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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Darren Scorpio wrote: Yeah that was my first comment too. To me it seems as if it had been hacked because the ads lead to cheap scam sites. But I would think that by now the lindens would have resolved the issue, so it is very likely that they are doing this themselves. I am interested to know what makes you think that the ads lead to "cheap scam sites". Have you clicked on them? If so, what did you find? I read the thread you linked to and the ads don't look like scams to me. They look like genuine affiliate ads and Doubleclick (mentioned earlier) is a centre for affiliate advertising. Because of the very bad placement of the ads in the screenshots, and the fact that they come and go, it makes me think that someone at LL was experimenting with the code placement - the code being what an affiliate needs to place in the html page to make the ads appear. I've been trying to see the ads by refreshing my dashboard but I can't get them, so it could have been LL trying to place them properly, and not yet succeeding.
  2. leon Bowler wrote: lol, ty, I don't have any more things to say, here I may have got a bad response, only cos you remember the first parts of the theory and got stuck there with unresolved issues, but I have been putting out the same bit for a week now in selected places, have got some very good responses, shows the difference when you don't have baggage, but as for sl, well when I joined it was a good business opportunity and I ended up owning 31 sims, but now it is not and is time to go. Excellent
  3. leon Bowler wrote: You don;t find odd that this wacko is neither abusive and only expresses a view, yet gets banned, when a bitter troll is abusive in every post and is free to bully. But not every thing is gold, your not or are you. Who is the bitter troll?
  4. The spam will be removed. The 'fun' thread you mentioned was bound to be removed because the person who started it gets all her alts banned from here. Personally, I agree with the removal because i don't think this forum needs, or benefits from, a whacko, but that's what the person is.
  5. Kenbro Utu wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: Now about the bots. How many SL instances can a super powerful computer open at once? I'd say no more than 10? Ok so you have 10 computers at home (I don't see how that's possible but whatever), So that's 990L (10L for the actual avatar you use) that you've exploited. Congratulations. You've wasted about $10 of electricity, about 10 minutes time transferring the L over, for 1000L, which is roughly $4. Bots don't use viewers so an average computer can run a large number of them - provided that the user's bandwidth can support them - they each continually receive a surprising amount of data. I have over 70 of them that I could have logged in simultaneously for a short time, or even in groups, without costing me a cent more than normal. If I'd known about the 10L each, I wouldn't have done it though because the total amount I could have got wasn't attractive enough. If bots were run legit (scripted agents) I bet they were exempt from the "gift." Quite possibly.
  6. Teagan Tobias wrote: I am of the opinion that when Viewer 2 came out, had there not been TPV to use, some percentage of SL users would have moved to open grid. That influx would have boosted open grid numbers and spurred on development of open grid and could have been bad for LL. The TPV, I think, at least to a small degree saved LL and SL from becoming just part of the herd rather than the leading player. But this is only my opinion. I'd forgotten about LL's V2 period and I grant you that TPVs probably did make a difference at that time, but nowhere near the extent of saving SL. SL would have continued very well without TPVs at that time. As Qie said, it would probably have been better if TPVs didn't exist at the time, so that a noticeable number of people might have left and LL realised the folly of the V2 much more quickly.
  7. Yes, I'd misunderstood what Attica meant by "niches". I thought s/he was refering to niches within SL. Nevertheless, TPVs in no way saved SL - not in the slightest. Anyone who imagines differently should explain why they think that TPVs saved SL. SL went along nicely without TPVs. People weren't leaving in droves. The TPVs came along and people did not join in droves because of them. If TPVs suddenly disappear, a few will leave, yes - those who enjoy restrained life stuff, for instance, but they are only a tiny minority, and I'd guess that only some of them would leave. The vast majority of users aren't into anything that only TPVs provide, so the disappearance of TPVs wouldn't affect SL badly at all. There would be a large amount of complaining, of course, but only because people like the viewers they use and not because the lack of TPVs kills SL for them. It's nonsense to think that TPVs are so important to SL that, without then, SL couldn't continue more or less as it is now. Utter nonsense.
