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Sy Beck

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Everything posted by Sy Beck

  1. Dresden Ceriano wrote: entity0x wrote: Then you don't know what spam is, or how it is used in the TOS. Just put people who you dont want to hear (in whatever capacity) on ignore. Problem solved. But you will not sit on forums in a 'social' game that has in-game trading of goods and services for FUN, and restrict the rights of others to promote themselves. I suppose you would have no problem if every merchant in SL were to send you a LM to their store out of the blue. I mean, since each of them would have only done it once, it wouldn't be spam... right? ...Dres Succinctness. And no one sinks and sucks like you ;-)
  2. No worries anybody who is using Heartbleed and has access to SL users accounts and/or their passwords will only be interested in the rich and important so 100% of SL users can rest easy. :smileywink:
  3. Blah blah blah heard the same wooing of the residents from every CEO so far and only Philip delivered half of what he promised before disappearing so I'll wait a year before this post is a real discussion piece. Do you see one definitive commitment to resolve something in any of the bullet points or just recognitions of existing problems?
  4. She responds more to the smell of geek than cheese, but wrap Einstein in some fine English Stilton and she'll be there...we all hope.
  5. It's fun sometimes to answer the OP without looking at the thread and then see how the irregulars have gone off on their own version of what the OP really meant.
  6. Your dress sucks especially seeing as you had to resort to a forum appeal to check it out...which I didn't, because you never make them in my size.
  7. On this day -1 last year Hippie started this thread, therefore any new entries should only contain events that happened last year on this date with a link to last years page...Agreed?
  8. Once upon a time what was known about you and what you wanted known was a Venn Diagram where at a distance the circles hardly touched. Nowadays they are almost concentric. We have moved there because it was beneficial to the state and the individual and it was absolutely consensual. At the moment there is the cry that the state is over-prying, but you are the state in most countries I'm writing to, so tell them to stop and elect people who will stop it...this is the simplicity of a democracy. The problem is that a lot of us have a democracy, but have never read the instruction manual of how to operate it.
  9. I've told you before Celeste, that tie does nothing for your looks, bin it.
  10. Why is that only in the last 100 years or so of our whole human existence when we have had the means to "mass" communicate "easily" and yet be able to remain relatively anonymous that it has become all of a sudden a supposed human right to be completely anonymous? Don't get me wrong I don't think that any organisation or government has the right to know your identities across all media, platforms etc...But for nearly all of human existence who you were or your facial identity was known to any person or organisation that you were personally dealing with and was it ever a detriment when in fact it was a necessity? Why now do we claim, because it is possible (to an extent) to be anonymous, that our anonymity is a right that should be protected? If you can or want to be anonymous why can't those who seek to govern you be anonymous as well or at least have the barest details revealed about them? If you wanted to be high profile at what point do you agree to drop anonymity? Why is anonymity important for you personally, but not equally for everybody else?
  11. Marigold Devin wrote: RegulusValentine wrote: its really bad its like that half of the time you cant even tp. and what makes it worse is if you try more then once often times it will cause you to get stuck and have to relog. this is a major issue even if you try to remove scripts on you or what often times i find it very frustrating. its gotten worse lately and my internet connection is decent its not just me i find often times i have to try to teleport people multiple times to try to get them to come where i am. Fix it. like oh so many other issues in second life LL still refuses to fix some of the major show stopping issues. Linden Lab fix loads of stuff. And they add new features all the time too. Almost every Tuesday, new code is rolled out, bugs are fixed, and as its really not advisable to modify a running program, Linden Lab do pretty well not to have to do what they used to do, and that was to shut the grid down for half a day each week while they did the updates. Regarding teleporting issues, sometimes there are general teleporting issues, which usually get dealt with if they are found to be caused by that week's roll out. There are sometimes rollbacks because of conflicts. However, there is so much you can do for yourself to improve your teleporting issues. Just test for yourself. Turn your avatar back into its default/original form by going to the menus at the top of the screen and finding the option for "Test Character" and Test Male/Female. Now try to teleport. Is it better? If it is, then you can put your teleporting issues down to something you are wearing - something scripted like a resizeable hair, or footwear, or a HUD. If your teleporting is still causing you to relog, its probably your connection. In spite of you believing you have a great internet connection, as your avatar's information has to travel from server to server when you teleport, if you have the slightest blip in your internet connection, you may well find yourself unable to teleport, or having to relog, or even being logged out during what seems to be an exceptionally long teleporting process. SL Yoda thinks Nirvana approached have you ;-)
  12. You think that's bad? Try logging off and getting a message that Real Life is down. Tell me who the f*%k I complain to?
