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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: ahahhahahha sorry Phil ! I missed a "T". lol, but you got it : i mean heart ... then i looked into wordreference, and it gave me the verb "to bolt"... but maybe it doesnt mean same than i french lol.. i dont know... i feel confused now :smileyembarrassed: but you got my meaning anyway....:smileywink: Ah. You probably meant going fast - bolt. So I'll take it that your heart was racing (going fast). I hope it's settled down now. A racing heart shouldn't last for long or it can be dangerous
  2. It's nothing to be concerned about. The brown dwarf will have got us long before the Space Invader galaxy gets anywhere near
  3. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Reciprocated :matte-motes-kiss: Awww Phil......I feel my hear bolting.....:matte-motes-inlove: If I had any idea what "hear bolting" means, it would probably give me a warm fuzzy feeling, but I've no idea what it means Heart beating, maybe?
  4. We do get survey threads here quite often, but why do those who don't like them post in them? To my way of thinking, it's sheer stupidity. Why don't those people have the common decency to simply ignore threads they don't like, instead of writing idiotic posts in survey threads? Grow up, for goodness sakes! It's not your forum, and it was never intended to only have threads in which you are interested. Personally, I don't fill surveys in because i don't want to, but I feel shame at the destructive posts from people who are old enough to have grown up and know better. Live and let live, for goodness sakes.
  5. jwenting wrote: submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data. Best way to get rid of these idiots, show them how utterly unreliable their "surveys" are. That was just plain stupid.
  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Sure...just as nobody is required to click on the usual spamthreads we get every weekend. This too.. Althought these spams are against TOS, survey threads are not. Technically... Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. One could consider these survey posts as self promotion. Also.. evryone knows the general pop of the forums hates these with a passion.. sooo. No Flaming: "Flames" are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to incite an angry response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. We will also not tolerate any post that encourages others to violate any policy of Linden Lab Nobody could consider surverys as self-promotion - not even those who like to stretch things to unrealistic proportions. I don't fill in surveys, simply because i don't want to, but I find a great deal of fault with people who object to them because they personally don't like them. Your post went much further, by idiotically claiming that surveys are against the ToS. You are not just mistaken - you are totally wrong. And it's nothing whatsoever to do with interpretation of the ToS. You really should learn to keep your nose out of other people's business.
  7. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I can feel it. The death of a beautiful friendship. You use to IM all the time and were excited to see me. I would sign in and Id get a message from you before I was even Rez Now, I am nothing. Now when I say hi I am bugging you. You tell me otherwise but I know, I have become a nuisance instead of the best friend. You are just too nice to tell me. I hope Sl treats you well my good friend. Hope this isn't good by but Ill see you again. I can identify with that. The main difference is the IMing on login. I couldn't cope with that - I'd feel crowded. Apart form that bit, I've had the same thing happen to me.
  8. This isn't a survey. It's just someone who thought they were posting questions to LL, much like we do other companies in their forums.
  9. jwenting wrote: actually, you do both as prim count depends on area and can on top of that be increased by the estate owner if he's renting out parcels by using some of the fallow land as a source of bonus prims for the other parcels. You also pay per prim because full regions (sims) are more expensive per square meter than are homesteads, in large part because of the higher prim allowance (bigger slice of CPU cycles also comes into play of course, allowing for more simultaneous visitors). So yes, you pay per prim. It can be considered both ways - land and prims - but, other than space, it's prims that we pay for. We can't do anything with space except move around in it. Everything we do is with prims, so that's what tier pays for. Or, to be more accurate these days - it's LI (land impact). When I was a landlord years ago, it was prims that I rented out in my mind. Even though I rented out furnished skyboxes, it was all down to prims. To the OP. You are mistaken about the number 16384. You really meant 16385. That's the number of individual units in 0 to 16384. However, in binary systems, it's common not to use all available units in that way, as some are used for control data. Having said that, it may be that 15,000 is just an arbitrary number, based on how many prims a sim can handle without slowing, or it may be an arbitrary number based on how much money LL wants to charge for stuff. It may be nothing to do with binary mathematics at all, in which case your suggestion would be pointless. I'm sure that if the number is down to binary contraints, then the rest, or most of the rest, are needed for control data, and LL decided to make it a round figure - 15,000.