  8. LL did make a concious decision to stop communicating with users, Porky. A few years ago, the CEO told one department leader that he wanted more blogs from her. Not long afterwards, they gagged the Lindens. They are always concious decisions. The gags may have partly due to Lindens taking so much flak that they changed their names to avoid more flak. I.e. some Lindens have stayed employed but changed their names because of the flak they were taking. To users, it looked like Lindens had left, of course.
  9. You can use a hex editor to viewer any type of file because all files are made up of "those numbers and letters". They are actually all numbers. Hex (hexadecimal) is a number system that is 16 based. The decimal number system is 10 based:- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 of them before returning to 0 - ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 etc. Hexadecimal is 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F - 16 of them before retunring to 0 - ... 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 etc. A to F are used as numbers.
  10. You can remove live chat from your short list, Porky. Live chat is manned by outside people. It's not Linden Lab.
  11. The best way to deal with the disappointment is to create another account with a more suitable name. When you're new it's easy to do that because you don't have a stack of non-transferable stuff in your inventory.
  12. Attica Bekkers wrote: I think of all sl users as niche. Yes th eniche has different sectons within it, but SL itself occupies a niche market and our opinions, all of us, matter. . oFor thoseof us who like the ll viewer and were not willing r able to move on, tpvs have kept us in SL. TPVs saved Sl. FOr good or ill SL would of lost me years ago without them. Like many I stuck with offical viewer one for as long as i could have, and changed when it was that or leave. SL wouldn't have been worse off for not having TPVs so I can't imagine where you got the idea that TPVs saved SL. Perhaps some TPVs made SL more interesting for some people; e.g. restrained life types might have caused some people to stay in SL, but TPVs definitely did not save SL.
  13. I thought you meant a suggestion when you said that you want to tell them what you'd like to see happen.
  14. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I wonder how many people logged in all their alts to get lots of 10Ls I assume I got it because I was logged in but I'm not going to check, and I do know my main alt got it. It's a pity I stopped using bots or they would have it as well. LOL Yea, I made a comment in group chat yesterday that if somone was running 100 bots it would be a nice little bit of change. I just find it odd how they picked and chosed who gets it? . My alt logs in more than I do because he runs a service. I logged in and out several times and he didnt. I think Only twice lol. I am a Premium member and my alt is not. So it is safe to say that not even all premium members got it lol. Nothing special to it :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Maybe an avatar had to be logged in for a certain amount of time to be 'registered' for the gift. I have 2 avs logged in most of the time I'm awake every day. One is premium and the other is basic. They both got the 10L.
  15. Suki Hirano wrote: Now about the bots. How many SL instances can a super powerful computer open at once? I'd say no more than 10? Ok so you have 10 computers at home (I don't see how that's possible but whatever), So that's 990L (10L for the actual avatar you use) that you've exploited. Congratulations. You've wasted about $10 of electricity, about 10 minutes time transferring the L over, for 1000L, which is roughly $4. Bots don't use viewers so an average computer can run a large number of them - provided that the user's bandwidth can support them - they each continually receive a surprising amount of data. I have over 70 of them that I could have logged in simultaneously for a short time, or even in groups, without costing me a cent more than normal. If I'd known about the 10L each, I wouldn't have done it though because the total amount I could have got wasn't attractive enough.
  16. So it's a suggestion. That's what the JIRA is for, isn't it?
  17. It depends what the feedback is. If it's positive, e.g. "SL is wonderful. You are doing an amazingly good job. Thank you!" then you could post it everywhere you can, and even IM individual employees. I'm sure they'd be very pleased to read it. But if it's negative then LL doesn't want to know. Suggestions can go into the JIRA, of course. On the whole, LL (the management at least) isn't interested in what users think.
