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BlueSean Yiyuan

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Posts posted by BlueSean Yiyuan

  1. Thank for your answer Rolig, it's appear it is the problem.But, I use the direct delivery merchant outbox since its launch, ( and try a lot of time to make purchase with alts, to be sure everything is right), Just an another mystake ..but fixed. Thank you again

  2. Hello, one of my customer purchased an item on my markeplace store, and when it was delivered, he received 44 items in the received folder ,all mine of course  . My associate purchase one too and same thing happen . So I have unlisted  all my items from marketplace and send a support ticket to LL and I'm waiting for an answer .I would like to know if someone got the same issue ?

    Thank you  in advance.

  3. Bonjour chris1002

    Votre maison ainsi que tous les objets qu'elle devait contenir ont probablement du être renvoyés par votre propriétaire.Lorsque une personne vous renvoit vos objets, ils se retrouvent dans le dossier "Lost and Found" de votre inventaire,sous forme"coalesced item" 'un amalgame de cubes.

    Cherchez dans le dossier "lost and found" de votre inventaire, un objet qui a une icone formée par plusieurs cubes,

    Allez sur une sandbox, ou tout autre terrain assez vaste pour pouvoir rezzer l'objet.

    Et vous devriez retrouver tous vos objets.il ne vous restera plus qu'à les récupérer un a un .

    Voici une video ( en anglais , ) mais qui vous donnera un appercu de la démarche

    Il arrive parfois que des objets se perdent définitivement lorsque ils sont renvoyés.

  4. Hello , I have a problem when I want to start a chat discussion in one of my group . The folllow message appear : "Unable to start a new chat session with (name of the group) .You don't have the ability. "

    It's a public and commercial group, and after contact the owner group, we don't understand why I cannot start,join, or follow a group discussion. I'm using viewer 3.2.4

    I have tried to clear cache, uninstall  , restart box ...nothing. Try it on Firestorm viewer same thing.

    This is happening only for this group , and when i'm tryng to go to  the  edit  page  group , my sceen freeze. and the viewer crash


    Any clue ?  Thank you  in advance for answer 


    @Peggy Paperdoll : Thank for your answer, but we have verified this .As I said, it's a public and commercial  Q &A  group and I have the same role than the others custummers.. and  I cannot participate ( read chat ,or write something),The chat window looks like frozen.) I guess I cannot quote here the name of the group , because it's a popular breedable pets group,and it's the  reason I suppose it' is a technical issue .And I doubt t an owner group  ability cause  a viewer crash....

  5. Hi,and thank you for your attention.

    I have a little trouble with chat local text. I can see fine all thing that other people writing in,but never my own text. Others see that I write without problem.

    I have tested with an alt , and chat text working fine .

    I have cleared my cache file,reboot pc, ( same problem with an another pc),restart my box,  nothing,try several TPV ,(phoenix,1.23,emergence,snowglobe)same problem. I 'm used with 2.00 viewers.

    I'm lost because it's a little bit hard to follow a local chat. Please hel me !!! Thank you in advance.

  6. Hi evrybody,

    I have a little problem with the selection beam on viewer 2, I have never see it.. I used viewer 2 since the 1rst beta version.

    Into build option tab, I have check "show selection beam" and verify in debug setting menu.


    graphic tab:

    quality and speed:mid

    max particles count:2048

    Important :people around me do not  see my selection beam too.Any idea ???? Thanks in advance for help

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