for size/shape differences between two different avatar 2.0's?

         As I said at the start, I'm all in favor of improvement. I do however think that there are many questions that would need to be answered before I could honestly support any given change. I am but one voice, but I'm quite sure that many more would echo my feelings.


  10.          Hi Kerri,

         Yes, sadly you do have a choice to make. For good reason, PG sims must be governed properly as teens can access those venues. All of your other huests are there because they choose to be, not because they are limited to PG only.

         As for changing the rating, yes you may see a dropoff in visits as teens will no longer be able to access and some of your adult guests may stop coming since they prefer a PG venue. That dropoff may or may not be offset by an increase in visits by those who prefer a more mature setting.

         From a search standpoint, I'm not sure that rating factors in and if it does I'm sure that it is a minor factor

         The choice for you really is fairly simple though. You chose to create a PG sim. I'm sure that you had fairly good reasons for that. I for one, would not go against my values in order to get more visits. If a PG sim is what you want, then a PG sim you should have. No matter what rating you have, PG or moderate, there will always be those who want to stretch the boundaries of what is acceptable

         At the end of it al, I leave you with something that has served me well for my nearly 3 years here..think about this phrase as you mull over the pros and cons before making your decision.   "This, is MY SL"


  11.             Hi Noble,

         I agree with Irene. As posted, I suppose it MIGHT be possib'e to get permission from LL to do it. They certainly would take all inventory from the account to avoid any permissions conflict and the process would take some time to get done. Also, I'm pretty sure that they would require a fee to do this, probably in line with their account recovery which costs 9.95 USD.

         All in all, by the time you gained permission and it got done, the potential buyer would be out the 9.95, plus your price which would easily dress an avi reasonably well. They could in the same amount of time, create a new alt, spend the cash on clothes and have a 2-3 month old alt.

         Just my observations


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  12.      Basically, LL will use the existing text and that leading up to and following to decide whether or not a TOS/CS violation occured. The quidelines for such things are rpetty well documented in the TOS/CS for you to read and understand before you engage in activities in SL.A good general rule to follow is find the line in the virtual sand, step backwards from it in two giant steps and proceed. If you leave even the slightest hint that whatever activity you engage in violates the TOS/CS you will most likely be found at fault. Your only like avenue of appeal would be to prove through chat logs that the alleged offense did not in fact violate policy.

        I hope this helps


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