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Cococo Magic

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Everything posted by Cococo Magic

  1. Desde hace dias mi avatar se veia como una nube, luego de tanto buscar en este foro encontre una solucion que está descrita en el siguiente enlace: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Espa%C3%B1ol/Mi-avatar-queda-en-nube-lleva-as%C3%AD-varios-dias-y-no-se-que/qaq-p/857773 Pero ahora mi avatar está como hace años, como el que nos dan cuando somos nuevos y no logro ver mi inventario para poner mi avatar como lo tenía Ayudenme por favor
  2. Dear Sirs of Linden Labs After resolving the Case # 01768518, I can now go into the Control Panel my account (thanks) But I can not enter In World ... I get the following message: "Error on login At this time we can not complete the request. For assistance, contact the support department of Second Life through http://secondlife.com/support page If you can not change the password, call the number (866) 476-9763 " You would be so kind to help me solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance
  3. Dear Sirs of Linden Labs After resolving the Case # 01768518, I can now go into the Control Panel my account (thanks) But I can not enter In World ... I get the following message: "Error on login At this time we can not complete the request. For assistance, contact the support department of Second Life through http://secondlife.com/support page If you can not change the password, call the number (866) 476-9763 " You would be so kind to help me solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance
  4. Hello, I have a Linden Home. I know how to do to access my partner. No how. If possible explanation in Spanish, they are grateful Thank you for your attention Cococo Magic
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