  13. Dammit, it was perfect when it was only me on there at $2 per hour, now all the riff raff and pond life are turning up! Why do LL go out of their way to piss off us SL users? It's enough to make me glad I didn't buy Premium or land!
  14. Rob Ford? Seriously? And I thought all the gags had already been bagged in this thread. Oh well, the steady rise of Canadian comedy back to the dizzy heights of Jim Carrey has to begin somewhere I suppose, though I thought Rob Ford was doing a sterling job in his one man show. However, back on point. My point remains that you want more advertising or the same budget redirected to appeal to the people who may like the things that you do, which with any cursory glance over your numerous posts on your various avatars is literature and feminism, hence I suspect your dislike of the said ad, a graphic of scantily clad women at the beach; not enough words and not enough clothes for your taste, probably. I would have given you far more credance for your views if you had proposed this before, rather than as knee jerk reaction to something that you find disagreeable, but which has been the theme of LL's advertising of SL for many, many years. Your appeal that LL's advertising should reflect everything that is noble and good in SL didn't ring true with me. I saw somebody whose sensibilities were upset at an advertisement and knowing that they couldn't ban or alter it wanted their own lifestyle views/choices given equal priority and prominence, but knowing that too would not be possible or even fair went for the egalitarian tub-thumping appeal that all interests and perspectives should be reflected in LL's advertising of SL as long as it was agreed by some unknown, un-named group of people that these things are, to their minds at least, "worthy". Therefore, if you can't beat it, then drown it out and dilute it. Of course this presents you with a problem. It is impractical to try and represent everything, let alone represent them equally. So who is to decide what's worthy to be featured or rather advertised, and for LL, why would they or should they do so? Remember, LL subsidise or give sims gratis to educational establishments or "artistes" so it's not as if those who want such things are flocking in their masses to see them or even support them financially. So who is the one to be discriminatory, elitist and classist and say, 'these are the things I deem worthy that I think somebody else should support so that I may continue or increase my enjoyment." It may surprise you, but I side with the argument that SL is more than SLex and relationships and that using scantily clad women in ads is the equivalent of peddling crack in advertising, but I wouldn't tell LL who or what to target in their advertising. It maybe, "Your world. Your imagination", but it's, "Their business. Their Policies". And if the overwhelming majority of the top twenty sims are consistently Adult ones then they [LL] probably have a better idea of their clients and where best to put their marketing buck. So far at least their acumen in this has made it possible for them to sponsor many of the things that you enjoy. Anyway, here is a brief example of what marketing looks like when you try to encompass all views and persuasions. Enjoy the idealism of all encompassing marketing. P.S. Oh btw, you started the ad hominen The Jerk P.P.S Who also has spent most of his life with political rhetoric and can assure you that it derives more in the last 30 years from marketing rhetoric than any ideological belief. P.P.P.S I rarely look at the forums so do not expect any further contribution unless I'm enjoying a particulary good bottle. P.P.P.P.S Thank you Celeste, for, well, being Celeste. If more right-wingers were like you then sensible people could move more to the left and have a rational debate with you x :smileywink:
  15. LaskyaClaren wrote: Sy Beck wrote: Haven't read a single post in this thread . . . Fine. See if I ever read any of your threads. Jerk. :-P So you want a serious response? OK, have you paused to consider that your idealised, niche, clique, liberal version of SL might possibly be the least appealing version of SL to the masses and also appealing to only but the smallest of all demographics? That any money spent attracting the likes of you maybe the worst ROI for an advertising buck? This is not a case of LL doing anything wrong in their advertising, but more about that you feel it should be advertising to your middle class metro sensibilities yes? It's almost reads like a resentment that your sacred artistic bubble has to be shared with undesirables and the hoi polloi with their grubby little values, which you magnaminously accept must be tolerated. A bit like your favourite bookshop stocking Harold Robbins and Jackie Collins