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Kimber Carter

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Everything posted by Kimber Carter

  1. I have the surface pro and it runs SL very smoothly ....I love it. It handles the graphics very well.
  2. I have the surface pro and it runs SL very smoothly ....I love it
  3. I have a surface pro and Second Life runs very well on it. .... smooth.... i'm very happy with the performance. There are 2 issues though. !) There was a microsoft update to the table that caused it to crash when starting the program. I restored the surface pro to factory default and turned off the updates until they fix this. 2) You cannot have text set to 150% because when you perform. ctrl - alt - left mouse button, to focus the camera on an object the whole video screeen spins rapidly. So set your text to 100% & don't take the bad updàte and you have a nice tablet/pc that runs second life smoothly Spite the issues, I love the surface pro and quite pleased that it runs SL nicely.
  4. I FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THE MEDIA PLUGIN ERROR: I changed "User Account Control Settings" in Windows 7 to "Never Notify" about changes made to my computer. After I changed this setting to Never Notify, I could then enter into viewer 2 witthout getting the media plugin webkit error. I could open and use search perfectly and view profiles There is a JIRA on this and a lot of people trying to figure out why they are getting this error message, so something to seriously look into. The way I found it was when i was in the phoenix viewer, the user account control would pop up and ask me if this program had permission every time i opened search or a profile.... so annoyed with that, I turned the user account control settings down,.. this didn't help so i turned them off. ... and... ummmm that fixed it and also v2 media pluging webit error message never appeared again )) .. Hope this helps..... Kimber Carter.
  5. I FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THE MEDIA PLUGIN ERROR: I changed "User Account Control Settings" in Windows 7 to "Never Notify" about changes made to my computer. After I changed this setting to Never Notify, I could then enter into viewer 2 witthout getting the media plugin webkit error. I could open and use search perfectly and view profiles There is a JIRA on this and a lot of people trying to figure out why they are getting this error message, so something to seriously look into. The way I found it was when i was in the phoenix viewer, the user account control would pop up and ask me if this program had permission every time i opened search or a profile.... so annoyed with that, I turned the user account control settings down,.. this didn't help so i turned them off. ... and... ummmm that fixed it and also v2 media pluging webit error message never appeared again )) .. Hope this helps..... Kimber Carter.
  6. I FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THE MEDIA PLUGIN ERROR: I changed "User Account Control Settings" in Windows 7 to "Never Notify" about changes made to my computer. After I changed this setting to Never Notify, I could then enter into viewer 2 witthout getting the media plugin webkit error. I could open and use search perfectly and view profiles There is a JIRA on this and a lot of people trying to figure out why they are getting this error message, so something to seriously look into. The way I found it was when i was in the phoenix viewer, the user account control would pop up and ask me if this program had permission every time i opened search or a profile.... so annoyed with that, I turned the user account control settings down,.. this didn't help so i turned them off. ... and... ummmm that fixed it and also v2 media pluging webit error message never appeared again )) ... hope this helps others.... Kimber Carter
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