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Ceera Murakami

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Everything posted by Ceera Murakami

  1. Only if you act to remove the Partner status from the remaining account, so you can re-partner later. Until you tell LL you want to dissolve the Partnership, the old alt's name will remain as your Partner, with no fees involved.
  2. About the only change in my appearance this last year has been experimenting with a "realistic height" shape for a few of my avatars - a shorter and slightly different proportioned version of them (mostly leg length and arm length adjustmenst for the height change), where the new height matches their prim height, and not the overly-tall height reported by most avatar rulers and viewers, which is based on eye height. The jury is still out on keeping that shorter form. It doesn't work as well with any furniture that I own, and it looks too small compared to typical avatars. But I haven't been social enough this past year to give it a very good test of how well it really works. At this point, it remains just an experiment.
  3. So far? Mesh fashions are something I avoid, because none of them fit my avatar. Until mesh clothes can follow all avatar shape settings, they are useless to me.
  4. Qarl was one of many Lindens that LL laid off quite a while back. Since then he has been most gracious about continuing to use his skills to develop things for the open source community, either volintarily or, when the effort is large, for a fee raised by Residents, and making those new innovations available to TPV developers and also to Linden Lab itself. LL has had mixed reactions to his external efforts, but it looks like they may adopt at least some of his innovations. Why he was let go is a mystery.
  5. That feature isn't live yet on the main grid. There is a new "Direct Delivery" system coming, which will use that "Merchant Outbox" to send content to SLM, without a magic box to host it. But it is so far only on the beta test grid. When it goes live on the main grid, you'll need a viewer update to see it. Older viewers won't have access to that feature.
  6. Doubtful. The SL Grid Maps only display a 256 x 256 pixel representation of any one sim. There's thousands of sims, and more empty space between them that contains nothing at all than there is defined land area. While people have assembled grid maps using those 256 x 256 pixel images, to get any higher resolution than that you would have to personally visit every sim, and do "aerial photography" in the sim, taking snapshots from above with a bot or an avatar.
  7. If you're talking about the free animal-like avatars from Linden Lab that are offered in the avatars panel, or in the Library section of your inventory, the answer is no. Those simple freebie avatars aren't that advanced. A purchased animal avatar is usually available in a wide range of fur colors, and some even have controls that let you change coloration at will.
  8. Not possible, no. At least not in any verifyable way. You can ask them, but they could lie. There is no foolproof way even for Linden Lab to tell, let alone for a Resident/
  9. There would be nothing in LL policy that prohibits you from giving L$ to a friend, and asking the friend to cash out the L$ and give you real money. But LL won't do anything for you if that friend takes your money and does nothing. Also, the withdrawl of L$ into cash will show in the friend's monthly transaction statements, and depending on where they live, could be considered taxible income for them. I am curiious, though. Why can't you open a PayPal account? If another member of your family can then surely you can as well? Or does the other family member that you had in mind live in a different country than you do?
  10. Most of my avatars are furries of one type or another, where at least the head and in some cases the entire body is covered by prims and sculpted prims. But I would not ever buy one that I couldn't modify. I tweak every avatar I buy, to make it uniquely my own. So a mesh avatar that is unmodifyable? No, thank you. I'm not interested.
  11. It's not at all necessary for someone to hack your account to determine your IP address. All that requires is you having any form of media permittted, like listening to the audio stream for a parcel, or viewing a video on a prim. Anyone who owns the server that is sourcing the audio stream for the parcel or the video stream for media can determine the IP address of any avatar that enters that parcel. It's how the "Red Zone" security sustem supposedly identified people's alts - by determining that two or more accounts used the same IP address. But RedZone and similar systems are blind to anyone who keeps their audio and media serrings turned off.
  12. You can't completely hide your on-line status from your friends. They will always see you on their Friends list as being on-line or not. The only way to 'hide' is to not use that account at all. Log in with a second account that they don't know exists.
  13. Can't be done. LL in their infinite wisdom decided that the infinitely far away clouds painted on the sky dome are preferable to volumetric clouds that you can actually fly through and above. The volumetric clouds no longer exist, except in outdated 1.x and early 2.x based viewers, and it appears that LL has no intention of bringing them back.
