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Karma Avedon

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Blog Comments posted by Karma Avedon

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    Upon being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, The Who's Pete Towsend was asked about the rising populairty of rap music, a form of music he is less than fond of. "Just like rock music before it, it is not my job to understand rap music, it is my job to get the hell out of the way"

    I think it sort of applies here. As somone who is new to SL, but fairly old in RL, I kind of get amazed at the "good old days" attitude I constantly come acorss here in SL. I understand it indeed. Having falling in love with SL in  short time, I can only imagine the attachment it would have to a veteran member. That said, is think that anyone who has used the internet for more than a year or two would HAVE to realises that, to be viable, SL must change and adapt at lightening speed. Some changes will be good, some will be bad. and then those changes will be changed. Eventually those changes will be changed.

    Be it meshes, or viewers, I  get this feeling of people trying to  push back the wind. It can not be done. Just the view of a noob, but SL seems to be commtted to adding aspects to the environment, while not changing the environment. Meshes will be here, but no one will have to stop  using prims. Just like many famous authors still choose to  type on a typewriter. The LL VIewer will continue to evolve and become the stadard that LL  works around, but it still allows folks to use third party viewers.  Again, as a noob, I find it amazing that even allows third party viewers. It has to provide them with constant headaches, with no other benefit than to please older members.

    Now I will climb off my little LL soapbox and say that I agree 100 percent with the comments regarding  the fact that LL is not as connected to the world as it should be, and clearly once was. Even as a new member, I can scroll back through old articles and see that a growing divide between how LL thinks SL works a in -world and how it ACTUALLY works has grown do to  the simple fact that no one in charge seems to spend a lot of time in here.

    I may be totally wrong.

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