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Paula001 Goldschein

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Everything posted by Paula001 Goldschein

  1. i picked one question: to get into destination guide is easy. good luck!
  2. since your customer 'threatened' to report you, i picture the customer didn't adress you in a nice, polite way from the start? if that is the case screw refunds or a redelivery. if he would have been nice from the beginning, a refund or store credit would have been in order to keep sl fun for everyone. it wouldn't have been like you have lost anything. although, easy talk for me since i don't sell any full perm items. further i don't agree with llyra (exception!), personally i don't like the no refunds comment. to me it sounds like you cannot talk to the merchant about issues in general and it makes me feel unwelcome right away. you could update the marketplace listing as someone pointed out, adding that the scripts do not work by themselves. it may cost you a sale or some but i believe in honest listings, sometimes customers show you a point of view you haven't even thought about. always try to avoid to get in the same situation a second time. edited: as icade pointed out
  3. thanks for letting me know it is not an individual problem i have created a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4530 edited: also happens to my partners top selling list, starting at page 4 - might be more common, the ones that seem to have no problem may dig into the pages deeper
  4. abschreiben und weitermachen. ihr seid nicht die ersten und nicht die letzten die dort gebannt werden, SL macht auch ohne titanic spaß! grüße
  5. 4 pages with 9 online! i chat with maybe 6 people including my partner and alt ;p
  6. reply take 2 yes wow - i wish they would be more interesting items to watch lol! one link takes me to an active marketplace listing, an let's say out of style tattoo but still selling for money. the other item takes me to the marketplace homepage, it still had views and sales since i have checked the report last time a few days ago.
  7. hi lera, hm the price sorting works for me, prims and rating doesn't. i don't know about the other filters since i don't know which is best selling atm.
  8. hey merchants, in my top selling products report it shows a couple of items that aren't mine. they update too! is it a known bug or does it happen in your report list too?
  9. it will probably sort itself out, either they push the payments through or they refund the customers .. even if they already received the items. i don't think they will just keep the money, they never did.. that i know of anyway.. sc.ew the sales from yesterday, i am thankful for sl to be even still online and working as good or bad as it does! the day it all comes to an end, that is the day i will cry, but not before.. so now, time to move on, we have work to do! (sorry josh i replied to your post randomly, since it was the last one)
  10. aw sorry, it must have been new orders already. marketplace seems working again! \O/
  11. money is slowly coming through now here
  12. Hallo Clarissa, ich hätte kein Problem dir ein prim kostenlos abzugeben, ich hüte meine eigenen wie ein Luchs und hab auch ein paar von Bekannten seit .. Monaten, wennicht sogar schon Jahre lol.. wären also sicher.. IM mir einfach bei Interesse, Grüße!
  13. Bin mir zwar nicht ganz sicher, was genau du jetzt meinst.. aber am besten immer ne Kopie ziehen bevor man anfängt an der shape rumzubasteln Oder die shape nochmal kaufen.. Verschiedene skins bringen dir die Proportionen von der veränderten shape nicht zurück.
  14. Hi Mira I am kinda responsible for the pillow pile one .. house is a keyword in the listing .. like cuz it's an indoor piece of furniture. Also the other top results you have mentioned make perfect sense to me .. the shoes, well it's the merchants name or store name - the kitty outfits are probably aiming towards house music with the 'house' in keywords I didn't look in the hat search.. Edited: kinda like your *home* keyword in your Lap dance sofa
  15. I would like to know why LL has such a fascination on promoting Vampires. Anyone outside SL on all the LL paid promotions on external website banners would think SL is a site dedicated for Vampires! It's horrible! Why are they so hung up on that (still) ?? The ads are such low quality too (IMO)..
  16. Totally edited lol: I vote *pro* PIOF for merchants in general, mesh or no mesh!
  17. You totally had my sympathy... up to the point where you called it a video game ;p
  18. Wasn't that a 'feature to come' from the beginning?
  19. Painful, with that kind of bill I would consider the linden ticket redelivery if the seller doesn't redeliver due to no copy permission.
  20. what kinda news? I didn't get that part! Inna news inya own magazine? That's cool! Inna news like for SL? So not cool ... I always wonder why they show the so-so avis or vamps with the free palms or whatever in the background to represent SL!!
  21. Hallo Christiane Ich glaub es wird ziemlich schwer werden jemanden zu finden der dir die Sculpts, und Texturen für nichts anfertigt und dir diese full perm überlässt. Für solche Talente sind das primgebilde das du bisher gemacht hast .. eine leichte Übung, vielleicht ne gute stunde Arbeit. Da würde es sich anbieten das ganze selbst zu verkaufen. Möchte dir nicht die Illusionen rauben, dich aber vielleicht auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückholen. Aber wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es wirklich jemand da draußen der einfach nur für ein Projekt oder eine Zusammenarbeit ein wenig Zeit investieren möchte. Ich wünsche es dir natürlich! Grüße!
  22. Hallo Florenti Ich kann mich dunkel erinnern... in der email die du als Bestätigung für den Eingang für deinen abuse report bekommst steht direkt drin dass sie dich NICHT informieren werden wie sie das ganze ausgeht. Grüße (kannst uns ja mal schreiben ob das noch drinsteht falls du sie noch nicht gelöscht hast)
  23. OH fusspots are charming! Bare in mind we don't know if the creator has not responded to the review or a personal note yet. I don't know ... I have made mistakes in my listings before c/p the description from a similar item and JUST forgot to take out or replace that dang line! A few days later you go oh maaan, shoooot, not again! I do understand your 'info for other buyers' point, but .. well I don't agree .. IMO a negative review may be left after a week and after trying to reach the merchant at least in 2 different ways (IM, nc). At least that is how I would handle it as a customer, but as you know from the other thread ;p .. hardly have problems as a buyer lol
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