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Marielle Caerndow

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Posts posted by Marielle Caerndow

  1. Like you say, you can first make the hugh-poly modell, unwrap it  and afterwards reduce it's triangles. (Tip: the ProOptimize-modifer has a checkbox to preserve the UVs. Using it gives good results, however: the poly-reduction is generic, you can't exactly control it.)

    You can also manually remove edge-loop from from the high-poly-modell. 

    My experience is: when you start with the high-details mesh, it needs good unwrapping (no distortions, only minimum seams) - otherwise it becomes painful fumbling.

     The alternative is: start with the low detailed mesh and unwrap it. Afterwards create the high LODs by adding details to the mesh. Expecially if you use the traditional "box modelling" this way works well, because box-modelling starts with the low details, and then refines up to the high LOD. (other modelling techniques like Poly-by-Poly, Spline-, Patch and Nurbs-Modelling are better suited for the "high LOD first, then reduce workflow".)

  2. Sae, are you aware that your skeleton's bones (in Maya) need to be correctly named ?

    Did you check to include skinning in the Maya-exporter ? (I'm using 3dsMax, but since Maya is also from Autodesk, maybe it's similar that you have to manually enable Animation/Skin in the exporter.) 

    When Uploading in SL, did you activate the "Skin Weights" (Not only in the preview-window, also in the modifiers) ? 

  3. First you have to create the skin-weights in Maya, so that your mesh follows the skeleton movement (still in Maya).

    Like in this  video from Autodesk:

    Afer all looks good in Maya, you just tell the SL-uploader to include the skin-weighs.

    • Like 1
  4. Linder per Handy würde ich nur im absoluten Ausnahmefall machen. 

    Der Grund ist: der Umtauschkurs Euro -> Linden ist dabei meistens sehr schlecht. Vielleicht auch deshalb hat sich das mit Handybezahlung nie richtig durchgesetzt.

    Ich hab grade mal geschaut, auf der einen Seite mit Handybezahlung bekommt man für 1,-€ grade mal 135 L$. Das ist ein unterirdisch schlechter Kurs !  Laß dich da nicht übers Ohr hauen. Der Umtauschkurs L$ zu US-Dollar ist immer um die 260L$ = 1 USD. Der US-Dollar steht zur Zeit bei 1,40 zum €, daraus folgt ein 'vernünftiger' Kurs ist zur Zeit 360L$ für 1 €.

    Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich www.virwox.com  empfehlen. Bin seit über 2 Jahren dort. Guter Umtauschkurs, seriös, guter Support und sehr schnelle Auszahlung. Mußt eben mal schaun, welche Zahlmethode da für dich dabei ist. 

  5. Many 3D-creation tools can display and work with polygons (3-, 4- or more-sided).

    However, internally these n-sided faces are (internally) made of multiple triangles. In example a 4-sided polygon ("quad") consists of 2 triangles.

    It's can be important to not forget that on "base level" models nearly always consist of triangles, even when the program displays quads (or n-gons).

     Important because:

    1. Game engines (SL) mostly work with triangulated meshes. If you upload a mesh to SL, it's faces are converted to triangles...
    2. For the performance (GPU), the triangle count matters, not the 'poly-count'. If you have a model made of 100 quads (4 sided polys) , then it's triangle-count is actually 200. 
    3. When animating a mesh, differences can occur. If you animate a quad (or n-gon)-mesh in the modelling-app, it can look a bit different in SL (since the mesh got triangulated on export/import).

    As general rule, I model as I like it - with triangles and polygons. But before exporting the model, I convert all faces to triangles (since this happens anyway on export). So I can spot possible issues and get the 'real' triangle-count.

    • Like 1
  6. A: Textures get compressed on upload. It results in minor quality loss, but shouldn't be as 'drastic' as your description sounds :-)

    B: Textures get scaled down to 1024^2 if you try to upload larger sizes...

    If none of the above helps, maybe add some screenshots here that show the issue. 

  7. The viewer's code is/was available during the past months - of course most third party developers decided to wait until the 'final' mesh-code is ready.

    Anyway -  since mesh-attachments will very often require an alpha layer, I really hope (some) TPVs get finally the option for multiple alphas. This code is around for a year, but still not all viewer have multi-alphas.

    At all, I think nearly all TPVs will implement mesh sooner or later. Chat-only-viewers maybe not :-).

  8. An issue is back: uploading with skin weights where the *.dae contains a partial joint array.

    - Was ok in: Second Life 2.8.2 (236321) Jul 20 2011 15:27:29 (Project Viewer - Mesh) 

    - Not working in: Second Life 2.8.3 (237157) Jul 28 2011 09:01:19 (Second Life Developer) ("Calculate weights & fee" greys out when activating "skin weights".)