novels, your art house theatre doing a season of Schwarzenegger films or maybe even your favourite coffee house putting Coca-Cola on the shelves. In short all those things that keep companies and organisations profitable and afloat giving you the space and freedom to tell them how it should be done properly. I mean you are only a miniscule percentage of the userbase, but you are a special kind of snowflake and they should be paying attention to you shouldn't they? In short LL has never spent much on advertising, which we have all decried. Therefore, what little they have to spend they must target at the largest common denominator with the most tried and trusted triggers. So yeah, it's going to be sex, love and relationships and the portrayal of beautiful, desirable bodies in risqué clothing because that sells and when it does it brings the bucks in. This is why this forum is spammed with numbers for escort services rather than numbers to call to listen into the latest stinging critiques of feminist literature post the Sex in the City era or a treatise on the dirge that is Paradise Lost. So if you feel that you disapprove of LL's marketing strategy then either, a) reach for the remote and switch off, b) ask them nicely to keep increasing their advertising budget with resources from elsewhere till there's enough in the pot to target you and your ilk or best of all c) start a collection fund that you and like-minded people can contribute to with which you can then buy advertising space to advertise SL in a manner which you feel more fitting and won't attract the wrong sort of people into the neighbourhood. Yours sincerely, Jerk. ;-p
  16. Dear Jinny, You are not the first woman to have had a problem with the demands of somebody else's balls. Many have been in this predicament before you and I'm sure that many will unwillingly follow. However, there is a sisterhood community out there who can teach you how to bring those unruly balls into line either by the gentle reassurance and nurturing hand of a professional masseuse or by the firm slap of a Mistress of discipline. Whatever line you choose, remember, that it was never your creator's intention to divide their most holiest of creations across 256m of virtual space as much as it was never his intention to spread a woman's breasts across the same divide till the evolution of LOLAs.
  17. Tarina Sewell wrote: well, not everyone is current. My friend on signularity cant see it. not sure his version. ** edit** also it takes a pretty powerful computer to run the viewers now.. and you cant blame people for not upgrading. Im not sure what a luddite is. I believe there are people in Africa and other forgotten parts of humanity who are not wearing Gucci or DKNY yet. Should I downsize to a loincloth too? I'd hate to expose my powerful income. Gawd I wish this was just a game and not something really important!
  18. Pep Linden - The Fear of God Linden
  19. Greek, you have been posting this kind of whining regularly for about 3-4 years now. Do you not think that it's about time that you upgraded your PC? If not please post your specs if you think your PC is up to date and SL compatible.
  20. Can I add buycycle as another alternative spelling? And it's very apropos.
  21. CmpZ wrote: I'm new to SL & was showing it to a friend in the hopes that he'd make his own account. He asked how it differs from Minecraft. Neither of us have played Minecraft, but we know people who have (including his nephew). For me, it's one of those questions whose answer is obvious but difficult to articulate. I pointed out that SL isn't a game & that a big part of it is building. He pointed out that people build things in Minecraft, too. He also pointed out that from what he's seen, building in Minecraft is easier than building in SL, though I pointed out that I'm new & still don't know many good building techniques. Thanks for your time & help. P.S. I know that I've heard other questions like that, where I feel that the answer is obvious but when someone presses me on it, I can't explain. Wish I could think of some of those to use as examples here. Anyway, thanks in advance for your replies. Seriously? You can't tell the difference between a Minecraft build and a SL build and don't feel able to describe the difference? Post a picture of a curved object in SL and one in Minecraft. It's all about aesthetics. Obviously gameplay is easier in Minecraft that's why my 5 yr old can look good against 30+ try hards. FYI, building in Lego is even easier ;-)
  22. I'm #6, but , who would want to be a #1 or #2 on this list?
  23. Haven't read a single post in this thread, but I can confidently answer, not just "we", but anybody, including Pep and my grandmother..and she's dead.
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