  18. Attica Bekkers wrote: I think this potential breaking is an example of classic ways not to handle a niche customer base. A classic way it may be, but pandering to "niche customer bases" isn't usually the best way forward. The thing about niche customer bases is that the vast majority of customers don't care if the niche people are satisfied or not. Look at this whole thing another way. Once upon a time, there was only the LL viewer, which didn't contain anything for niche customers. Then LL released the viewer code and some people modified it to add features. Everyone was content with that, weren't they? Now what's going to happen is that LL will release viewer code that breaks some of the modifications, so we'll have the latest clean LL viewer code, and those people who made modifications will have to do it all again if they want to have their additions. That seems perfectly reasonable. There's nothing wrong with it. They can do it again. There's no reason for LL to ensure that other people's modifications are continually supported. If serverside baking is generally beneficial then it's right that LL implements it, and it will be up to people who modify the code to do it all again - just like they did before. Perfect.
  19. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I'm surprised that 'someone' hasn't posted that it's confirmation of the existance of the brown dwarf, in a sort of 'told you so' post, and claiming that both of these events are caused by the brown dwarf Give it time Phil....:smileyvery-happy: By the way, check out the third video in this link (the first link in my original post). http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/02/15/breaking_huge_meteor_explodes_over_russia.html It's a very short video but the sonic boom is astonishing and the consequences with glass shattering in the buildings and alarms going off. I'd already seen that video on the news, Nyll. It's an amzing video.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: It's a pity I stopped using bots or they would have it as well. Now the thousands of bots which were online are congratulating each other for this free income. Possibly they will arrange a bot party to celebrate their good luck? :smileyvery-happy: I wonder if they'll have to audition before being allowed to go to the party
  21. I'm surprised that 'someone' hasn't posted that it's confirmation of the existance of the brown dwarf, in a sort of 'told you so' post, and claiming that both of these events are caused by the brown dwarf
  22. I wonder how many people logged in all their alts to get lots of 10Ls I assume I got it because I was logged in but I'm not going to check, and I do know my main alt got it. It's a pity I stopped using bots or they would have it as well.
  23. Whatever they would say, the avatar height that's stated in its edit box gives the wrong information, which means that we (in general) use 2 different rulers to measure things - one for the avatar height and another for prim measurements - and, therefore, avs and objects that are made using RL measurements are wrong, as compared to RL, when they are put together in SL.
  24. I'm very glad that we agree to agree at last, Coby :heart: When we started this discussion, I didn't know that the V3 displayed 'wrong' heights(heights that users naturally assume to mean the full height), so I've leaned something and it's been good. All I did know was that, when making the kitchen unit to my RL unit's height, and making my avatar to my RL height, the SL unit and avatar didn't match up the same as the RL versions did. I used the V3 for it because that's the viewer I use. So it was obvious that something was wrong. I still say that the SL measurements are screwed, though, because, the V3's Shape editor reports something different to what is intuitively expected. The TPVs try to correct it and they are better but still not accurate. So, to my way of thinking, it's screwed I've modified that post according to your wishes
  25. I've read the names in this thread but I've never heard of most of them and, since I've frequented this forum for years, I think it's safe to say that the ones I haven't heard of are not SL celebrities, or I would certainly have heard of them. Frequenting one or more SL forums does mean getting to know some names of people I never come across. Anshe Chung, for instance, so she is well-known to me although I've never seen her, not even in a forum. But I am sure that only a tiny minority of SL users have ever heard that name, so she probably doesn't strictly qualify as an SL celebrity. I honestly don't think that SL has any user celebrities at all. That is people who are famous within SL. There are a great many people who quite a lot of people have heard of, but even then, it's only a very small minority. If being well-known is what you want, and you don't mind it being in a 'small pond', you can do it. Prok became well-known in a small pond by objecting to almost everything - fault finding but in a loud way. Be very opinionated and post your opinions everywhere you can - forums, blogs, your own blog, LL blog - everywhere you can. You'll become well-known to people who use the forums and read the blogs, but it'll be a small pond compared to the sea that is the SL usership. I remember someone who emulated Prok for a while and I actually saw her claim to be renowned, but she was only a small flame compared to Prok. So be very opinionated and post your opinions everywhere you can
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