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Marielle Caerndow

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Posts posted by Marielle Caerndow

  1. I'm using MAx2016 and it works (rigged mesh, multiple material-IDs - still, whitespaces in a material's name cause trouble).

    Not sure about this one fact: in my working setup I have changed the settings of Max's FBX-exporter to use fbx-version 2014/15 instead 2016 (I vaguely remember that the choosen fbx-version also affects dae-exports).

    But bottom line, Max2016 works, just might need some tweaks to it's exporter's settings.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 Ways:

    #1: If you did set your scene units to centimeters, you can try to compensate it in the export settings. It maybe depends on what version of Max you have, at least I have an option "export units as..." in the export dialog. Default it's on 'automatic', so maybe you can get it right there by trying other settings.

    #2: If you set your scene back to meters, then keep in mind: the default 'offset' (collision distance) for cloth and collition objects is "1.0"...which would mean 1 meter. So, on a scene with meters as unit, set the 'Offset' of your cloth and collider to something like 0.03 and "Depth" to around 0.15. You find these by clicking "Object Properties" in the Cloth-modifier.

    #3: In the Cloth-modifier, rollout 'Simulation Parameters' you see the "cm/unit" setting. This might also let you make adjustments to the cloth-world-scale relation.



    One thing I forgot: When you'Re working on meters as scene-units, you'll probably run into problems with the Garment-Maker-modifier ... it doesn't like small objects. So if you're going to make a thin, 3 cm wide belt, the Garment-Maker will probably strart to throw errors.

    The only solution then: Scale your SLAV-figure up by a factor of 100 or 1000, then make and simulate your clothing for it. When ready, collapse the cloth to an editable poly, scale the SLAV-figure and the cloth back to normal size and continue with skinnung.


    I'm also very sad that the deformer was denied, and the cBones are now the way to go (or not).

    My problem is not the extra work, nor that there'd be something new to learn - my problem is that it simply doesn't work.

     Take a pair of knee high boots. As soon as the customer hasn't sraight legs, 'Fitted Mesh' suddenly stops to fit. Like Rhys said, +/-5 ok, but every shape that's more different to default will not get proper fitting. (And the legs/knees are only one area of the problem.)

    After a lot of testing and considering the fact that it's not possible to rig the avatar-mesh in a way that it deforms like the in-world avatar-body does, I'm not sure if it makes sense to jump into this. Really pondering with the question if it's worth the effort, when only a small number of customers benefit from it - those whose shape is near the defaults.



  4. Thank you for the tip, Darien, but  I knew about plain text/ascii-limits and always used plain text. It worked all fine since years ...until now (and didn't change anything on my mail program). Also, that the email-to-SL fails from 3 different email accounts makes me wonder.

    Did some further testing by replying offline-IMs not per mail program, instead directly from the web interface of the mail provider (as plain text)...still not arriving in SL :-/

    So it's working for you right now ?

  5. Since 2 days it seems that sending emails to SL stopped working.

    It first affects offline-IMs: they are forwarded to my email account, and usually I could simply 'reply' - but since 2 days my email-reply is not reaching the sender (avatar in-world).

    Second problem: I sometimes send an email to a scripted in-world object - but since 2 days the mails are not reaching the in-world object.

    Just would like to know if others have the same problem of emails from 'outside SL' are not going 'into SL' (neither to avatars nor to objects). I tried it with 3 different email accounts, all the same problem.

  6. try (destroydialog myrollout) catch ()rollout myrollout "testing" width:450 height:713(button but_01 "Random Boxes"  width:88 height:21spinner spinnerAmount "Box Qty" width:46 height:16 range:[0,100,50]	on but_01 pressed do	(		mybox = box length:10 width:10 height:10 wirecolor:blue --new box		for i = 1 to spinnerAmount.value as integer - 1  do --repeat as often as defined by spinnerAmount's value (-1, otherwise one more would be created)		(			theDiceValue = random 1 20 --roll the dice: create a random number between 1 and 20 (1 and 20 are included)			if theDiceValue == 20 then 							--if dice is the "stop-number 20"...			(				print "The dice rolled 20, stopping creating."--...print the info				exit													  --...and exit the loop			)			else			(				print ("The dice rolled " + theDiceValue as string + ", creating a box.")--print what number the dice had rolled				box_copy = copy mybox --create a copy of the original box				box_copy.pos  = random [-20, -20, 0] [80, 80, 0]) --place a random position within the defined coords			)		)		)createdialog myrollout 200 200


  7. I simply don't undertand why this did not justify a rollback - I'm VERY disapponted, really.

    No messages when customers contact a merchant by using scripted 'contact/message-panels', no messages from vendor systems for bookkeeping, not to forget no messages from rental systems, breedable animals, games...

