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Matheo Finchfield

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Everything posted by Matheo Finchfield

  1. Do you know XY TEXT http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyText_1.5 one primitive one word many applications.
  2. You need wait 31 days for your first Linden sell to paypal
  3. People can have negatives balances 'like -30L$ or more. you need fund your account to have 0L$
  4. Les divorces , tu clique sur un bouton et tu est divorcer simplement c'est juste un truc culcul pour dire regarder on est en couple
  5. I got 25 linden thanks
  6. You can find qualiy skin for 300L$ in mother goose this is working with child shape and quality hair in Dura shop you can find mesh body in super mesh bros store https://marketplace.secondlife.com/fr-FR/stores/133586 or other stuff in sl and market
  7. Did you look at The Body & Co and Mother Goose, you have Zanzo and SLMarketplaces
  8. Rien compris il est possible qu'une personnes joigne une conversation, ou utilise le chat général ou encore utilise un scripts, si elle ou tu utilise un viewer illégal alors il y à d'autre possibilitée, mais on ne peut pas hacker un IM par contre on peut changer la couleur du texte
  9. this is called XYText
  10. The boutique closed but the site stay online
  11. Tu va sur la page de l'abonement https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php?lang=fr et tu clique sur mettre à jour et choisi 1 ans tu sera probablement débiter le mois prochain pour 1 ans vu que tu à probablement payer pour ce mois si.
  12. They have Linden name not display name and icon of Linden Lab on their profiles, see in the up right is a little green tree icon You can use abuse report and report the resident claiming working for LL and say this
  13. https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa Open a new Jira with your bug or update one.
  14. http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=camera
  15. This object working with OLD viewer 1 or OLD search, the new search don't include picks, only if you pay for add a ADS but people like 'Anshe' use 30.000L$ or more for haves ADS on search if you need traffics you can use games like Goldtokens fishing or coin hunting, or use 7seas fishing with daily contest or weekly contest it's little if you use more money you have more traffics you have also events like TheArcade or other like this 69Linden$ etc with people some times addicted if you have good shop you can have people
  16. Il faut savoir que SL est un jeux streaming, qui télécharge constament cela vient sans doute de l'internet tu peux augmenter la bande passante dans les préférences du logiciel ou la réduire (ctrl + p)
  17. Angelic Lefevre Couture use r:0% g:0 it means he does not yet offer store credit you can just click and pay at normal price.
  18. 1 gross is 144
  19. The SL registration account have a captcha.
  20. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-3343 Same for me.
  21. This is the publicity ADS on all SL page not SL
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