  14. Each of my avatars has his or her personal sense of style. They each have certain types of clothing and accessories that they would choose to wear, and other things they wouldn't be caught dead wearing.So in terms of style, what they buy depends on the defined personality of each fictional character. Quality has to be high - seams that match, patterns that don't badly distort. If I buy an item of clothing and the side seams don't even come close to matching, it goes in the trash, and it is very unlikely I would go back to that clothing seller again. Prim accessories have to be modifiable. Not by a resize script, either, because those NEVER have enough options for resizing the ways I need to do. Scripted stuff that uses a script once to set color options or size had better be able to completely delete the scripts once set up. In general, the words "Resize script" equals "No sale" for me. Most of my clothes need to be copyable, If I am going to mod them, which I ususally must to to fit my avatsr well, then I need a backup of the original. I couldn't care less about being able to transfer clothes. As far as things like mesh or not, I will not buy mesh clothes until they get them to automatically adjust to the actual shape of my avatar. I will not change my shape to give my avatar shoulders or breasts or a butt that doesn't look at all like the way my avatar looks now, just to cram myself into someone's attempt at making mesh clothing. None of my avatars seem to fit any of the "standard size assumptions" that the people attempting to make mesh clothes so far have put forth. Also, I really dislike the idea that I might go somewhere wearing Mesh, and be seen naked and wearing a donut or a sphere or a box that is badly textured. (or like large parts of my body are missing completely). I care about how my avatars look, and I don't want to look like a bad practical joke has been played on me.
  15. Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are. Sometimes, yes. Much of what drew me to SL in the first place is gone or more restricted, Most of my SL friends have left the grid, or are hardly ever on any more. Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree. Not really 'elitist'. But I do feel the move to mesh content is forcing a lot of people out of content creation, including myself. Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless. The way that Linden Lab treats its customers appalls me. I've never seen a company that seemed to have so little regard for customer feedback and opinion, or for the impact that their policy decisions has on their customer base. Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time. Honestly, what I spent on SL monetarily all came from funds I earned in-world, so all I really spent was time. And I enjoyed the activity at the time, so I don't think that time was mis-spent. But looking over my inventory today there's tons of stuff I would love to be able to get my money back for, because I no longer use it - but I am either unable or unlikely to be able to get anything for those things at all. Or are you addicted and still in love with SL. I still love what SL was and what it has the potential to be. I'm hardly in world at all any more, but I keep my accounts active in hopes things will turn around some day. Haven't quite given up yet.
  16. It isn't a scripting issue. You position the original there on yourself and then take it back into inventory before making it available to others. It will then default to where it was last worn by you for the new users, until they reassign that location. This is the same process needed for all prim attachments on the avatar itself, like skirts and hair and collars and belts. There may be a way with LSL to force the attach position, but if there is I wouldn't use it. That would make it impossible for your customers to reassign it to another position if they needed to for any reason, such as having too many other things using that same attachment point for their viewer of choice to support. A customer who still uses a 1.x based Viewer might have another HUD that also uses that same spot, but their viewer only allows one HUD per HUD position.
  17. I don't believe the system generates any more detail than that for sim maps. To get any higher resolution, you have to go to the sim yourself, turn your draw distance way up, turn off the particle clouds (if your viewer still supports them), and take one or more aerial snapshots on your own.
  18. Texture on a particle, perhaps? I've seen an "NPC generator" that used a single prim that would generate one particle floating above it, with an image of an avatar. Looks fine if your possible angle of view is constrained so you can't look down on it from above. No reason a sign with a transparent background couldn't be done the same way.
  19. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:Create a prim (probably a cube since it's a window) and push it through your stone wall where you want the windows, then texture the prims with a 100% transparent texture on all sides (all six sides or simply don't select a face and texture the whole prim). Umm, that won't do anything other than adding a prim that you can't see. It won't make a hole in a solid prim, even visually. Even if you use an invisiprim texture on the added prim, it would only make a 'hole' if the prim it pushes through is textured with a 32-bit texture, and the result won't end up looking like a hole in the wall, since it won't have 'sides' in the hole and the apparent hole will shift with point of view. Rotating the prim, readjusting its dimensions, and retexturing is the only way that will work.
  20. Google ceased offering the free translation service that a lot of translators, including the one built into the SL Client, used. To make translation work now, you have to go into preferences and enter account information for a paid service (or a free one if you can find one). The error is telling you that the default value, which points at Google's discontinued free service, is no longer valid.