  9. Even a normal prim (box, sphere,...) is in technical terms a 'mesh'.

    The difference between sclupties and the new meshes:

    - sculpties have an unchangable UV-layout, meshes can have custom UVs. 

    - sculpties have an unchangable topology, always ~2000 triangles. New meshes can have any kind of topology.

    - sculpties have an unchangable collision-shape for physics, meshes can have a custom collision shape 

    - sculpties are stiff/rigid, meshes can be set to have skin weights where they move/bend with avatar's skeleton 

  10. For attachments where prim count doesn't matter (and size changes are minor): I would like to know how much an item adds to the ARC (Avatar rendering cost).

     For every rezzable/re-sizable items it would ba nice if there would be one PE for 'normal size'. In the item description it should be stated clearly: tree at 12 meters = 10 PE (medium size). Scaled smaller to 5 meters or bigger to 25 meters results in 7 and 18 PE.

    Somehow informing about the small/big extremes. 

  11. For 3dsMax there wasa tool named "Primcomposer" to ceate sculpties. Unfortunately the website doesnt exist anymore. However, it wouldn't have helped you anyway, I think.

    The problem is, Max.4 is 10 years old. No offense, but these days it's very rare that a plugin still supports Max.4...

    As conclusion, I'm no aware of any sculpt-exporter that works on Max.4. My suggestion would be to look at Blender. Maybe you can even model in Max and use Blenderonly for exporting to sculpty.


  12. To Step 2: Would be nice in a way to have a hard limit , a guidance. It would save me hours of thinking about "how many tris are 'too' low, how many are sane and how many are to much" :smileyindifferent: But I doubt a hard limit will happen, first and foremost because it would probably break existing content...some items might become un-rezzable at all :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 

    To Step 1: The ARC for rendering is a good guidance for creators and users. However, afaik it's pure render-weight. So I'd vote for a second metrics: "ALF" = Avatar Lag Factor.

    It could include the ARC for rendering the avatar plus: 

    • the ARC (triangle count, textures etc.)
    • number of prims/scripts/... of all attachments (reflecting network stress due to downloading) 
    • used memory of attached scripts
    • a factor for script events caused by attached scripts

    So, something like the world-formula of SL :smileytongue:

  13. In the past the number of prims were often stated - even for attachments where prim-count never really mattered (in sense of beeing limiteted) .

    For mesh attachments the ARC can be a handy reference value, especially since it (should) reflect how render-heavy an item is.

  14. it's as Guy says, the probem is most likely that the collada file does not contain all bone names. Why it happens is: 3dsMax' exporter only exports the bones that are actually 'used'. Even if ou have all bones in the skin-modifier, the bones that have no effect arenot exported. (Example, if you create shoes, all the torso and arm bones arenot exported since they don't influence the mesh.)

    The problem was already reported here CTS-590 and here CTS-608.

    Strange thing: LL says that it's fixed, but my own test show they are not. Maybe the Jiras should be re-opened ?

  15. The look is good, but the challenge is to get the poly count on a sane level.

    65k is very much...The official number is that the whole scene (everything on the screen, avatars w.attachments, ground, buildings, trees,...) should be around 250k polys. The rifle with 65k would already eat 1/4 of the poly-pool...

  16. "If all of you really were thinking of Second Life and not of yourself and your Blender skills and the Linden Dollar bling you´d favor a simple Prim/Linkset to Mesh converter. This would be efficient enough to change SL into a mesh paradise. "

    Meant sarcastic or ironic, I guess.

    • Like 1
  17. I don't know it for sure, but according to the wiki only the mail that matches the llGetNextEmail-filters (address/subject) is removed from the queue.  Since all other mails remain unchanged, it's IMO very likely that the queue fills up...and at some point can't receive/store further mails.

    So just checking the address/subject inside the email-event and using  llGetNextEmail with empty filters.

    • Like 1
  18. Not sure what program you mean...SL's importer counts triangles (because they are what matters for the render engine).

    If you refer to 3dsMax, you'd have to configure the viewport statistics to show the triangle-count. (It shows quads by default, get activated by pressing the'7').

  19. Just don't get confused with counting. A "quad" would mean a 4-sided polygon, thus it would be 2 Triangles. 

    Just have to pay attention myself when working in 3dsMax. There are different "Polgon counts". Some count polygons (where a polygon can consist of unlimited number of triangles..) and the 'right' counters that cound the triangles.

  20. It could be that your collada file from Blender 2.5 is a newer version than the Uploader supports.

    More specific: When I use Collada 1.4.1 files, the uploader tells me that the model has much more Vertices than is has in the 3d-App. The previous collada version (1.4.0) works instead. 

    You could check it by opening your collada file with a text editor. Somewhere in the first lines it should state it's version. 

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