  8. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    Maestro Linden wrote:

    Triple, Marielle: Thanks for the report.  I can confirm the issue about offline IMs from LSL scripts (using llInstantMessage()) missing the 'meat' of the message in offline emails.  I've filed BUG-916 about this.  I verified that the issue occurs in Magnum and Bluesteel with this week's new versions.

    Beat me to the punch by THAT much!
     LOL Thank you Maestro.

    I can not see the JIRA (some permission issue) - but does this mean we have to live with the broken offline-IMs until...when it's fixed somewhen in the next weeks :smileysurprised: ?

  9. As mentioned earlier, when you export directly from Max the the triangulation (especially orientation of the invisible edges) remains the same in SL. In rare cases Max's exporter gives a warning when it changes the edge orientation - and if you go over additional tools (like the fbx-converter) it migt also be changed.

    If you triangulate in Max, the edges should definitely remain oriented as they are. (I would still only do it if necessary.)

    A simply way that comes to my mind: apply an EditableMesh modifier, go into the edge-sub mode, select all edges (it should also select the invisible edges) and finally look in the command panel. Somewhere in the EditableMesh modifier is a button named 'Visible', which converts all edges to 'visible' edges.

  10. In Max you can achive different materials on the front and back of a face (by using the "Double Sided" material).

    But in SL the polys will always be single-sided. Thus the only way to make objects 'solid'/2-sided for SL will be to really create the backside (on complex models the "Shell"-modifier is handy).

  11. Since you mention efficiency, keeping your models quad-based while working on them is quite good for efficiency. Only on quad-models you can quickly select an edge-loop or a ring-selection - handy for refining or reducing towards lower LODs (in case you hand made them).

     And like Kwakkelde mentioned, Subdivision is smoother on quad-models. So, quads are handy, but not the holy gral :-).

  12. About beeing same in Max and SL: it depends. Sometimes on export the error-window opened with a message like "Exporter has detected turned edges and the object has been triangulated/converted to editable mesh" (if the option to show the error window is active).

    To my knowledge it means that the exporter didn't like the objects existing triangulation/topology, and thus applied changes - here the result in SL might be different to what's in Max.

    Otherwise I had no issues, triangulation was same in Max and SL. (Btw, exporting directly from Max 2011, not using the FBX-converter)

  13. Yes, editing the triangulation is possible. Actually there is your way, and another one: on EditablePolys or EditableMeshes (or Poly/Mesh-modifier), when going into Edge-subobject mode there's a button 'Turn'. This lets you turn a clicked edge.

    On EditeblePoly (or Edit Poly Mod), the turn-command works only on the invisible edges (which can be viewed as described above).

    On EditebleMesh (or Edit Mesh Mod), the turn-command works on all edges, visible and invisble ones.

  14. Right, Quads have benefits during the modelling process. 

    However, once in SL, all objects are 'converted' (triangulated) to being made of triangles. 

    You can see this in SL by enabling wireframe mode (CTRL+SHIFT+R)...no Quads, only Trianles there.

    Finally: if you model in Quads, you might want to know how your model will look in SL after beeing triangulated. You can achive this in 3dsMax by going into the object's properties, and there uncheck 'Edges only'. Afterwards you will see the 'invisible' edges that divide your Quads into Tris. 

  15. 3ds Max 2010...I'm not 100% sure in what version of Max it was, but at some point ProBoolean (formerly an external plugin) became part of Max. So if it was Max 2010, then you have already 2 boolean systems: the native one from Max and the more advanced ProBoolean/ProCutter.

    The ProBoolean offers quite some more options than the native booleans, like quad-output, vertex-welding etc.. Maybe check the Max-help to see if you already have ProBoolean in your installation. 

  16. Bei mir das gleiche :-(


    Login geht normal los, aber dann hängt der Viewer bei  "Requesting region capabilities...attempt 1...2...3" .

    Danach dieses Fenster mit "Ok", "Help" und "Teleport"... 


    Edit: Vielleicht liegt's an irgendeinem Server, über den wir geroutet werden, denn ich kann seit heute auch einige andere Seiten nicht mehr erreichen, z.B. twitter.com oder http://nwn.blogs.com/ ... scheinbar generell kaputt, das Internet ^^

  17. Hi,

    I'm wearing a skinned/rigged outfit and have first the problem: I can not right-click it to open the dit window. Well, I worked around by opening the building floater manually, then selected the outfit. Anyway, is this issue known, expected behavior ?

    The real problem, I added a script that was meant to do some stuff when the outfit it touched (clicked). But it's not possible to 'touch' the mesh. Same question: expected behavior or bug ? If bug, a known one ? 

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