  10. You are right. The quoted parts do not prohibit the disclosure of an account password to other people. It does make the account holder responsible for anything that might result due to the disclosure, but it's not prohibited according to the quoted parts..
  11. Are you able to prove that it's your account? Somebody with much more knowledge than I have will no doubt post here but, as far as I know, sharing accounts is a no-no - against the rules, and it may be that, if you own up to sharing the account (giving someone your login details), LL may do nothing get it back for you because you broke their rules, even if you can show that it was your account.
  12. HeartyFoxdale wrote: This account HeartyFoxdale was made so I could enjoy second once more and complain about something. My account ihearvampires Foxdale was put on hold months ago and I just now got an email saying there are no signs of compromise but I have to pay back a chargeback of nearly 170 USD including a fee. I never authorized a chargeback. What do I do? :matte-motes-frown: If you have to "pay back a chargeback", it sounds like you received the $170 from somebody for something, but the buyer didn't receive from you what was piad for, or made a claim to that effect, and initiated a chargeback. That makes it sound like a credit card company or a company like PayPal, because LL doesn't operate a chargeback system. You don't get to authorise a chargeback, as far as i know. So what did you receive the $170 for that is related to a dealing in SL?
  13. 16 wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: There was talk about threaded boundary crossings, which was supposed to make them work much better. Does anyone know if threaded crossings were introduced yet? yes has been in for a bit now. linden report on their blog that avatar only crossing failures been reduce by 91% linden not report on vehicle failures tho. seems is not much difference. anecdotally anyways I've tried it a number of times now - at least 6 and maybe 8 or 9 times - and sim crossings seem significantly worse to me. I've only managed to get on the land in the next continent (I don't know names) once. It wasn't that bad when we were doing it or I would have stopped trying soon after we started.
  14. Czari Zenovka wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: But to sort of answer one or more of your question... reheads are moran welcome to sit on my knee - female ones, that is And they can do it without the need of an audition too :smileytongue: When I come to deliver your cake I may take you up on that. :matte-motes-wink: My mouth is watering already - for the cake, of course
  15. hehe. It's a great imagination you have there, 16 For the information:- a halfpenny (pronounced haypenny; perhaps spelt ha'penny) = half a penny, so tuppence ha'penny = 2½ pennies. a bob (slang) = 1 shilling (12 pence). 1 and a kick = 1/6d (one shilling and sixpence - the kick being the sixpence). kick was slang and was never used on its own. tanner is also slang for 6d (sixpence) and was used on it's own; "anyone got a tanner to lend me?" florin = 2/- (2 shillings) but was never used in normal language in my lifetime. Half a crown = 2/6d (2 shillings and sixpence). Also called half a dollar (slang). 1 crown = 5/- (5 shillings) but we never used the word crown in normal language. The only 5/- coins we've ever had were commerative ones. 1 guinea = £1/1/0d (1 pound and 1 shilling - 21 shillings) Tuppence (2 pence) was never a coin but was the way to say 2 pence. It was used as a girl's name in an Agatha Christie novel. I think it's a cracking name for a girl. We should have a Tuppence here in SL. If I'd thought of it, I'd have called one of my bots Tuppence.
