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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. Oh *****! I do hope it was only a little oops and one that he could fix. This is why I like to be heavily sedated at the dentist's office. I'd rather not be too aware of what is going on. I'm sure my anxiety does nothing to help the situation and the best thing I can do is lie back and let them have at it.
  2. I was left alone for what seemed like over an hour once, I think they forgot about me. Heaven! I'll never forget my first time. My dentist had very colorful blue and green paisley wallpaper and I swear the vines were growing!!
  3. Me too! about the nitrous I mean, it's the only good thing about dentists! I wish there was a way to HEART and CRY with you for this post. Whoever mentioned that the reaction emojis are inadequate was right. 😢😢😢 ♡♡♡
  4. I'm feeling somewhat better today. The antibiotics are working on the toothache and it's now a dull ache and no longer throbbing. Dreading and also can't wait for Friday and the root canal. Emotionally I'm on the roller coaster, getting the feels way too easily for my comfort level. I both love and hate thinking about people that are gone from my life and/or hearing others speak of this. I am avidly reading some threads here that I'm not up to joining, but may get there eventually. Looked at my wish list on marketplace and there is nothing on it. Looked at gifts I've received and learned that it's been two years now since "someone" left me. Still hurts even though I've moved on; I miss that level of intimacy that we shared.
  5. It seems to me that peeing in an inappropriate place and then tattling on your self is not insulting intelligence so much as it is revealing an unsound mind. I'm glad you didn't answer the door. Who knows what might have happened next.
  6. i so agree! I used to take them just before bed, but i switched to taking them first thing in the morning so I'd have a second chance to take them before I fall asleep and have the weird dreams.... but that just makes it that much worse if I do forget because my body's been without them longer.
  7. I generally agree with you but I've learned that there are many who side with the orange oaf because they are convinced that the other side is just as crooked, just better at hiding it. I'm fed up with both sides. I'm waiting for the crowd with the pitchforks to run amok and tear the oligarchy down. Not sure if it's going to happen but I'm hoping. When they do, I guess i will be a refugee. I'd have moved to Canada already but I hate snow and cold. Today I woke up thinking I'd lost power again and rolled over and went back to sleep, Woke up 2 hours later and realized I'd just pulled the plug on my alarm by accident. Stumbled into the other room to start working with my head all cloudy because I'd forgotten my meds yesterday. I hate when I do that! It's lunch time now, and I'm just starting to feel alive again.
  8. I'm going to remember this for next year. I absolutely loathe doing these. Mines done already though for this year.
  9. I have very mixed feeling about this holiday, but, I find myself crying when I listen to this Amongst the many Xmas Carols out there, my favorite by far is Mr Magoo's I also like to read the Dickens story.
  10. It helps a little, If I know I just bought something recently, it cuts way down on how much stuff I have to look at before I find it.
  11. I'm like @Eva Knoller and @janetosilio - I have been a box hoarder since the very beginning of my time in SL. Sometimes I tell myself I should just delete the backups folder since I very rarely have to go back and re-open anything. But I can't do it. Just like it's really hard for me to delete anything, even things I don't like. I'm just a pack rat I guess. I still have almost everything I ever bought. The nearest I can get to deleting is the "meh" folder of things I know I will most likely never wear or use. I am trying to cure myself of this with new purchases because my inventory is totally unmanageable right now. I have monthly folders in my "new" folder going back 2 years of things I have not put away yet. On the other hand, I'm very flexible when it comes to shopping. I can do it with people although I mostly do it by myself. Sometimes I cam, sometimes I walk. My fave is when all the vendors are approximately the same height and I can walk with a shift arrow and see everything as i stroll along. Sometimes I go right sometimes I go left, and sometimes I just dive in at the middle and run around here and there as I see things that I want to look at more closely. I mostly use marketplace when I know exactly what I want. For browsing, I prefer to shop in world. I do most of my shopping while I host. I see people wearing things I like, I inspect them, and then off to the marketplace to get it. either that or I wait til my shift is over and then off to the in-world site to get it and see what else I might like.
  12. I like both. I have the advantage of being a pretty fast typist and I've learned to not worry about the typos. We all speak and write typonese and can ask questions if we don't understand. Personally, I think that for having a fun time, the in-world chats are better. Wall of text communicators, don't do so well in world. People get bored waiting and the conversation continues on it's merry way, and by the time the wall is done writing, nobody remembers what the point was. But for more serious group communication, the forums are somewhat more useful. It's a very different pace.
  13. But other than the toothache, my mood is surprizingly upbeat. Yes, work sucks, yes I hate having to bite my tongue in meetings as the so called "normies" talk about all their Xmas prep fun, yeah, I don't feel good, but I don't care. I have a healthy F@#!k it all attitude that I hope will continue.
  14. It does. It really does, and my appointment for the root canal is not until Friday.
  15. I have a toothache. But I'm also sad that a thread was deleted before Storm got my hug. I really thought what he needed was a hug and it didn't look like anyone else was going to hug him. Oh well.
  16. you and me both. It's ok to be grumpy, my grumpiness settled in on Tuesday when people at work went overboard being thankful and sending heartfelt emails that drove me right up the wall. Then I alternated between morbidly imagining them all getting food poisoning and looking up dead turkey jokes. I imagine i will vacillate between maudlin sentimentality and imagining my funeral til Boxing Day.
  17. I agree. I had a choice between being alone for TG or alone for Xmas and I decided I could handle TG alone much easier.
  18. Sometimes we do the turkey twice, sometimes we get a nice roast beast for Xmas.
  19. Thank you Tari. For those who are happy and looking forward to warm happy family time, go for it! Enjoy! Give Uncle Scrooge a hug for me. For those like me who will be all alone, tough it out! Things could be worse. At least it will be peaceful and quiet and warm here and I get a long weekend. Consider the plight of the turkey.
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