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Darren Islar

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  1. okay, then it might have to do with the no-mod/no-trans script of the door, somehow making the whole build no-mod/no-trans with a certain action ... thanks Irritating though when you try to build and sell or share things ... only needed to replace the door to share it, now I can't do anythign with it ...
  2. okay, then it might have to do with the no-mod/no-trans script of the door, somehow making the whole build no-mod/no-trans with a certain action ... thanks Irritating though when you try to build and sell or share things ... only needed to replace the door to share it, now I can't do anythign with it ...
  3. I take it the persmissions are on the server-side, so will try to ask my question here I build a house from scratch, have linked, changed it over time, no problems, until ... it tells me it's a no-mod item, meaning I can't change my own creation. I do have copies but I have made changes afterwards. Is there a way to get full-permission again. In the linked items, there is a door-script, that in itself is no-mod, an no-trans, but for modifications on my house I never had any problems, until now. I hope somebody will have a solution for me, thanks ... Darren Islar
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