  21. Yes, you can. But LL gives no refunds. So if you buy a full year's membership (the best value for your money), and 6 months later you downgrade back ot Basic, they won't refund anything. So it is best to downgrade several days before your Premium dues are due for renewal. That way you get the most value for what you paid for. The only disadvantage to downgrading after being Premium is one that applies only to fairly old accounts (2006 and earlier) that have never been Premium before. When you go Premium for the first time, LL bases your stipend on the rate that was in effect when the account was created. For new accounts, that rate is L$300 per week. But older accounts, back around 2006 and before, were eligible for L$400 or L$500 per week, and LL still honors that grandfathered rate if an old account becomes Premium. My own account is in that class. If I upgraded today, I would get L$500 per week, not L$300. But if I downgrade back to Basic and later upgrade again, the second time I get whatever rate per week is in effect for new accounts.
  22. Fine by me. The more people who know how to make good sim crossing builds, the better everyone's SL experience will be. I've used that trick to make elevated bridges that cross from one sim to another, and to make floors for buildings on the ground or as skyboxes, where part of the building was in one sim, and part in the other. It eliminates the "falling through the floor" sim crossing issue completely.
  23. Great suggestions, except for #4. A 'bridge' between sims should have prims that extent 4M or more into the other sim from each side. This allows the simulators on both sides to believe there is still a surface under the person or vehicle throughout the handoff from one simulator to the other, and eliminates the necessity of having terrain just below the transition point. In other words, in sim A there is a linkset that includes a prim that extends 4M or more into sim B. In Sim B there is a linkset that includes a prim that extends 4M or more into sim A. An example of this can be seen in the Rutgers sims "Rutgers University" and "RUCE 2" where the road between them exactly splits the sim border, with invisible prims extending across the sim edge from either side to eliminate sim crossing glitches.
  24. Post in your own feed or in anyone else's feed. Then if enough people click the 'Love' button, it gets added to the Trending feed.
  25. Each of my avatars is a unique fictional character. Most of them started as characters I used in roleplaying venues, or that I created for fiction stories that I have written. Ceera Murakami : She is a demigoddess. She started out as a very precocious and talented Human mage, but over the passage of 700+ years she has shed much of her original humanity. Ceera is amoral. She does whatever she feels is in her own best interests. Fortunately for most of those around her, what is in her best interests usually is in alignment with acceptable behaviors. She will always honor her promiese, once made, and is a devoted friend to those loyal to her. She is a terrible enemy to any who oppise her. She has died and been reborn more times and in more ways than she cares to count, and has done many things to extend her existance which the ordinary folk would consider abhorrent. Her current incarnation is as a Kitsune with three tails, which she was transformed into as a blessing from the Japanese Kami Inari, because of her love and devotion to another Kitsune. Her default appearance is as an anthropomorphic red fox, with green eyes, white and black fur markings, auburn hair, and three tails. She's 5'7" tall, and I can tell you her exact weight and measurements... She is also a shapeshifter who can assume almost any form you can imagine. For hundreds of years she was under a curse that made her unable to comprehend love, but also made her immune to fear and nightmare. I've written enough about her back story to fill a novel, and in fact I am writing that as a proper novel right now. Feral Mill: Somewhere along the way, Ceera, who was an only child, wished she had a brother. When you're as powerful a mage as she is, wishes can sometimes come true. Feral is essentially a male version of Ceera, though he has his own distinct personality. He's more quiet and submissive, and less ambitious. He is happy merely to be of service, or to be a good companion. He's a litle taller than Ceera, and a fashionable dresser. Quite the gallant gentleman when it is called for. Meridith McMahon: Meridith is an anthro timberwolf girl, with long black hair. She was from a nomadic people who lived in the mountains on the edge of a vast desert. She was captured by slave traders when she was fifteen, and sold to a cult that hoped to use her to bring into their world an avatar of a demigod named Ulthoris the Devourer. Their plans went awry. Meridith to a certain extent did become an avatsr of Ulthoris, but not under their control. She is essentially now a lycanthrope that switches between a wolf girl and a demigod werewolf. Under the influence of Ulthoris, she destroyed the cult, and escaped, but afterward couldn't remember what happened to her while with the cult. She was taken in by the folk of a forest tavern, where she worked happily for some time as a whore and barmaid. Her experiences with the cult had several effects on her: Increased libido; Increased luck in many regards; And a most unfortunate intermittent loss of control where Ulthoris may end up rampaging. She works now as a cook for Ceera, who os trying to help Meridith to control Ulthoris' effects on the wolf girl. Physically she.a about 5'10" tall, and somewhat muscular for a girl. In the form of Ulthoris' avatar, she's 8 feet tall and huge and fearsome. There are many others... (Edited to add: To give you an idea how much each of these characters has their own Personna: When the ones from the RP forum I was in before I came to SL were actively in use, for a 5+ year period, most of the people who interacted with my many characters had no idea that they were run by the same person. )
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