  16. 16 wrote: Hoshi Kenin wrote: ... shill ... ... investigate the newer virtual world and gaming websites out there ... ... I used to rent ... in SL. No more ... .. LL ... never understood ... Stop paying .. don't deserve a cent ... abysmal performance if I got a shilling for every otherworld shill on here then I probably end up being more English than the English You'd also be a lot older than you are. We stopped using shillings a very long time ago You can be Kenyan though. They use shillings there
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: The people chooser never showed who was online. If you start an im from the actual friends list, online status is there as always. right...i may have 'jumped the gun there.' But you haven't jumped the shark. Sorry. I like that expression and I just wanted to use it somewhere
  18. Czari Zenovka wrote: @OP Where did you go? He left the building. He posted early on that he won't partake any more but he's deleted the post for some reason. But to sort of answer one or more of your question... reheads are moran welcome to sit on my knee - female ones, that is And they can do it without the need of an audition too :smileytongue:
  19. Nuhai Ling wrote: Personally speaking, the ads bother me because I feel like it signals Linden Lab is cashing out Second Life more than usual. I'm not suggesting that you're feeling is misplaced but anyone who has a well-used website could be considered to be foolish not to take advantage of the free money that is available for affiliate ads - and there really is a lot of free money to be made. In the past, ads on websites were usually individually arranged; i.e. advertisers made private deals with the website owners. Then Google came up with AdWords (advertising on the Google search results pages), closely followed by AdSense (affiliate ads on other websites), and AdSense ads were all over the web, to the extent that all other major search engines copied Google's model because it was such a huge money-spinner and, up to then, no search engine had found a way to make money. Google became the biggest advertising agency in the world. For a long time, it's been extremely normal for websites to have affiliate ads on them, and it's never been an indication of the website falling on financially harder times. It's only indicative of website owners choosing to avail themselves of some free money. As I said, I'm not suggesting that your feeling is misplaced, but the ads on the SL website don't generate even a spark of the same feeling in me. They only generate a feeling of LL doing a very sensible thing.
  20. I'll only be away for a day though. Didn't I mention that? I wonder which day it will be. hmmm.
  21. I'm not quibbling - not in slightest. I'm merely stating a fact, that's all. Didn't I tell you that I'll be away in the spring? I'm so disappointed that i won't be here
  22. Ah, but the OP didn't complain about it, Trinity S/he stated what happened and asked for people's thoughts. That's all. Such posts as the OP's are usually complaints and moans - "they done me wrong" - that sort of stuff, but the OP's was different. I think that a lot of the responders didn't realise it and auto-assumed that it was just another complaint.
  23. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I don't begrudge LL advertising revenue on their web site, nor will I complain. However, they should allow SL merchants to take ads out for the same rates. They should have the opportunity too. Would merchants be willing to pay for them though? The current ads are from a broker, and not from each individual advertiser. The advertiser pays the broker a certain amount of money every time someone either clicks on the ad or buys/ registers/sells having clicked on the ad, and the broker pays LL some of it. LL doesn't know what the advertiser pays to the broker. They only know what they'll get paid per click or sale. The amount the advertiser pays is entirely up to the advertiser - and it's all in real money. 5 cents per click is a very low amount in these systems, but not uncommon. A merchant would have to sell 250L worth of items for for every 20 clickthroughs to break even. Would merchants be willing to pay that? But 5 cents a very low amount to pay. Some of those affiliate ads pay many US$ per click (I've seen it go up to between 10 and 20 USD per clickthrough), but most are low cost. On the other side, the siteowner (LL) gets to choose which ads to take and it's typical to chose ads that would have a wide appeal and that pay more than the lowest amount. The fact that an ad for selling gold is displayed so often, shows that LL has chosen higher paying ads and wouldn't be interested in ones as low as 5c per click. Would merchants be willing to pay a higher amount per clickthrough? Say 50 cents? What I'm getting at is that SL merchants on the whole would not be willing or able to pay what RL advertisers pay. I know that there have been odd ones in the past that have paid ridiculous monthly amounts for advertising in search, but they have been extremely rare, and they only did it because it was an RL business expense, and they expected to make a big loss in SL. So it wouldn't work for LL if merchants could occupy the advertising space that RL advertisers currently occupy.
  24. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Most people don't like ads.........myself included. I like ads - of the type that LL has on the site. I've made loads of money from them in the past - 6 figures real money. And I still make money on them now, but a lot less than before.
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